
Sunday 24 January 2021

Star Trek Discovery — Series 3 Episode 12 — There Is a Tide — A Review

23rd January, 2021.

Right … It’s got to be said: I have HAD dinner.

Home made chicken stew, if you’re curious.

Complete with chicken, chicken stock, carrots, mushrooms, onions, peppers … and an otherwise perfectly innocent parsnip that didn’t deserve to be chopped up and put in a pot!

Personally … ?

I think it went down well.

Although, frankly?   I think starting it earlier — and letting the thing take longer to reduce —could’ve helped thicken it.

We live and learn.

At any rate … ?

That’s possibly a discussion for another day.

Tonight … ?

I’m doing my usual thing of getting an early night, with a good read.

After telling you a couple of things.


I got a Tweet from DJ, Annie Nightingale: I was glued to her Sunday night show back in the 1980s.

She’s the DJ that introduced me to an utter belter!

The fact I’ve also seen another episode of Star Trek Discovery’s third series?

Is almost incidental!


Episode 12 — There Is a Tide — opens with the now traditional summary of previous episodes.

Then shifts: telling us that Osyraa (Janet Kidder) and a group of her Emerald Chain thugs have hijacked the USS Discovery: and invaded Starfleet HQ.

It shows us Admiral Vance (Oded Fehr) and his ADC, Lieutenant Willa (Vanessa Jackson) desperately deciding to let the Discovery in: knowing that Osyraa is up to something, but wanting to draw her into making a mistake.

It also shows us Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Cleveland ‘Book’ Booker (David Ajala) have managed to sneak on board: in a desperate attempt to free the crew from Osyraa’s thugs.

And, once the smoke clears?

Get Stamets off Discovery: so Osyraa has no way of piloting the Discovery … !


Now … 

What did I think of There Is a Tide … ?

I thoroughly enjoyed it!

I’ve noticed that Star Trek Discovery does like it’s touchy-feely episodes: it’s more dialogue focused ones.

That’s no bad thing.

But?   Old school fan that I am, sometime?

I tend to like the more action driven episodes.

And, in this series series?   People of Earth, and The Sanctuary, jumped out as me as action driven pieces: ably directed by Jonathan Frakes.

I couldn’t help but notice the Great Bear of The Galaxy’s directed this episode: and think that’s had an effect.

It’s had someone who really does know the Star Trek universe very well, and knows how to put an episode together, at the helm.

Yes: there an imperfect moment or two.

At one point, Commander Burnham get’s stabbed in the leg.   She removes the knife, and using a piece of Starfleet issued kit to repair it.

I’m not sure it that’s an advisable thing to do: from the little I’ve understood, we’re supposed to leave a knife where it is as, counterintuitively, leaving it is supposed to help keep the bleeding to a minimum.   (It’s a bit like leaving the helmet on, if we come across a crashed motorcyclist.   Leaving the helmet on is supposed to keep the head steady, and reduce further damage to the neck.)

But that’s minor.

And, countering that?   There’s at least one set of up moments, as well.

Yes: I’m not usually ones for dialogue heavy scenes … but the ones between Admiral Vance, and Osyraa, were both nicely written, and performed.

Yes: I’m contradictory.

But these were well done: and gave both Fehr and Kidder a chance to show off their chops, with authority roles.


There Is a Tide is a great little episode: and one that leaves me looking forward to episode 13.

Frankly?   I’ll be watching that, next week: and looking forward to it.

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