
Monday 25 January 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th January, 2021.

25th January, 2021.

Right … it’s officially Monday: and I’m expecting it to be quiet.

I have to admit, though: that I caught another episode of Star Trek Discovery, on Saturday.

And thoroughly enjoyed it.

You have to love an episode directed by Jonathan Frakes.


I’m out of work, at the moment: and, like others on Universal Credit.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll be aware that I — and everyone else on the benefit — are receiving an extra twenty pounds a week, as a result of the COVID pandemic.   About €22, or US$27.

It’s due to end in late March.

And — from what I’ve seen on the news? — many of us receiving it would rather the extra money was made a permanent addition to UC.

It’s quite literally a life line.

There’s been talk of replacing the £20 with a £500*, one off, payment.

Something that would be nice … but less preferable than the weekly payment.

There’s now — according to the Metro, and others — talk of a £1000* one off payment.

I’d … 

I’d like to have a grand: I would.

But think it’s much like the discussed £500 payment.

Not as useful as useful as the £20 a week extra.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†, Nina‡, Olga^, Edithª, Mumº and Debbi¹ putting in their answers: with Trevor, Nina, Olga, Mum and Debbie scoring five out of five, and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The African city of Luanda was founded: on 25th January, 1575.   It’s the capital of which African nation?

Q2)        The film, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, debuted on 25th January, 1961.   Which studio produced it?

Q3)        Ten years later? Ten years later, Idi Amin led a successful coup: on 25th January, 1971.   It led to his successfully taking control of where: Somalia, Uganda or Ghana?

Q4)        Billy Bailey was the last criminal hanged in the USA: on 25th January, 1996.   His execution was in which US state?

Q5)        Finally … ?   25th January is Burns Night: celebrating Scotland’s best known poet.   What pudding is traditionally eaten on Burns Night?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th January, 1949, saw the birth of actor and comedian, John Belushi.   He came to prominence in the US, in which TV sketch show?
A1)        Saturday Night Live.

Q2)        Belushi — and his younger brother, James — were born in which US city?
A2)        Chicago.

Q3)        John played Joliet Jake Blues: in which film?
A3)        The Blues Brothers.   (He and Dan Ackroyd founded the band as a serious part of Saturday Night Live.)

Q4)        Belushi played John ‘Bluto’ Blutarsky in National Lampoon’s what?
A4)        National Lampoon’s Animal House.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Belushi played Capt. Wild Bill Kelso: in which Steven Spielberg film?
A5)        1941.
Here’s a thought … 
“The best laid schemes o’ mice and men
Gang aft a-gley;”
Robert Burns, 25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796.
And, given it’s Burns night … a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I pay most of my bills in my local Post Office.   Both of the one off payments would be gone in the space of ten minutes.   The £500 payment would cover a month’s rent: and a utilities bill of some sort.   The £1000 would cover two months rent: and two utilities bill.   Like I say, ten minutes … 

†        It wasn’t warm, yesterday, Trevor, I know that!   At least we have sunshine, today!

‡        Did I ever mention the Twenty-Seven Club, Nina?   It’s the list of the assorted star who dies at that age.   Belushi wasn’t a member: but Joplin, Hendrix and Morrison were.   And Brian Jones.   Oh, and Anton Yelchin.   It’s mildly depressing, certainly.   Oh, Robert Johnson’s another one: and one that generated a lot of urban myth, as I recall.   (Johnson did the original Sweet Home Chicago: if that doesn’t scare you …)

^        Troll Bridge, you mean, Olga … ?   It’s a superb piece of work!
It’s nice to here Catalonia’s doing the right thing, on the election front.   Ours are due in May.   There’s talk of banning leafleting: which I don’t mind, I’d rather have legitimate junk mail.   But there’s also talk of possibly postponing them.   I’m betting Boris Johnson would be grateful if they were.   The Scottish Nationalists are talking about a second independence referendum, if they get a big win in the Scottish elections.   And, given how Scotland voted in the Brexit Referendum?   I can’t blame them.

ª        Is it me, Edith, or has Meghan Trainor lost weight!?

º        Hello, Mum!

¹        Oh, I get you Debbi!   Oh, are you on Quora?   It’s rather fun …


  1. A1 Angola
    A2 Walt Disney Productions now know as Disney.
    A3 Uganda
    A4 Delaware
    A5 Haggis

    It might be sunny now but it was below freezing at 08.00 when I went for my paper. Dangerous black ice on the side-walk of Hanging Hill Lane. My walking stick nearly slid away from me a couple of times.

  2. Q1) Angola
    Q2) Walt Disney Productions
    Q3) Uganda
    Q4) Delaware
    Q5) Cranachan
    The Spanish Health Minister, Salvador Illa, happens to be from Catalonia, and he'll be the candidate for the socialist party here (that means that he'll leave the ministry from tomorrow, I think), so there's been plenty of criticism for that move, and also many see it as a way of trying to bank on his popularity at the moment (not that the health situation and the crisis is going well or has been handled fabulously, but I guess he's had more TV time than anybody else, so at least people know who he is).
    I hope the money situation is solved satisfactorily (and yes, I also think a weekly sum works better).

  3. 1 Angola
    2 Disney
    3 Uganda
    4 Delaware
    5 Haggis

  4. I think I'm on there, but I don't really hang out there.

    1. Angola
    2. Walt Disney Productions
    3. Uganda
    4. Delaware
    5. haggis

    Sheep gut pudding. Yum! :)

  5. 1. Batswana
    2. Walt Disney
    3. Uganda
    4. Alabama
    5. tipsy trifle

    She looks beautiful in both videos.


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*   I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.

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