
Thursday 11 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11th February, 2021.

11th February, 2021.

Yes: it’s officially official: it’s still cold out.

So, when I go out for a walk, later?

Frankly, I’ll be wearing a jumper.


I’ve some news.

I didn’t get the job that the Shaw Trust put me up for.

The references didn’t come back in time.

I’m … annoyed, to say the least.

Partly because of the references situations: I left updating contact details a little late.

On the other hand?

One reference was successfully contacted: their email and phone number were accurate.

I know I had to update the phone number of another reference: but that their email address was valid.

With the third, I had to update the email: but that their phone number was valid.

I’ll own that: I needed to — and did — update details: resending them, as needed.

One was successfully contacted.

The one with the valid email, but the wrong number?   May have been phoned … but certainly wasn’t emailed.

Why Shaw didn’t say so sooner?   Why the employer was in a really desperate rush*?   I don’t know.

But, as a result?   I’m still jobless.

And am not happy.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†, Olga‡, Mum^, Edithª and Debbiº putting in their answers: with Trevor, and Olga scoring five out of five, Debbi on four, Edith on three and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        11th February is European 112 Day.   112 is the Europe wide phone number that lets you contact what: directory enquiries, emergency services or the post office?

Q2)        University College London was founded: on 11th February, 1826.   Who’s the University’s current Chancellor?

Q3)        11th February, 1999, saw what cross the orbit of Nepture: Pluto, Halley’s Comet or 3 Juno?

Q4)        11th February, 1924, saw the birth of American sportsman, Budge Patty.   What did he play: baseball, tennis or snooker?

Q5)        Finally?   Mrs Plunket Greene was born on 11th February, 1930.   Or on 11th February, 1934.   She’s better known as which English fashion designer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The pianist for the Original New Orleans Jazz Band was born: on 10th February, 1893.   Who was that pianist: Fats Domino, Jimmy Durante or Tom Lehrer?
A1)        The Schnozzola, himself: Jimmy Durante.   (Mum has an old history of Jazz: complete with a picture of the band, including Jimmy.)

Q2)        Laura Dern was born: on 10th February, 1967.   In which 1986 film does she play Diana Adams?
A2)        Mask.

Q3)        10th February, 1898, saw the birth of playwright, Bertolt Brecht.   His The Threepenny Opera had its UK debut in which year of the 1950s?
A3)        1956.   (I knew one woman at college who was a fan of Lotte Lenya: who performed the original version of Mack the Knife.   The song’s lyrics were penned by Brecht.)

Q4)        New Delhi was named as capitol: on 10th February, 1931.   Capital of where?
A4)        India.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The 25th Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted on 10th February, 1967.   According to that amendment, who becomes President, if the current holder dies in office?
A5)        The vice president.
Here’s a thought … 
‘I was very disappointed to lose because I think I was by far the better player throughout the whole match.’
Snooker player, Neil Robertson, born 11 February 1982.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The deadline was 10pm, on a Saturday, when many Human Resources departments are shut.   (Of my three references?   Two are people: former managers, and formidably experienced ones, at that.   The third is a small recruitment company.   Getting through to them over the weekend is difficult.)

†        Ye gods, that sounds complicated, Trevor!   (Mum would probably agree with you about getting them for free, though!)

‡        Personally?   I think they should, Olga.   The rush seems … well, desperate seems to be the only word I can use.   Unseemly’s possibly a bit too formal!   Either way, I’ve got my references updated.   At this rate, thought, it’ll be another three years before I need to use them, again!
Hmmm … how are you with Pool, Olga?   The table’s smaller … 

^        Hello, Mum!   (Tom Lehrer, Mum?   It was Jimmy Durante!   Remember that jazz Teaser set I did for the Gazette?   I had to borrow you book about Jazz history: it’s got the picture of the Original New Orleans Jazz Band, complete with Durante on the piano!)

ª        Italian?!   Shows you how much I know, Edith!   😂   It’s a good little tune, though!   Glad I could help with the Joker clip, as well.   I just hope my explanation of it was useful.   One of his big speeches in the film, — he’s explaining about his father was a violent drinker — has been turned into an animated version on YouTube.   It’s something to watch!

º        I’ll keep my fingers crossed, Debbi!   The BBC thinks he’ll be acquitted, though.   Saying that … ?   This might grab you … 


  1. The correct date of birth in question 5 is 1934.

  2. For Mrs Plunket Green, you mean, Trevor?

    I’ve checked both her Wikipedia and Britannica entries: and think I’m going to let the 1930 date, stand.

    The Wikipedia entry has shows us links to a V and A exhibition that gives her date of birth as ’30, and to her birth certificate entry on the GRO.

    The Britannica entry lists it as 1934: but with a question mark showing us they’re unsure.

    I will be raising this on the talk pages, though: cheers for highlighting it.

  3. Q1) Emergency services
    Q2) Anne, Princess Royal
    Q3) Pluto
    Q4) Tennis
    Q5) Mary Quant (Don’t we know for certain her date of birth?)
    I'm afraid, when it comes to the pool, size of the table does not matter, at least for me. Useless anyway.
    I hope it's not three years, but I know what you mean. When you start the process you keep updating and quite enthusiastic, but eventually, it's difficult to keep it up.
    I realised a while back that I'd had problems if they wanted to track my early references in psychiatry. One of the consultants I worked for died quite a while ago, and even the Trust I worked for has merged with two others since, so who knows where any records might be?
    I know that a blogger I follow, who used to work in Washington, in government admin. says that in most cases big organisations have already decided on the candidate they prefer, and the whole selection process is only for cosmetic purposes (not that they would ever admit to it, but she got quite a few hints).

  4. 1.Emergencies
    2. Geen
    4. snooker
    5. Quant

    Thank you for sharing the Joker's speech. Wow! That is really powerful.

  5. A1 emergency services
    A2 The Princess Royal or Princess Anne to most of us.
    A3 Pluto
    A4 tennis
    A5 Mary Quant

    I remember my mother-in-law changing her date of birth on job applications back in the 1970’s. It was when they had moved to Basingstoke and she was looking for a local job. Anita and I would always ask her mother her age when we went to visit.

    This was before Age discrimination laws came into force.

  6. 1 Directory Enquiries
    2 The Princess Royal
    3 Halleys Comet
    4 Baseball
    5 Mary Quant

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your job situation. That's a bummer, as the saying goes.

    1. emergency services
    2. Princess Anne of Edinburgh
    3. Pluto
    4. tennis
    5. Mary Quant


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