
Wednesday 17 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th February, 2021.

17th February, 2021.

It’s officially the case … that it’s Wednesday.


That means a quiet day: bar getting a lift to a local food bank.

Fresh fruit, and maybe some cocoa, would be nice!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Trevor†, Olga‡, Edith^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbio scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        17th February, 1942, saw the birth of Huey P. Newton.   Newton was one of the founders of which black American activist group?

Q2)        17th February, 1978, saw the birth of actor, Rory Kinnear.   In which BBC comedy series does he play Michael Baker?

Q3)        17th February, 1934, saw the birth of actor and comedian, Barry Humphries.   He — and alter ego, Dame Edna Everage — are from which English Speaking country?

Q4)        17th February, 1933, saw the first publication of Newsweek magazine.   The magazine is still published: and headquartered in which US city: Washing DC, New York or Seattle?

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th February is the feast day of Saint Constabilis.   He’s the patron of whom: soldiers, sailors or spies?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th February, 2021, is Mardi Gras.   In other words, it’s what Tuesday?
A1)        Fat Tuesday.

Q2)        Famously, there’s a Mardi Gras parade in which jazzy US city … ?
A2)        New Orleans.

Q3)        Mardi Gras is also celebrated in Mobile.   Mobile … where: Alabama, California or Florida?
A3)        Alabama.

Q4)        The UK name for Mardi Gras is Shrove Tuesday.   It’s the last day of what: Lent, Shrovetide or Easter?
A4)        Shrovetide.

Q5)        Finally … ?   In the UK, what do we traditionally eat on Shrove Tuesday: haggis, pancakes or chocolate cake?
A5)        Pancakes.
Here’s a thought … 

“Can I still dunk... Are you stupid?”
 Michael Jordan, born February 17, 1963.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hello, Mumº!

†        Hmmm … Sophie’s Cosmic Café … ?   Sounds like it’s got a good reputation, Trevorº.   I’ll have to try a spot of maple syrup with a bacon sandwich, at some point!

‡        You’re right, Olgaº, Covid-19 does like hanging around!   Apparently?   There’s now a Nigerian version!   Africa 2 — China 1!   So to speak.   At any rate?   I hope the new student’s isolation goes past, quickly: it’s must be frustrating for you!
The phone call went well enough: it turns out my agent now has a trainee … !

^        My pleasure, Edithº!   Did you know Big Mama’s version was the original?   Everyone knows the Elvis version but don’t know it’s a cover!
Ohhh … !   I haven’t done the Twist in years!   Last time I did, it was to Divine’s cover.   You can’t beat Sam Cooke’s version, though!

ª        I have to admit, Debbiº, I’ve not had pancakes for years: I ran out of eggs, and don’t have lemon juice!   Maybe one day!
I do know I did another pot of spaghetti sauce, last night.   Just don’t tell Rick I put a bell pepper in in, I think he’d be scandalised!

º        I just had an Amazon scam call: at 8·25 in the morning!   I’ll give them credit for persistence, but … at 8·25?    Dear Lord!


  1. A1 Black Panther Party
    A2 Count Arthur Strong
    A3 Australia
    A4 New York City
    A5 sailors

    If you are going to use Maple syrup you will need real Canadian Bacon cooked until it is crisp. I looked at the online Menu and old favourites are still there.

    Sophie's was one street up and about 3 blocks along from Patsy’s apartment. So was a near by place.

    The area Kitsilano was the Hippy quarter of Vancouver and the birth place of the Green Peace organisation.

  2. Q1) Black Panther Party
    Q2) Count Arthur Strong
    Q3) Australia
    Q4) New York
    Q5) Sailors
    I'm pleased the call went well. I haven't heard from the girl's mother yet, although I imagine that until she knows anything new there's not much to say. Your mention of the trainee reminded me of a movie where Robert De Niro decides to become a trainee after retiring from his regular job, and, of course, he is much better at it than anybody else there. I always wonder when I check LinkedIn and see that most of the jobs are entry-level... Would they accept somebody of a certain age? Although, of course, as one of my friends told me, expected salaries are quite different.

  3. 1 Black Panthers
    2 Count Arthur Strong
    3 Australia
    4 Washington DC
    5 Sailors
    5 sAILOR

  4. Oh, he probably wouldn't mind. :)

    1. the Black Panthers
    2. Count Arthur Strong
    3. Australia
    4. New York
    5. sailors

  5. 1 Black lives matter
    2.Are You being served
    3. Australia
    4. Seattle
    5. Spies

    Yes. I did know that she sang it first. She was great.
    I think Sam Cooke was wonderfully talented. I have never heard Devine's version.


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