
Tuesday 16 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-2-2021: Mardi Gras

16th February, 2021

Yes!   It’s officially a warm day, today: reaching of 11°C.

According to the BBC’s site, anyway.

It’s so warm … ?

It’s so warm that:
  • The bin men have been able to empty the bins.
  • And there’s snow in Texas.
I’m blaming global warming!


As another thought?

I’m gently rushing, as I’ve a phone meeting with the Shaw Trust: the people behind the Work And Health Programme I’m on.

Quite weather they’ll have anything for me, after References situation, last weekend?

I don’t know.

We’ll have to see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Debbi, Trevor and Mum scoring five out of five, and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        16th February, 2021, is Mardi Gras.   In other words, it’s what Tuesday?

Q2)        Famously, there’s a Mardi Gras parade in which jazzy US city … ?

Q3)        Mardi Gras is also celebrated in Mobile.   Mobile … where: Alabama, California or Florida?

Q4)        The UK name for Mardi Gras is Shrove Tuesday.   It’s the last day of what: Lent, Shrovetide or Easter?

Q5)        Finally … ?   In the UK, what do we traditionally eat on shrove Tuesday: haggis, pancakes or chocolate cake?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        It’s Statehood Day in Serbia: marking the First Serbian Uprising, in 1804.   The Uprising was the Empire that was then occupying Serbia. Which Empire?
A1)        The Ottoman Empire.

Q2)        For most of the 20th Century, Serbia was part of which ‘Y’?
A2)        Yugoslavia.

Q3)        Which ‘B,’ is Serbia’s capital city?
A3)        Belgrade.

Q4)        Serbia’s a what: monarchy, republic or theocracy?
A4)        A republic.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Serbia’s official language is Serbian.   Serbian is written in which lettering system: Cyrillic, Arabic or Hangul?
A5)        Cyrillic. (It’s the ‘official’ script according to Serbia’s constitution: although Wikipedia tells us many Serbs prefer the Latin script. Wikipedia also tells us most Serbs use both scripts.)
Here’s a thought … 
‘Mardi Gras is the love of life. It is the harmonic convergence of our food, our music, our creativity, our eccentricity, our neighborhoods, and our joy of living.   All at once.’
Chris Rose.
And a clue

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I have to admin, The Left Hand of Darkness is quite a read, Trevor: I’ve also got The Lathe of Heaven on my To Be Read List!

†        I know I’m looking forward to it, Olga.   Once the job situation improves!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        I should hope that’s a figurative phrase, Debbi!   Licking Donald Trump is not a pleasant thought!

ª        Glad the day went well, Edith.   And a classic rock and roll tune’s a good thing!   I still prefer the original version of Hound Dog, though: Big Mama Thornton knew what she was doing!


  1. 1 Fat Tuesday
    2 New Orleans
    3 Alabama
    4 Lent
    5 Pancakes

  2. A1 Fat
    A2 New Orleans
    A3 Alabama
    A4 Shrovetide
    A5 pancakes

    Canadian regularly eat pancakes under their bacon and eggs. I once had a Lumberjacks breakfast in a quirky dinner in Vancouver. I almost did not finish it but the girls were egging me on and I eventually finished it. And yes Maple syrup is poured over the bacon and pancakes.

  3. Q1) Fat Tuesday
    Q2) New Orleans
    Q3) Alabama
    Q4) Shrovetide
    Q5) Pancakes
    Good luck with the phone call. I was supposed to start a new class today, but the mother of the girl sent me a message. The girl's class has to stay home as somebody has tested positive in her class. So, we'll have to make new arrangements. Perhaps next week, fingers crossed. COVID-19 is the gift that keeps on giving (and taking away) for sure. You can't make plans from one second to the next (I must say that this has happened to all the children I've given classes to so far, although none of them have tested positive so far). Fingers crossed.

  4. 1.Tuesday
    2.New Orleans
    4. Shrovetide

    That really is a wonderful rendition of Hounddog. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Well, when you put it that way ... ewww!!! :)

    1. Fat
    2. New Orleans
    3. Alabama
    4. Shrovetide
    5. pancakes

    I've eaten pancakes on Shrove Tuesday ever since I learned it was a tradition. And because it gives me an excuse to eat pancakes. :)


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