
Monday 15 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-2-2021: Serbia

15th February, 2021.


I feel knackered … 

But there you go: that’s happens when you’re up all night, blogging — and vlogging — about a TV show you like.

I’m not getting any younger!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª and putting in their answers: with Olga, Debbi, and Trevor scoring ten out of ten, Mum on eight and Edith on six.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        It’s Statehood Day in Serbia: marking the First Serbian Uprising, in 1804.   The Uprising was against the Empire that was then occupying Serbia.   Which Empire?

Q2)        For most of the 20th Century, Serbia was part of which ‘Y’?

Q3)        Which ‘B,’ is Serbia’s capital city?

Q4)        Serbia’s a what: monarchy, republic or theocracy?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Serbia’s official language is Serbian.   Serbian is written in which lettering system: Cyrillic, Arabic or Hangul?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Today is Valentine’s Day.   It’s also the day Oregon joined the USA.   In which year of the 1850s?
A1)        1859.

Q2)        Oregon’s known as the what state: Badger State, Beaver State or Bear State?
A2)        Beaver State. (Under various UN conventions? I’m oblige to point you at this clip … )

Q3)        Salem — Oregon’s capital — shares its name with Salem, New England: the town that saw the famous Witch trials.   That latter Salem is in which US state?
A3)        Massachusetts.

Q4)        Salem, Oregon, is the state’s capital.   What’s Oregon’s largest city by area: Portland, Salem or Eugene?
A4)        Portland.

Q5)        Oregon native, Matt Groening, comes from Portland.   A heavily disguised version of his hometown is the setting for which of his TV shows?
A5)        The Simpsons.

Q6)        Oregon is in which region of the US: New England, the Pacific Northwest or the Deep South?
A6)        The Pacific Northwest.

Q7)        The Black Hills, the Cascades and the Whiskey Hills are all Oregonian what: lakes, plains or mountain ranges?
A7)        Mountain ranges.

Q8)        The world’s largest living organism lives in the Malheur National Forest, in Oregon.   It’s a what: elephant, fungi or tree?
A8)        A 8.9km wide fungi: of the Armillaria ostoyae species.   (8.9km is roughly 3.4 square miles.)

Q9)        Which 1975, Jack Nicholson film, was made in Salem, Oregon?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The Portland Timbers plays what: American Football, Canadian football or Association Football?
A10)        Association Football.
Here’s a thought … 
‘There will be no going back for Serbia, only forwards.’
Boris Tadić, former Serbian President.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I have to admit, I’ve never seen the Pacific, Trevor.   I’ve been nowhere near the Pacific Northwest.   Well … unless you count reading LeGuin’s A Wizard of Earthsea.   I believe Ursula based the look of many of Earthsea’s peoples on the Northwest’s tribal peoples.

†        Jude would probably love it, then, Olga: he does like the odd splash around!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        That’s cool, Edith: I know you have your busy days!   I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you can make it.   Let’s have tune, though … !

ª        Here’s hoping something crops up at the trials, Debbi!


  1. A1 Ottoman
    A2 Yugoslavia
    A3 Belgrade
    A4 Republic
    A5 Cyrillic

    I certainly like Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed.

    Well we are free of snow and ice. The forecast is for 12C this afternoon.

  2. Q1) The Ottoman Empire
    Q2) Yugoslavia
    Q3) Belgrade
    Q4) Republic
    Q5) (It seems they use both, Cyrillic and Latin script, what they refer to as digraphic, but based on your options) Cyrillic.
    I think he would. Well, perhaps we will all be able to visit each other at some point, whenever COVID-19 decides to take a long break... Voting during the pandemic wasn't particularly complicated, although yes, far fewer people bothered, but there was no queue at all when my mother and I went.

  3. 1 Ottoman Empire
    2 Yugoslavia
    3 Belgrade
    4 Republic
    5 Cyrillic

  4. Yes, I think both Georgia and New York will want to get their licks in. So to speak. :)

    1. the Ottoman Empire
    2. Yugoslavia
    3. Belgrade
    4. republic
    5. Cyrillic

  5. 1. Chinese
    2. Yugoslavia
    3. Banksia
    5. Cyrillic

    Hi Paul. Thanks for the sone. It feels like that sometimes.

    Things went well today.


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