
Sunday 14 February 2021

The Mandalorian — Series 2 Episode 2 — Chapter 10 The Passenger — A Review

13th February, 2021.

You know, it’s suddenly occurred to me … I do these intro videos to give people a summary of what’s ahead.

In this case?

That I’ve had dinner, and am going to watch an episode of The Mandalorian.

Or, at least, have just watched an episode of The Mandalorian, at the time of writing.

The second episode of The Mandalorianseries two, so you know.

And I’ve been doing all that, whilst posting on Instagram, listening to Brain Eno … and without telling you what I’ve had for dinner!
At any rate?   It seems Eno’s did an album back in 2018, called Music for Installations: I think I’m going to listen to that on Spotify, as and when.

Frankly, iTunes want quite a chunk of money!

At any rate … ?

I’m going to hit the sack.

Tomorrow night?

I’ll be telling you about The Passenger … 


14th February, 2021.

Opening with a summary of the first episode … ?

Opening with a summary of the first episode, Episode 2 - Chapter 10 The Passenger — show us the Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) heading to Mos Eisley: only to be hijacked by bounty hunters, trying to kidnap the Child.

Reaching Mos Eisley?

The Mandalorian meets Peli Motto (Amy Sedaris): who’s in the middle of a high stakes card game against Dr Mandible.

The good Doctor has some information for the Mandalorian.

He can take a client of Mandible’s to a moon called Trask, where her spawn can be fertilised.

In return, the client and her husband can point her at the Mandalorians … 

The only catch?

The Mandalorian can’t go through hyperspace to get there, he has to avoid New Republic entanglements, and persuade the Child NOT to eat the eggs … 

If he can avoid crashing on an ice world and getting eaten by giant spider creatures?

This would be good … !


Now … what did I think of this … ?

I have to say, I came away having enjoyed The Passenger: and sorely tempted to watch the next episode, straight away.

The only thing stopping me?

Simply the fact I only wanted to write one review!

You can’t blame a body for wanting his bed, I think.

The fact I was tempted, though?

Speaks to two things, I think.


The episode itself, is good.

And, once again, a little world building: providing us with Star Wars variations on well know themes.

Intelligent creatures that look like Earth ones: the Frog lady looks like a frog, much as the Judoon look like rhinos.

This episode’s giant spiders/Shelob, as opposed to the last episode’s sandworm parallels.

I’m sure there’s more.


I’ve come away thinking The Passenger is the first half of a two part tale.

From the little I know?   The Heiress, the next chapter?

Is exactly that: the second part.


I’ll be watching that episode on Saturday, 20th February, and writing about it afterwards.

I hope you’d care to join me … 

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