
Monday 1 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st February, 2021.

1st February, 2021.


It’s true.

I’ve got another appointment, today.

At the opticians, so you know.

Give it a few weeks?

I’ll have some new pairs.

And possibly some lens cleaners … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi on five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        1st February, 1861, saw which state secede from the Union: Texas, West Virginia or South Carolina?

Q2)        Director, John Ford, was born: on 1st February, 1894.   He filmed many westerns, where: Monument Valley, Death Valley or Nevada Gulch?

Q3)        Janet Jackson had a wardrobe malfunction, on 1st February, 2004.   During a half time show at which sporting event?

Q4)        1st February, 1994, saw minister condemn the sale of Rover: to BMW.   At the time, Rover made what: cars, boats or planes?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Trygve Lie was elected as the UN’s first Secretary General: on 1st February, 1946.   Lie was from which country European country … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        31st January, 1937, saw the birth of composer, Phillip Glass.   He composed the music for the biopic, Kundun.   The film’s about whom: Pope Francis, the 14th Dalai Lama or Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis?
A1)        The 14th Dalai Lama.

Q2)        31st January, 1921, saw the birth of actress, Carol Channing.   In which US city?
A2)        Seattle.

Q3)        During the Battle of Bolimów, 31st January, 1915, saw Germany use what for the first time: tanks, landmines or poison gas?
A3)        Poison Gas.   (Specifically, xylyl bromide.   The Wikipedia entry tells us the attempt was unsuccessful, as the gas was blown back on the German lines.)

Q4)        31st January saw Nauru become independent from Australia: in which year?
A4)        1968.

Q5)        Finally … ?   31st January, 1892, saw the birth of singer/songwriter, Eddie Cantor.   He wrote the Merrily We Roll Along theme for which company’s cartoons: Disney’s, Warner Brothers or Pixar’s?
A5)        Warner Brothers.   Here
Here’s a thought … 
‘Every today is at the same time both a cradle and a shroud: a shroud for yesterday, a cradle for tomorrow.’
Yevgeny Zamyatin, 1 February (Gregorian), 1884 – 10 March 1937.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I can only hope it’s warmer, this afternoon, Trevor: I’ve an appointment!

†        So Guau doubles up as wow, Olga?   You live and learn … and make make bup noises, when you get the chance!   Actually, that surprised my sister, Ruth, last night: the idea different languages have different words for animal noises.   Oy!

‡        Hello, Mum … !

^        Rabbit holes, Debbi?   The phrase always gets me thinking of The Matrix.   (Having Laurence Fishburne and Keanu Reeves on screen?   Means you’ve got two left-handers on screen at the same time … )

ª        I’ve got to admit, Edith, it’s been a while since I’ve heard Price Tag, Edith.   I have to admit, Jessie J’s hair cut always reminds me of Louise Brooks: the actress?   Louise’s was shorter, though!
(I should really eat less dairy, I know that: but could never have spaghetti without a touch of cheese!)


  1. A1 Texas
    A2 Monument Valley
    A3 Supper Bowl XXXVIII
    A4 Cars
    A5 Norway

    Well it was 37F when I was out at 08.00.

    You may have realised that I am a collector and I do have a collection of pebbles that is too big for your Marmite jar. I cannot remember when Penny and I started collecting pebbles but we picked them up all over the world.

    I use a very large pebble as a door stop on one of the kitchen doors.

  2. Q1) Texas
    Q2) Monument Valley
    Q3) The Super Bowl
    Q4) cars
    Q5) Norway
    I've long been fascinated by the differences in things we don't think of as words in different languages. I must look into it in more detail. ♥

  3. 1 Texas
    2 Monument Valley
    3 American Football
    4 Cars
    5 Finland

  4. Yes. Good movie, that. :)

    1. Texas
    2. Monument Valley
    3. the Super Bowl
    4. cars
    5. Sweden-Norway (which is apparently now Norway, I think)

  5. 1 south Carolina
    2.dearh valley
    3. super bowl
    4. cars
    5 Finland


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