
Tuesday 2 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-2-2021: The Presentation of Christ

2nd February, 2021.

You know, I had an appointment, yesterday: at the opticians.

Which went well enough: I’ve now got two pairs of spectacles on order, which I pick up, next week.

Given I’ve another hygienists appoint, a health check with the opticians, a meeting with my Health and Work programme and a meeting with my Job Centre case worker?

I’ve a busy few days ahead of me.

If it wasn’t for COVID?   I’d be having a social whirl.

At ANY rate?

I’m out of work, as you know: and finding job hunting a rather grim chore.

So you know?

In order to claim benefits, we’re supposed to keep an online journal, to show the Job Centre we’re actively seeking work.

I did my usual job search, yesterday: keeping notes about what I’d applied for as I went.

Which is a result of long practise, I should add.

I’m grateful I did.

As, for some reason?   I couldn’t log into my account on the Universal Credit site: for most of the day.

I thought — at first — that the problem could be something to do with the arson attack on three BT junction boxes in Chelmsford: that maybe the damage had cut the lines to the local servers.

The servers would be working, in other words: but totally inaccessible.

But, according to a Tweet I got from the Job Centre?

It was a national incident.

What caused it, and what’s possibly happened?   I don’t know.

I notice it happened on a Monday: a day experience tells me will be very busy, as people with problems that couldn’t be addressed at the weekend, phone the people who can solve them.

On top of that?   It was the day after web retailer, Asos, announced it was buying three of Arcadia’s brands: but not taking on the physical shops.   Meaning a lot of Arcadia employees would be trying to get through to the Universal Credit site.

Which is what I think could have caused the problem: god knows how many people applying for Universal Credit, and overwhelming the system.

I won’t know, until the Job Centre, or the Department of Work and Pensions, make a statement about the incident.

Where does that leave me?

Mildly worried.

Have my bank details on the site, been hacked?   My personal details?   Will I be paid as normal?   Will I need to change my passwords?   Will it happen, again?   Will I need to keep another offline diary?   Will I get sanctioned?

I don’t know: I’m going to have to cross those bridges when I get to them.

What actually happened, yesterday?

I don’t know.

But I’d like to find out.

I think the bodies running that site owe us an explanation, if nothing else.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi on five out of five, Mum on four, and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        2nd February is the traditional Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ.   Also know as what: Lammas, Candlemas or Twaddlemas?

Q2)        Jesus was supposed to be presented at the Temple.   The Temple concerned was in which Middle Eastern city: Damascus, Aleppo or Jerusalem?

Q3)        In some Christian traditions, you have to remove what on this day: Christmas decorations, old clothes or curtains?

Q4)        What’s supposed to be blessed on at this feast: candles, lamps or wicks?

Q5)        Finally …?   The feast marks the end of what: Easter, Lammas or Epiphany?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        1st February, 1861, saw which state secede from the Union: Texas, West Virginia or South Carolina?
A1)        Texas.

Q2)        Director, John Ford, was born: on 1st February, 1894.   He filmed many westerns, where: Monument Valley, Death Valley or Nevada Gulch?
A2)        Monument Valley.

Q3)        Janet Jackson had a wardrobe malfunction, on 1st February, 2004.   During a half time show at which sporting event?
A3)        The Super Bowl.

Q4)        1st February, 1994, saw minister condemn the sale of Rover: to BMW.   At the time, Rover made what: cars, boats or planes?
A4)        Cars.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Trygve Lie was elected as the UN’s first Secretary General: on 1st February, 1946.     Lie was from which country European country … ?
A5)        Norway.

Here’s a quote … 

‘And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord,’
Luke 2:22, the chapter and verse that speaks of The Presentation.

And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        A ‘very large pebble,’ Trevor?   Do you mean it’s a rock … ?   I mean, it sounds like a rock … 

†        I know exactly what you mean, Olga.   And funnily enough?   There’s a throwaway line in one of Terry Pratchett’s discworld novels.   One of his frequent characters, Rincewind, can scream in forty-four different languages.   (In one of them, ‘argh,’ means ‘Quick, extra boiling oil!’   Lets leave that there … !)

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        I know.   Did you know they’re doing a fourth Matrix, Debbi?   It’ll be interesting to see.   To be frank, though, I’m still waiting to see Dune.

ª        Morning, Edith?   How’s the snow looking?


  1. A1 Candlemas
    A2 Jerusalem
    A3 Christmas decorations
    A4 candles
    A5 Epiphany

    Yesterday I went on to the Brentwood council site to start the procedure to enable me to use a Postal vote. Well about an hour ago I got an email with an attachment for me to print off and return. If I have any problems I can phone the council and ask for your sister Anna.

  2. Q1) Candlemas
    Q2) Jerusalem
    Q3) Christmas decorations
    Q4) Candles
    Q5) Epiphany
    I hope the issue with the website is sorted. There are enough problems already. Take care.

  3. 1 Candlemas
    2 Jerusalem
    3 Christmas Decorations
    4 Candles
    5 Easter

  4. Best of luck with your financial situation. Finding a job can be difficult as it is. What can I say? Hang in there! And try not to worry. :)

    1. Candlemas
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Christmas decorations
    4. candles
    5. Epiphany

  5. 1. Lammas
    2. Aleppo
    3old clothes
    5. Lammas


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