
Saturday 20 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th February, 2021.

20th February, 2021.

It’s officially the case: it’s Saturday.

And frankly?

Beyond phoning the chemist to reorder my medications?

I’m expecting it to be boringly quiet.


Just as a quick additional thought … ?

A friend has pointed me to this piece form ITV’s news site.


The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is in discussions with Chancellor Rishi Sunak: to extend the £20 uplift to Universal Credit by six months.

Which is nice: and certainly be welcome to me, and many others.

I’ve a question or two, though.

Why not make it permanent?

That would be a far better option, from where I’m sitting.


If it does get extended by six months … ?   Do the PM and the Chancellor realise they’ll be getting the same question, leading up to October.

“Will you make the change permanent?”

We’ll have to see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Edith and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on one.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        20th February, 1963, saw the birth of singer, Ian Brown.   He was the lead singer of noted Manchester band, the Stone … what?

Q2)        20th February, 1967, saw the birth of musician, Kurt Cobain.   He was the singer for which grunge band?

Q3)        20th February, 1927, saw the birth of actor and diplomat, Sidney Poitier.   Between 1997 and 2007, he was Bahaman Ambassador to where: China, Japan or Malaysia?

Q4)        20th February, 1926, saw the birth of writer, Richard Matheson.   His novel, I Am Legend, has been turned into three different movies.   The first was The Last Man on Earth, the second, The Omega Man.   What Will Smith film was the third?

Q5)        Finally … ?   20th February, 1927, saw the birth of McCarthy lawyer, Roy Cohn.   He died in 1986, of complications from which immune system disease?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Belitung Shipwreck was first exhibited on 19th February, 2011.   The wreck contained cargoes from Tang Dynasty where: Saudi Arabia, China or Singapore?
A1)        China. The ship was an Arabian dhow, and exhibited in Singapore.

Q2)        19th February, 1967, saw the birth of actor, Benicio del Torro.   He appeared as Dario in which James Bond film: The Living Daylights, License to Kill or GoldenEye?
A2)        License to Kill. (Dalton and Connery were the only two Bond actors who look like what the character is: savage.)

Q3)        19th February, 2021, is a Friday.   When was 19th February last a Friday?
A3)        2016.

Q4)        19th February, 1980, saw the birth of Chinese sportsman, Ma Lin.   What does he play: tennis, table tennis or Beer Pong?
A4)        Table Tennis.   (Beer Pong, thankfully, is not an Olympic sport. That would be silly …)

Q5)        Finally … ?   19th February, 1473, saw the birth of astronomist, Nikolaus Copernicus.   In what’s now which European country?
A5)        Poland.
Here’s a thought … 
“Even I don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.”
Cindy Crawford, born February 20, 1966
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*       Constantly arguing, Trevor?   No change there, then … !   *Runs away*.

†       As you mentioned China, Olga … ?   You got the point!   Moving on … ?   Yes: having to stay indoors is NOT a a pleasant thing: the amount of time I had to spend, emailing, is ridiculous!
You had no chance of exercise?   Oy!   At least I can go for a walk … !
Yes: I think they are: at least going by what Trevor — and Mum — have been saying.   I’m told the science behind it is valid.   Given I’m not exactly patient, I’d be comfier with a shorter gap!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        It looks interesting, Edith: I might have to keep an eye open, there.   I do know the last version of Red Riding Hood I saw was The Company of Wolves, which is … well … dark … 

ª        Oh, yes!   He’s done some more, Debbi!   With car, sheep, teddies and people … !   (I would say breakfast is served, but that’s really not the case …)


  1. A1 Roses
    A2 Nirvana
    A3 Japan
    A4 I Am Legend
    A5 AIDS

    Yes it is Saturday and it is a sunny Spring day. I walk by many Daffodils in flower as I go for my paper.

  2. 1 Stone Roses
    2 Nirvana
    3 Japan
    4 Men in Black
    5 Aids

  3. Q1) Roses
    Q2) Nirvana
    Q3) Japan
    Q4) I Am Legend
    Q5) AIDS
    I hope things work out, although yes, it would be nice if they made a decision rather than postponing things, but, incredibly enough considering that's their job, politicians make a habit of taking few decisions (unless they make them look good in their opinion or call a lot of attention to them), and never say anything clearly if they can help it.
    The drain at the back of the flat has been changed now, but the protective netting at the front of the building isn't completed yet, so a bit less noise, but still noise.
    Take care.

  4. Oh, my. How ... creepy? :)

    1. Roses
    2. Nirvana
    3. Japan
    4. I Am Legend
    5. AIDS

  5. 1.Stone Temple Pilots
    4. I am Legend
    5. AIDS

    I've heard of that film. Haven't seen it.


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