
Monday 22 February 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-2-2021: Dollywood

22nd February, 2021.

Yes: it’s pay day, tomorrow.

That means shopping and bill paying.

Frankly, I’m looking forward to it: it means getting out of the house for more than half an hour!


It also means being careful: possibly.

In case you didn’t know, surge testing is due to start in the CM13 postcode are of Brentwood.   Which means Old Peculiar regular, Trevor, will be having fun: that’s his part of town!

It’s rather alarming: but there you go!


Oh, JUST as a final thought?

I’ve caught another episode of The Mandalorian.

You have to love seeing Katee Sackhoff turn up.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Edith on four and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        22nd February, 1997, saw scientist announced the existence of Dolly.   Dolly was which S: a sheep, a sausage dog or a shrew?

Q2)        Dolly was also a clone.   In other words, made from a cell donated by a what: an adult, child or corpse?

Q3)        Dolly was named after which singer?

Q4)        Dolly was born in 1996.   Injaz, the first cloned camel, was born when: 2008, 2009 or 2010?

Q5)        Finally … ?   2001 saw the birth of CC: the world’s first cloned what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st February, 1996, saw the birth of actress, Sophie Turner.   Who did she play in Game of Thrones: Sansa Stark, Arya Stark or Ned Stark?
A1)        Sansa Stark.   (Arya was played by Maisie Williams, Ned by Sean Bean: famously executed by Wilko Johnson on Game of Thrones.)

Q2)        21st February is Feralia.   Feralia was a festival in which historic Empire: Ancient Rome, Imperial China or the Byzantine Empire?
A2)        Ancient Rome.

Q3)        21st February, 1943, saw the birth of business magnate, David Geffen.   What was the name of the record company he founded in 1980: Asylum Records, Geffen Records or DGC Records?
A3)        He founded or co-founded all three: but the one in question, in 1980? Was Geffen Records.

Q4)        21st February, 1794, saw the birth of Antonio López de Santa Anna.   He was one of Mexico’s best known what: singers, writers or presidents?
A4)        Presidents.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Battle of Verdun began: on 21st February, 1916.   Town and battle were or are in which European country?
A5)        France.   (If I’ve understood it?   The Battle was one of the nastier ones of WW1.)
Here’s a thought … 
“Lee Silver, once said that biology would be forever defined as BD and AD: before Dolly and after Dolly.”
Gene Genie, broadcast by the BBC World Service on 1/5/2000.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Trick questions, Olga?   Me?   You know me too well!   😂   At ANY rate … ?
It sounds like the building work’s going to take a while … um … I don’t suppose there’s a tall public building next door: where you could take photos from?   Would that help … ?
Hang on, Juan Carlos is still in the Emirates?   The only other person I can think of, who moved countries in that way?   Was Idi Amin … !   I think the less said the better.   Either way, keep your head down!
Oh, how far up is the empty flat?   The one squatters have tried occupying?   I don’t suppose removing the window handles would help: the way we’ve had the windows above our main doors modified?   That wouldn’t necessarily stop someone smashing any glass, but … 

†        It sounds like Olga’s OK, so far, Trevor: I think she’s more concerned about the building works!   Things could change, but I’m sure she’ll be keeping her head down!
At ANY rate … ?   You ARE keeping clear of any South Africans, I hope!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        He does all sorts, Debbi!

ª        That’s true, Edith: and some times, companies don’t put what’s on paper into the film!   The Will Smith version of I, Robot?   Doesn’t have much to do with the Isaac Asimov book it’s supposed to be the film of!   (Oooh … The audio book version’s got Catch That Rabbit!   It’s a lot of fun!)


  1. A1 Sheep
    A2 Adult
    A3 Dolly Parton
    A4 2009
    A5 Cat

    The last time I was near any known South Africans was when I was at a Saturday night concert at St Thomas's Church in Brentwood. There was singing and dancing by a troop of Zulus. That was 6 or 7 years ago.

    I await my letter inviting me for my screening. I see that there are 4 places where one can get tested.
    Good job you are no longer working at that place in Warley as most of Warley Hill is in CM13.

  2. Q1) A sheep
    Q2) An adult
    Q3) Dolly Parton
    Q4) 2009
    Q5) cat
    The empty flat is on the first floor, but here we have a row of shops at ground floor level (well, as I told you, there's a bar and a hairdresser's, and some of the others are empty (the pharmacy has been closed for a while), then there is the entresuelo (my mother's flat is on that floor, and we don't have a balcony) and then, the first floor (that, by rights should be second). Unfortunately, from the first floor onward, there are balconies. It all gets further complicated because we have a railway line going by, in front of the building, that a few years back got covered by something that here they call "el calaix" in Catalan (the drawer or the box), because the neighbours wanted it to be underground, but because we also have a highway going by (not really a highway, more like the road belt going through and around the city), it was impossible. As a solution, they encased the railway line, and they also paved on top of the road, so now we have several walkways and pavements in front of the house, at different heights. I'll share a pic from the window on Twitter so you can get an idea, or perhaps I'll DM you the image, as I don't want to give too many clues.
    Anyway, the thing I was trying to get a picture of is in the back patio, and that's enclosed, so no good option there.
    The ones working on the front have been scraping the loose paint from the window this morning, so hopefully they'll move on soon.

  3. 1 Sheep
    2 Adult
    3 Dolly Parton
    4 2008
    5 ?


  4. OMG! No! :) Freaky man! :)

    1. sheep
    2. an adult
    3. Dolly Parton
    4. 2009
    5. cat

    A cloned cat ... hmm! I wonder if it still has nine lives. :)

  5. 1.sheep
    2. adult
    3.Dolly Parton
    4. 2008
    5. Cat

    I don't know if I sent this before.


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