
Sunday 21 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-3-2021: International Colour Day

21st March, 2021.

Did I ever mention I usually have my curtains shut, when I’m writing these posts?

I usually have my curtains shut, when I’m writing these posts.

You miss a lot that’s going on … but at least I don’t get people looking through my window, first thing in the morning!

It turns out that the yelling I heard, when I was finalising and posting yesterday’s Teaser?

Was two men getting arrested for carrying offensive weapons.

The things you miss … 


It’s officially Census Day.

This year?

It’s mostly being done online.

I’ve done mine already: the rules allow you too, so long as you double check, today, to edit and finalise your entry.

I do have one question, though … 

What on Earth do you do: if you have no computer, or smart phone connection to the internet?

What do you do?

It’s not like the library’s open on Sundays … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª‚ putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        21st March is International Colour Day.   Spell colour … in American English.

Q2)        There are three primary colours, in what’s called additive colour mixing, or RGB: red, green and what?

Q3)        There are three main colours, in subtractive colour mixing: cyan, magenta … and what?

Q4)        The RYB colour wheel is used when mixing what: paint, light or food?

Q5)        Finally … ?   In colour theory, a tint is a colour mixed with what: black, white or grey?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The US Food and Drug Administration approved AZT: on 20th March, 1987.   AZT is used to treat what: Diabetes, HIV/AIDS or Lung Cancer?
A1)        HIV/AIDS.

Q2)        Shunbun no Hi takes place: on 20th March, 2021.   It’s a public holiday, celebrating the Vernal Equinox.   Where: Japan, China or Thailand?
A2)        Japan.

Q3)        20th March, 1956, saw Tunisia become independent.   From where: France, Germany or Spain?
A3)        France.

Q4)        20th March is the Feast day of Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne.   Lindisfarne is also known as Holy what: lake, island or forest?
A4)        Island.   (There’s been a monastery there, since 634AD.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   20th March, 1950, saw the birth of actor, William Hurt.   In which William Russell film does he play Dr. Edward ‘Eddie’ Jessup?
A5)        Altered States.
Here’s a thought … 
“It was just a colour out of space—a frightful messenger from unformed realms of infinity beyond all Nature as we know it.”
The Colour out of Space, H. P. Lovecraft.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It always amazes me what YouTube throws up, Trevor.   But that will grab Debbi’s attention.

†        We can split the royalties, Olga!   :D.  The hard drives I’d need are big!
I know what you mean, about the Wikipedia entries.   Saying that?   I’m glad I found the Simple English Wikipedia!   Either way, Time Machine is really simple to use: as was the transfer …
What ever happens, I hope the drain repair does something: although I’ll bet it’ll only last ten minutes!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Thought you might, Debbi!   Oh, Trevor mentioned this … 

ª        That it is, Edith!   I’m just hoping the weather improves!


  1. Q1) Color

    Q2) Blue

    Q3) Yellow

    Q4) paint

    Q5) white
    Splitting royalties sounds fine. I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the repair. There are so many things that need repairing in the building at the moment that it's a bit of a lottery.
    I forgot to ask, but you mentioned that the famous building where the communications mast used to reside seemed to have been finally completed. Any news yet on the mast front?

  2. A1 Color – They do not use the “U” in the Nited States of America
    A2 Blue – Like many males I am colour blind. In my case it is the region between Blue and Purple.
    A3 Yellow
    A4 Paint
    A5 white

    The Census is available in Paper form for people with out online access. Penny had to arrange for a few of her elderly friends to get paper forms. She did hers online.

    I may have to go online to changed mine. When I filled it in the other week I was not expecting the 5 Martians who are staying over night tonight.

  3. 1 Color
    2 Blue
    3 purple
    4 paint
    5 white

  4. Yes, it's amazing what I learn about here. I could read all day and never hope to learn it all.

    I'll have to watch out for typos on number 1. :)

    1. color (Didn't even have to Google that. Ha ha.)
    2. blue
    3. yellow
    4. paint
    5. white

  5. 1.Color
    2. Blue
    3. Yellow
    4. Paint
    5. White

    The birds are singing today. I hope your weather improves.

    People without computers or smartphones are sadly forgotten. "Everybody" is supposed to have at least one of the two. It is very sad.


I love it when someone comments. But, having had anonymous comments I feel may be libellous, actionable or just plain offensive, over the years?

I’d appreciate you* leaving your name — with a link to your website or social-media profile†, for preference — before you post a comment.

Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

Contentious, actionable or abusive posts left anonymously will not be posted. Nor will comments using offensive pseudonyms or language, or that are abusive of other commenters.

Thank you.

*   I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.

†   Your Facebook, X/Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn profile are acceptable. I also like seeing folks webpages.