
Wednesday 24 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-3-2021: World Kabaddi Day

24th March, 2021.

Right … 

Yesterday?   Went well enough: rushed, but well.

Held up, in part, by my phone.

I was queuing up in the post office, getting ready to pay my bills.

And, when I got to the front of the queue?

Had to go to back back, as the calendar app on my phone — the app where I was storing the amount I need to pay — decided to play up.

It turns out it was something to do with the way Android phones connect* to the web: and something I could only remedy by downloading a couple of updates when I got home.

As my phone was refusing to connect in the High Street?   I couldn’t exactly do the update in town!

At any rate … ?

The bills are paid, the updates done … 

And now … ?   I have to rush, as I have a phone appointment with a physio-therapist: between nine and ten!



Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Trevor‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        24th March is World Kabaddi Day.   The sport has its origins in Ancient where: India, China or Japan?

Q2)        Kabaddi’s also the national sport of which B: Britain, Bangladesh or Brazil?

Q3)        Punjabi Kabaddi is played on what shape pitch: square, circular or triangular?

Q4)        The only UK National Kabaddi Tournament?   Was held in which year: 2011, 2013 or 2015?

Q5)        Finally?    How many players does each Kabaddi team have: seven, fourteen or twenty-eight?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        In a speech on 23rd March, 1775, Patrick Henry gave a famous speech.   One where he said: “Give me Liberty or give me …” what?
A1)        Death.

Q2)        David Frost recorded the first of twelve interviews: on 23rd March, 1977.   With whom: Gerald Ford, John F Kennedy or Richard Nixon?
A2)        Richard Nixon.   (In one interview, broadcast on 19th May, 1977, Nixon said “Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”   That sounds kosher … !)

Q3)        23rd March, 1430, saw the birth of Margaret of Anjou.   As wife of Henry 6th, was was a member of what: the House of York, or the House of Lancaster?
A3)        The House of Lancaster.

Q4)        Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, was re-named on 23rd March, 2019.   What’s it now called: Emir City, Nur-Sultan or Sana’a?
A4)        Nur-Sultan.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Footballer and Cricketer, Arthur Grimsdell, was born on 23 March, 1894.   He played football for Tottenham.   He played cricket for which county side: Hertfordshire, Lincolnshire or Norfolk?
A5)        Hertfordshire.
Here’s a thought … 
“Players are taken out of the game if they are tagged or tackled, but are brought back in for each point scored by their team from a tag or tackle.”
From the Wikipedia article about Kabaddi.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        The two updates were to Chrome, and WebView: which enables apps to connect to the web, if needed.   As far as I can see?   The calendar was playing up: as it connects to the web to show its users, adverts … 

†        I think that’s where COVID’s doing more damage than we think, Olga: the simple fact we’re having to do video calls and meetings, rather than in person.
Oh, and if you find the fly on the wall of those police discussions!

‡        You’re DOING WHAT?????   Good God, Trevor, wonders will never start!   At ANY rate?   O2 do some good deals.   I’m on a deal that gives me unlimited texts, one hundred minutes and six gigabytes a month, for £10 a month, pay as you go.   There’s better around, though.   (If you get hold of WhatsApp, you can make free video and audio calls.   And you’ll like Instagram, I think.)

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        You’re through, Debbi!   Anything I can help with?   And you HAVE got everything backed up?   Oh, and have you got everything saved on iCloud?   And did I mention the swap space issue?

º        Oh, he’s certainly looked after, Edith!   Oh, I don’t know if you’re a reggae fan: but I got an old Bob Marley and the Wailers album called Catch a Fire: I’ve got to admit, I enjoyed it!


  1. Did you mean this one, Trevor? It looks good.

    The camera’s impressive, and there’s plenty of capacity.

    You should ALSO be able to add a Facebook app, if needed.

    About my only concern is that I can’t see if it has Bluetooth: that’s handy.

    On the OTHER hand? It’s got NFC, Near Field Communication: it means you can use Android Pay to pay for things.

  2. A1 India
    A2 Bangladesh
    A3 circular
    A4 2013
    A5 Seven

    Yes that is the phone. It arrived 19.15 last night. Now looking at what SIM only contract I need. May go for EE due to amount of adverts I see from them whilst watching Football on Sky. Yes the back camera is very good. The front camera for selfies is a little less powerful.

    I have seen Kabaddi live and on the TV.

  3. Q1) India

    Q2) Bangladesh

    Q3) circular

    Q4) 2013 (?) I am not sure as the articles about this were quite unclear. I saw a mention to 2013 on an article about the England Kabaddi Federation UK

    Q5) Seven
    I saw an article about the issue with Android but didn't have a problem yesterday, although I did this morning, but I knew what to do.
    Sometimes we miss good old pen and paper notes. They don't require linking to anything or Wifi.
    Stay safe.

  4. 1 India
    2 Bangladesh
    3 Circular
    4 2011
    5 seven

  5. I've been able to manage things, but I wouldn't be surprised if I've been affected by the space issue you mentioned. :)

    1. India
    2. Bangladesh
    3. circular
    4. 2013
    5. seven

    I'm learning the virtues of careful storage and deletion. :)


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