
Thursday 25 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th March, 2021.

25th March, 2021.

Right … that’s the call from the physiotherapist out of the way!

I had a call, yesterday: from a physiotherapist.

And, going by that phone call?

I’ve got the very early stages of osteoarthritis.

Which is … um … well … 

Not nice news: I’m only fifty-three, for heavens sake, I can’t go having osteoarthritis!

At ANY rate … ?

I’ve a set of daily exercises to do, which should help.

They’re mildly intimidating, though: I’ve never exactly been Mr Motivator, after all.

However, I think the old advise from Alcoholic Anonymous comes to mind.

“One day at a time … ”


I don’t know about you … but I’ve always felt Alan Turing — the man whose 1936 paper, On Computable Numbers, invented computers — has had short shift over the years.

Gay at a time it homosexuality was illegal?   He committed suicide in 1954: after being convicted of Gross Indecency.

He was pardoned for that in 2013.

However?   Many feel he should receive some sort of posthumous award for his war work: he was one of many — still unrecognised — who worked at the Bletchley Park cryptanalysis centre that broke German Enigma codes during World War 2.

One of the key workers.

He also worked on early computers at Manchester University.

I still think some sort of gong would be very welcome.

One good thing, though?

Is that the new designs of Britain’s fifty pound note have been released: complete with his image.

It goes into circulation on 23rd July: his birthday.

It’s not perfect.

But it’s a good start.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five and Mum scoring four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        25th March, 1306, saw who crowned as King of Scotland: Robert the Bruce, Robert the Claudia or Robert the Tess?

Q2)        25th March, 1947, saw the birth of Reginald Kenneth Dwight.   Better known as Elton … whom?

Q3)        Richard O’Brian was born on 25th March, 1942.   He appeared as Gulnar, in which British series: Dick Turpin, Catweazle or Robin of Sherwood?

Q4)        25th March is who Reading Day: Pratchett Reading Day, Tolkien Reading Day or Moorcock Reading Day?

Q5)        Finally … ?   In England, 25th March is the first of four Quarter Days: when rents were due, servants hired and school terms started. When’s the next quarter day: June, July or August?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th March is World Kabaddi Day.   The sport has its origins in Ancient where: India, China or Japan?
A1)        India.

Q2)        Kabaddi’s also the national sport of which B: Britain, Bangladesh or Brazil?
A2)        Bangladesh.

Q3)        Punjabi Kabaddi is played on what shape pitch: square, circular or triangular?
A3)        Circular.

Q4)        The only UK National Kabaddi Tournament?   Was held in which year: 2011, 2013 or 2015?
A4)        2013.

Q5)        Finally? How many players does each Kabaddi team have: seven, fourteen or twenty-eight?
A5)        Seven.
Here’s a thought … 
“Politics is comparable to boxing.   The only thing is that in politics there are basically no rules.   In boxing, you can get a black eye, but in politics you can get poison in your food or a bullet in the head.   It’s definitely rougher and tougher than other sports.”
Wladimir Klitschko, born 25 March 1976.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah: Mum’s phone’s been caught by it, too, Olga.   I’m just betting my sister, Anna, will be telling us to get iPhones!   If push comes to shive, I’ll have to do the honours, next time I’m over.
And, yes, you’re right, again!   Old fashioned pen and paper are STILL handy!

†        That’s partly why I joined Instagram, Trevor: having a halfway decent camera helps.   From what I can see, mines a 12mp: yours is a what, 64mp?   That’s impressive.   I DID managed to find the picture editor on mine: at least I’ll be able to cover addresses and car number plates from here on in.
I think I’ve caught televised Kabaddi, as well.   I may have to repeat the subject, next year.   The video version of the teaser got a lot of views: at least, for me!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        Yep: dear ol’ Big Sur’s acting up, Debbi!   Oh … if you have a extra external drive, you can shift your Photos and Media library to it.   It’s easier than it sounds!   (You have to love storage juggling, don’t you … ?)


  1. Q1) Robert the Bruce

    Q2) John (Good job changing his name, that’s for sure).

    Q3) Robin of Sherwood (O’Brien)

    Q4) Tolkien Reading Day

    Q5) 24th June
    Good luck with the physiotherapy. Anything that gets you moving will be good, for sure. Build up slowly.

  2. A1 Robert the Bruce
    A2 John
    A3 Robin of Sherwood
    A4 Tolkien Reading Day
    A5 June

    Well I have gone for EE. As their adverts says “Don’t be a Doug and get Network envy”.
    So I am not a Doug.

    I have 3 Canon digital cameras 2 are small and fit in a coat pocket and the other has to hang round you neck.
    The oldest Pocket Camera has 6.0 Mega Pixels. The second Pocket Camera has 16.0 mega pixels and the big Canon EOS 1300D has 18.0 Mega Pixels.

    The 2 pocket cameras have been to Canada a few times. The big one no further than Southend.
    I have managed to get good photos from all of them.

  3. 1 Robert the Bruce
    2 Elton John
    3 CaT Weazle
    4 Pratcett
    5 July

  4. Yes, I'm learning about the value of having extra storage. :)

    1. Robert the Bruce
    2. John
    3. Robin of Sherwood
    4. Tolkien Reading Day
    5. June

  5. 1 Robert The Bruce
    2. John
    3. Catweazle
    4. Terry Pratchett
    5. June

    I am glad you are doing your exercises. The birds are singing here,


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