
Friday 26 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th March, 2021.

26th March, 2021.

What with one thing and another … ?

Yesterday turned out to be a little busier than I thought.

I’m on a Weight Management programme: and completely forgot that I had my phone meeting!

OK: we did little more than talk about portion control, exercises and how Sainsbury’s Nectar points scheme doesn’t hand out anything for brown rice and wholemeal pasta.

Which means … ?

Today, I’m having a less exciting day.

Well … 

Unless an Amazon scammer phones me … 


Talking of which?

With the very little spending money I have?

Along side the vouchers I get for taking part in the Office of National Statistics Covid-19 programme meant I could buy a Doctor Who blu-ray: Jon Pertwee’s second series, so you know.

It got delivered, yesterday

It’s currently being ripped, if you’re interested.

What annoyed me, though?

Was that the delivery man didn’t ring my doorbell: just left the package on my doorstep.

I was in: and the TV, quite audibly, on.   You can hear it in the hallway outside my flat*.

So?   I complained.

I can understand the driver leaving the package there, if he go no response to the bell: I can appreciate that.

But not ringing?

When I’m obviously in?

That’s a bit much.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Trevor‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Larry Page was born on 26th March, 1973.   The PageRank algorithm he created is used to organise search results on a search engine he co-founded.   Which search engine?

Q2)        The UK’s Driving Test was introduced: on 26th March of 1934.   What’s the minimum age that you can take a car driving test in the UK: 15, 17 or 19?

Q3)        Switzerland’s national airline was founded on 26th March, 1931.   It went bankrupt, when: 2001, 2002 or 2003?

Q4)        A ban on smoking went into effect in one country of the UK: on 26th March, 2006.   Which country?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Nancy Pelosi was born on 26th March, 1940.   She’s the current Speaker of where: the House of Commons, House of Representatives or the Senate?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        25th March, 1306, saw who crowned as King of Scotland: Robert the Bruce, Robert the Claudia or Robert the Tess?
A1)        Robert the Bruce.

Q2)        25th March, 1947, saw the birth of Reginald Kenneth Dwight.   Better known as Elton … whom?
A2)        Elton John. The definitive version of Crocodile Rock? Was the one he did on The Muppets.

Q3)        Richard O’Brian was born on 25th March, 1942.   He appeared as Gulnar, in which British series: Dick Turpin, Catweazle or Robin of Sherwood?
A3)        Robin of Sherwood.

Q4)        25th March is who Reading Day: Pratchett Reading Day, Tolkien Reading Day or Moorcook Reading Day?
A4)        Tolkien Reading Day.   (I personally believe reading more Pratchett and Moorcock is a good thing. There’s depths to Sir Terry’s work’s you wouldn’t believe.   And Moorcock’s use of law versus chaos — instead of good versus evil — has influenced every fantasy game going.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   In England, 25th March is the first of four Quarter Days: when rents were due, servants hired and school terms started. When’s the next: June, July or August?
A5)        June.
Here’s a thought … 
“Am I going to have to use my ‘Mother of Five Voice’ to be heard?”
Nancy Pelosi, born March 26, 1940.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        There’s a short bit of corridor from the main hall of the building, to my front door.   There’s a door separating the two. hallways.   I heard the delivery open the outer door: as the air pressure makes my front door move slightly.

†        Will do, Olga!   (I think yesterday’s bout of exercise help loosen everything up.   Oh … and Francis Rossi — the last surviving original member of Status Quo — claims he and the late Rick Parfitt were/are the only two people still call Elton, Reg … !)

‡        So we can officially NOT call you Doug, Trevor?   That’s possibly a bonus!   Yeah: Canon’s camera’s do have a good reputation, Trevor.   I was thinking of the overall size of the photos: your new phone’s 64 megapixel one has quite a size.

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        Oh, I know what you mean, Debbi!   I’m ripping the Dr Who blu-rays as we speak: and thankful for a few hundred gigabytes of spare space!

º        Oh, cheers, Edith!   You have to love Brian Wilson — and bird song — first thing in morning!


  1. Q1) Google

    Q2) 17

    Q3) 2002

    Q4) Scotland

    Q5) House of Representatives
    It seems the standard of the delivery staff is very different in different places. Here they are scaringly efficient sometimes. With exercise the most important thing is to be consistent, even if you don't dedicate a lot of time every day, to keep going will turn it into a routine.
    Keep going!

  2. 1 Yahoo
    2 17
    3 2002
    4 England
    5 Senate

  3. Excellent! Doctor Who is always a welcome thing, isn't it? :)

    1. Google
    2. 17
    3. Swissair
    4. Scotland
    5. House of Representatives


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