
Thursday 4 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-3-2021: The Birthday Party

4th March, 2021.

Yes: it’s officially my birthday.

And, once again?

I’m not telling you my age, thank you … !

But if you want to put something in my tip jar, you’d be VERY welcome!


I mentioned, in yesterday’s Teaser, that the BBC were planning to revive BBC3.


There’s now calls to revive Torchwood.

At least, according to this piece from the Radio Times, the BBC’s in-house listings magazine.

First things first?   I notice the cock-up.

The article mentions Naomi More: who bakes cakes on Twitter.

Rather than mentioning Naoko Mori: the Japanese born actress who played Torchwood regular, Toshiko Sato.


I’m not sure that reviving the series would necessarily be a good idea.

It’s been a long time since the show was on, after all, and it’s a very different world.

Personally?   I still remember Captain Jack saying that ‘his’ Torchwood, Torchwood Cardiff, was Torchwood Three.

Torchwood One was London: destroyed in the Battle of Canary Wharf.

And that Torchwood Two was in Glasgow: the man who ran it was ‘very strange.’

And that’s from Captain Jack Harkness!

But … ?   A one man Torchwood operation, a Dr Who linked, sci-fi equivalent, of Sam Spade, Phillip Marlowe and Mike Hammer?

I’d’ve paid good money for that!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Edith^ and Debbiª, putting in their answers: with Trevor, and Debbi on five out of five, Olga on four and Mum and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        4th March is my birthday.   I share it with which former Emmerdale star: Frazer Hines, Patsy Kensit or Steve Halliwell?

Q2)        Which Australian musician was the singer for the Birthday Party: Kylie Minogue, Slim Dusty, Nick Cave or Jason Donovan? 

Q3)        Gollum called it his ‘birthday present,’ or his ‘precious.’   What was it: the One Ring, the Eye of Sauron or the sword, Narsil?

Q4)        Birthday is a version of what type of card game: Patience, Rummy or Poker?

Q5)        Finally … ?   In the UK, the Queen’s official birthday is on the second Saturday of which month?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        3rd March is World Wildlife Day.   The first was held in which year: 2014, 2015 or 2016?
A1)        2015.

Q2)        The Australia Act 1986 went into force: on 3rd March, 1986.   It meant Australia became fully independent from where?
A2)        The UK.

Q3)        The USS Nautilus was decommissioned: on 3rd March, 1980.   The Nautilus was the USA’s first nuclear powered what: battleship, submarine or aircraft carrier?
A3)        Submarine.

Q4)        3rd March is Girl’s Day: in Japan.   Which fruit’s associated with the festival: satsumas, peaches or apples?
A4)        Peaches.

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd March, 1968 saw the birth of physicist, Brian Cox.   He’s currently the Professor of Particle Physics, where: Trinity College Oxford, the University of Manchester or Scumbag University?
A5)        University of Manchester.
Here’s a thought … 
“Is that a birthday? ’tis, alas! too clear;
’Tis but the funeral of the former year.”
Alexander Pope.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think the fog might have turned in rain, Trevor!   You some, Canada’s weather sounds a bit wild … !

†        Enola Holmes is definitely worth the effort, Olga!   It’s very entertaining.   By the sound of it?   Millie Bobby Brown — who plays Enola — is turning into a quite a business head: she’s listed as one of the producers.
And if the Matebook’s sounding good?   That possibly means it is!   I’d still make sure of getting an external drive, as your back-up drive.   I’d also suggest getting a copy of LibreOffice/OpenOffice: at least initially.   That way, you save money on MS Office.   Or, at least, it lets you put it off for the moment.
Oh, Scumbag was inspired by The Young Ones.

‡        Hello, Mum!   See you, tonight!

^        Don’t they just, Edith?   I think Queen, or the Who, are possibly the only two English bands that come close!

ª        You know, I really have to sit down with Pet Sounds, Debbi, I really should!   Apparently?   God Only Knows is Paul McCartney’s favourite song!   That says something!   Oh, remind me to play you a Newley tune, though.   (Apparently, he narks off his weasel, at one point.   No … I have no idea!!!)


  1. A1 Patricia Jude Francis Kensit
    A2 Nick Cave
    A3 The One Ring
    A4 Patience
    A5 June

    You got two things wrong today.

    1) Radio Times is not the in-house magazine of the BBC. Since January 2017 it has been owned by German Publisher Hubert Burda Media and is independent of the BBC.

    2) 0/10 for your geography. I never mentioned any where in Canada yesterday. Robin Hoods Bay is in North Yorkshire ENGLAND.

  2. 1 Patsy Kensit
    2 Nick Cave
    3 one ring
    4 Rummy
    5 June
    Happy Birthday Paul, See you later for fish and chips. love Mum

  3. Q1) Patsy Kensit
    Q2) Nick Cave
    Q3) The One Ring
    Q4) Patience
    Q5) June
    Happy Birthday, Paul! I hope you have a good day, all things considered. And thanks for the advice. I already have an external drive and might get another one. I was checking Office. Of course I have Office 2010 at the moment, no longer supported, but I don't think that will work in a different computer (it worked when my cousin changed the hard drive, but I think the problem might come because it is a different computer, although I guess I can try). I checked the deals for schools and teachers, and there's a free version, but you need to work at a school, and as I don't, it wouldn't work for me. But they also offer their free version, although I know it's pretty limited, and I was thinking about trying that, although Free Office or trying to get used to Google documents might be an option (one of the instructors in the Language School swore by it, and told us she found it very useful because students who didn't have the specific programme needed could access documents that way.
    Oh, I did check, and the model I've now ordered also has ports for USB, also USB-C and HDMI, so I'll probably be OK with that.
    Thanks for all the suggestions.

  4. 1 Patsy Kensit
    2. Kylie Minogue
    3. One Ring
    4. Rummy
    5. April

    Sorry that I am not able to leave a tip. Disability laws in America are complicated.

  5. I vaguely remember the name Anthony Newley. Didn't he do a kind of lounge act? Is that what it would be called? :)

    1. Patsy Kensit
    2. Nick Cave
    3. the One Ring
    4. Patience (known in the States as Solitaire, looks like :) )
    5. June


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