
Wednesday 3 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd March, 2021.

3rd March, 2021.

Yes: it’s Budget Day in the UK.

The day when the government announces what it’s going to be spending money on, in the upcoming year.

The BBC News site tells us that the COVID Furlough Scheme is to be extended by six months.

I’m hoping that — given that — the £20 uplift to Universal Credit will extended.

Here’s hoping.


Hmmm … 

You’ve possibly realised I’m someone thing of a fan of Dr Who.

And thoroughly enjoyed Torchwood, when it was on.

Torchwood originally aired on BBC Three: back when it was a terrestrial station.

Sadly?   The BBC announced they were making BBC3 an online only station back in 2016.

Much to my sadness: the channel had some interesting genre entries in its day.

So … ?

I, personally, welcome the BBC’s announcement that they are to revive the channel, in January of 2022.

Frankly?   I’d love to see a return of The Fades, with it: but you can’t have everything!


Just as a final thought … ?

I’ve got to pick up one last pair of spectacles, today.

That’s going to be fun: it’s foggy out … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, David‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº, putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Debbi and Mum on five out of five, and David and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        3rd March is World Wildlife Day.   The first was held in which year: 2014, 2015 or 2016?

Q2)        The Australia Act 1986 went into force: on 3rd March, 1986.   It meant Australia became fully independent from where?

Q3)        The USS Nautilus was decommissioned: on 3rd March, 1980.   The Nautilus was the USA’s first nuclear powered what: battleship, submarine or aircraft carrier?

Q4)        3rd March is Girl’s Day: in Japan.   Which fruit’s associated with the festival: satsumas, peaches or apples?

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd March, 1968 saw the birth of physicist, Brian Cox.   He’s currently the Professor of Particle Physics, where: Trinity College Oxford, the University of Manchester or Scumbag University?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        True or false: 2nd March, 2017, saw a synthetic element called Oganesson, named and added to the Periodic Table.
A1)        True.   (Its atomic number is 118: which puts it in the same column as Argon and Krypton. I’m assuming that means that it’s not something that reacts with other elements: as the other column 18 elements generally don’t.)

Q2)        CDs were released in the US: on 2nd March, 1983.   CD stands for compact … what?
A2)        Disc.

Q3)        2nd March, 1459, saw the birth of Adrian 6th.   He was the only Dutchman to become what: Pope, US President or Dalai Lama?
A3)        Pope.

Q4)        Ian Smith declared his country to be a republic: on 2nd March, 1970.   Now called Zimbabwe, the country was then called what: Rhodesia, the Gambia or Swaziland?
A4)        Rhodesia.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Lou Reed was born on 2nd March, 1942.   Who produced his Transformer album?
A5)        David Bowie: along side Mick Ronson, Bowie’s then guitarist. I’ll accept just Bowie, though.
Here’s a thought … 
“Skepticism must go hand in hand with rationality.   When theories are shown to be false, the correct thing to do is to move on.”
Professor Brian Cox, born, 3rd March, 1968.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Play fair, Trevor: the pope’s the infallible one, not me!   I got it corrected, thought …

†        Yeah … Trevor mentioned the Pope, Olga!!
At ANY rate … ?   The Matebook’s have a very good reputation: although a few people have mention Huawei seem to have taken their cues from the MacBook!   I do know they have Thunderbolt 3 connections: you’ll need an adaptor for some kit!   (I’ve a couple on my iMac: one of them’s powering the extra monitor!).  And if the hotspot’s the same brand?   There may well be advantages.
Wow!   Little Anna’s doing well!  Pass her my regards, please!

‡        Morning, David!

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        Oh, THAT Chinese watch, Debbi … !   DINS-DALE … !   Have fun with it!   (Caught the first episode at dinner, last night.   That’s Una Stubbs!)

º        You’re right, Edith, it’s a very summery tune: and very welcome, given the fog, today!   Is it just me,  or did the Beach Boys do the best harmonies?   Practically everything they did has great harmonies!   Sloop John B’s superb … !


  1. A1 2015
    A2 United Kingdom
    A3 submarine
    A4 peaches
    A5 The University of Manchester

    Yes it is misty out there. On Facebook you mentioned “Haar”. Well when Penny and I were walking on the trail which had been an old railway line near Robin Hood bay in North Yorkshire we looked down on a Haar. It covered the sea and was about 6 foot high. We were well above it as the Railway line had been over 50 foot above the sea.

  2. Q1) 2014 (?) I am not sure. I know it was approved in 2013, but I haven’t found anywhere when the first one was officially celebrated. I found 2014 mentioned, but specific themes either from 2016 or 2015 depending on the web. So I don’t know if there was one in 2014. But there should have been one, theoretically speaking.
    Q2) The United Kingdom
    Q3) submarine
    Q4) Peaches
    Q5) The University of Manchester (The Scumbag University would have difficulty fitting all the candidates in, that’s for sure)
    I managed to go and have a look at the Chromebooks yesterday and also the Huawei's (although they didn't have the exact model I was looking at online in the shop, but they deliver free anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem). The Matebook Pro was very reduced (700 euros) although even with that it was more expensive than I wanted, and I think I don't need it, but it is a pretty good deal. I want to check something else, but it's looking good so far.
    I've heard very good things about Enola Holmes, but haven't watched it.

  3. 1 2014
    2 UK
    3 Submarine
    4 Satsumas
    5 University of Manchester

  4. 1 2015
    2.The UK
    3. Submarine
    4. Satsumas
    5. Trinity University Oxford.

    They have wonderful harmonies

  5. Pet Sounds is a great album! :)

    1. 2015
    2. the UK
    3. submarine
    4. peaches
    5. the University of Manchester

    "So I was sittin' at 'ome, threatenin' the kids, when I looked through the 'ole in me wall, etc., etc. ..." LOL! Oh, dear. :-D

    Great stuff!


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