
Tuesday 2 March 2021

Enola Holmes (2020) — A Review

1st March, 2021.

Strange as it sounds?

I — occasionally? — like a film.

Even though I’m out of a job … ?

I don’t get as much time as I’d like to watch one.

I’ve managed to remedy that, tonight: and caught a movie.

And will be telling you about it, tomorrow night: when I finish this post.

But yes: I’ve managed to see Enola Holmes: and come away impressed.


2nd March, 2021.

Based on a series of novels about the character, Enola Holmes opens with a girl (Millie Bobby Brown) on a bicycle: the eponymous Enola, herself, breaking the forth wall to tell us how she was brought up as an only child, by her mother, Eudoria (Helena Bonham-Carter) … 

After the death of her father.

And after her two older brothers — Mycroft (Sam Claflin) and Sherlock (Henry Cavill) — left home.

Her life is an ideal for a late Victorian school girl … 

Until, on Enola’s sixteen birthday … ?

She finds her mother has gone missing. 

With her two older brothers not recognising her, when they come to meet her at the local station?

And with Mycroft, in particular, believing she should stay at a very stuffy finishing school … ?

Enola decides the only way to finish her education … ?

Is to do it herself.

Finding her missing mother, tracking down the runaway Viscount Tewkesbury (Louise Partridge), and making sure he gets to take part in a major House of Lords vote?

And avoiding the murderous Linthorn (Burn Gorman*)?

Is almost incidental.

Are you getting the feeling there’s trouble coming?


Now … 

What did I make of this lot?

Is it good, bad, ugly, cheesy, covered in ham, or vaguely salmon scented?

No, it’s not covered in ham: nor does it smell of salmon†!

Ugly?   Cheesy, or bad?

It’s neither of them.

Did I explain my movie rating system?

I tend to give any movie I see anything from zero stars: ☆☆☆☆.   Avoid this like the plague.

To four stars: ★★★★.   Drop whatever your doing, and see this film as soon as you possibly can.

What — I hear you ask — did I think of Enola Holmes?

Can I call this a four star, stellar piece of work: brimming with depth, meaning and an inherent sense of beauty?

No … !

I can — and will — give it four stars, though.

It might not be perfect: but Enola Holmes is a very entertaining piece of work, and very worth your time.
Enola Holmes.

*        The last time I saw Torchwood graduate, Burn Gorman?   Was in an episode of Man in the High Castle.   Where he was playing a murderous bounty hunter, trailing the heroes.   Mr Gorman’s possibly found a niche … 

†        Zero Theorem, on the other hand?   Is definitely salmon scented … !

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