
Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd March, 2021.

2nd March, 2021.

It’s Tuesday … 

And, frankly?

I’m expecting a call from my GP, later.

I’m half expecting to hear about a potential covid vaccination.

But also to discuss my health.

Which is always worrying.

I’m diabetic: and one always hears horror stories …


It’s still Tuesday … 

And the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, will be issuing this years’s budget, tomorrow.

I’m not expecting much.

Although I’m hoping that the £20 uplift to Universal Credit* — introduced last year — will be made permanent.

From the little I’ve heard … ?

It’s possibly only going to be extended for six months.

Just long enough to be around for the local elections in May.

But not long enough to pay for Christmas.

Heigh … ho … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†, Olga‡, Mum^, Debbiª and Edithº putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi on five out of five, Trevor and Mum on four, and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        True or false: 2nd March, 2017, saw a synthetic element called Oganesson, named and added to the Periodic Table.

Q2)        CDs were released in the US: on 2nd March, 1983.   CD stands for compact … what?

Q3)        2nd March, 1522, saw the birth of Adrian 6th.   He was the only Dutchman to become what: Pope, US President or Dalai Lama?

Q4)        Ian Smith declared his country to be a republic: on 2nd March, 1970.   Now called Zimbabwe, the country was then called what: Rhodesia, the Gambia or Swaziland?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Lou Reed was born on 2nd March, 1942.   Who produced his Transformer album?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        1st March is Saint David’s Day. Saint David is the patron saint of Wales: and Naas. Naas is a town in which Irish county: County Kildare, County Carlow or County Wexford?
A1)        County Kildare.

Q2)        The largest tradition Saint David’s Day parade takes place in the Welsh capital. What’s that capital called?
A2)        Cardiff.

Q3)        The Het Gymreig is a traditional Welsh what: hat, skirt or shawl?
A3)        Hat.

Q4)        The Mabinogion is an ancient collection of Welsh stories.   One of the stories in the Mabinogion was about King … who?
A4)        King Arthur.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Saint David’s symbol: a daffodil, leek or sheep?
A5)        A leek.    (If I’ve understood it correctly, the leek is the symbol of Saint David: the daffodil is the symbol of Wales.)
 Here’s a thought … 
“It’s amazing how many times I’ve sat in interviews like this in a bar or a hotel, and it’s 11 o’clock in the morning and someone sends a martini over.   And it’s like, Really?   It’s 11 o’clock!”
Daniel Craig, born 2nd March, 1968.
And, given it would’ve been his birthday?

An album … 

“Just a New York conversation, rattling in my head …” 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Universal Credit is the unemployment benefit many of us in the UK get.

†        Sorry about the score, Trevor: but — if I’ve understood it correctly — the leek’s a symbol of Saint David, while the daffodil is a symbol of Wales.
I know there were a few US shows doing the rounds, back in the day: I know the BBC had the original Star Trek on repeat for years, when I was growing up.   The Fantastic Journey springs to mind!

‡        That’s always the problem with mythological Welsh royalty, Olga: one wrong step and you trip over dozens of them!   But yes: I was after Arthur!
You know, I’ve not seen a working Chromebook, either!   It’s not like we can pop into our local computer shop!

^        Hello, Mum!

ª        He did make an impression, did Wilfred.   Did you know he was Irish, Debbi?   Oh … you’ve got a package coming … 

º        Oh, my LORD, yes, I do, Edith!   It had one of the piano riffs!   (The song always makes my hair stand on end!)


  1. A1 True
    A2 Disc
    A3 Pope but born 1459
    A4 Rhodesia
    A5 David Bowie

    “2nd March, 1522, saw the birth of Adrian 6th“. you have him being born after he became Pope on 9th January 1522. That is very good going even for a Pope.

  2. Q1) True
    Q2) Discs
    Q3) Pope (but he was born on the 2nd March 1459. He became the Pope in 1522. I think you got the years mixed-up as I’ve found the same date in several encyclopaedias).
    Q4) Rhodesia
    Q5) David Bowie
    I had a look online (perhaps one of these days in person... Here they've opened the shopping malls, but only at 30% and only on weekdays, so who knows?) and yes, you were right about the memory size, although I wonder about some of the Huawei's Matebooks. Some of them have a decent-sized SSD for me (well, the one I'm using now is 256, and I've had no problems with it, and I have the old hard drive from the computer before we replaced it, 1TB, which I only use for backups), and there's one with SSD 552 at the moment (until the 9th of March) 150 euros cheaper, so might try and see if I can have a look at one in person, as the feedback seems more than reasonable for what I need. (Did I tell you the mobile Wifi thing I had to try was Huawei? It worked well, that's for sure).
    Oh, I knew you'd be pleased to hear that Anna did even better in the next exam. A 7.6, so she's becoming a champ. Take care and I hope the GP call goes well and there are good news about the payments.

  3. 1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. False
    5. David Bowie and Mick Ronson


  4. Oh ... This is me, making a post with my phone.

  5. 1 True
    2 Disc
    4 Rhodesia
    5 David Bowie Mick Ronson

  6. I didn't know. I got the package, though. You know, the Chinese watch! ;-)

    Here's a "bootleg" version of that bit:

    1. true
    2. disc
    3. Pope
    4. Rhodesia
    5. David Bowie and Mick Ronson

  7. 1False
    2. Disc
    3. Pope
    4. Swaziland
    5. Lou Adler This song might make you think Of Summer.


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