
Tuesday 9 March 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th March, 2021.

9th March, 2021.

It’s got to be said, I’ve got last night’s episode of Just a Minute on in the background: and Gyles Brandreth just got challenged — twice — by Zoe Lyons.

Nish Kumar’s doing well as chair, I should add: but I’m still missing Nicolas Parsons!

At any rate, I’m going sideways … 

In amongst the birdsong … ?

I had some news, yesterday.

Yes: I’ve been sent the link to book up the COVID 19 vaccine: at a local sports centre.

On Saturday.

Heigh ho!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Robin^, Debbiª and Edithº, putting in their answers: with Trevor, Olga, Mum, Debbi and Robin scoring five out of five, and Edith on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        9th March is the feast day of Saint Frances of Rome.   She’s the patron saint of whom: pilots, car drivers or ship’s captains?

Q2)        9th March, 1997, saw the death of which rapper: Tupac Shakur, the Notorious B. I. G. or Grandmaster Melle Mel?

Q3)        Emperor Wu’s reign started on 9th March, 141BC.   He was from which Chinese Imperial dynasty: Han, Qin or Ming?

Q4)        Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations on 9th March, 1776.   Smith was a what: economist, ecologist or agronomist?

Q5)        Finally … ?   President Franklin D Roosevelt submitted the Emergency Banking Act to Congress: on 9th March, 1933.   It kickstarted what’s now known as the New … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Fight of the Century took place: on 8th March of which year of the 1970s?
A1)        1971.

Q2)        It saw Joe Frazier fight who?
A2)        Muhammad Ali.

Q3)        The fight took place in Madison Square Garden: in which US city?
A3)        New York.

Q4)        How many rounds did the fight take: ten, fifteen or twenty?
A4)        Fifteen.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Who won?
A5)        Smokin’ Joe Frazier.
Here’s a thought … 
“It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by.”
Vita Sackville West, 9 March 1892 – 2 June 1962.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cloud storage can be handy, Olga: especially if you’ve only got so much hard space space!   Mind you, I know what you mean: I’m not one for storing stuff on line, myself.   Which is why I’ve have a couple of external drive: one’s back up, the other’s media storage.   It’s amazing how much space Dr Who takes up!
Saying that … ?   Having a different email address for your teaching work sounds sensible: it keeps keeps it all separate.

†        That’s one very strange video, Trevor!   Actually, seeing the tapes used in that video, reminded me of some thing Dan Shields told me, many years ago.   The tape drives you briefly see the Benny Hill character using, in The Italian Job, were filmed as they were being rewound.   Apparently, they couldn’t file being used normally: as they were too fast to film!

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        That sounds a LOT like my part of Essex, Robin: we’ve some sun, for the next few days … then we’re possibly getting more rain!

ª        If we could keep our ejaculations to ourselves, Debbi … ?   😂

º        Blimey … !   I never knew someone had done a song about Judy Garland!   I’m mildly impressed, Edith!   I’m still fond of Liza Minelli’s work in Cabaret.   Apparently, she and Peter Allen, who wrote, Quiet Please, were married.   (Silly trivia for you, Edith.   The chair Liza’s dancing on, in Mein Herr?   Was nailed down: to stop her falling off it!)


  1. Q1) car drivers

    Q2) the Notorious B. I. G.

    Q3) Han

    Q4) economist

    Q5) Deal
    Good news on the vaccine front, Paul. Yes, videos and series take up a lot of space, but these days I only end up watching the odd programme or whatever my mother is watching, and I dedicate more time to reading or preparing classes. I've moved so many times over the years that I've become pretty detached from things and come to realise I don't need that much stuff anyway.

  2. A1 Car Drivers
    A2 the Notorious B. I. G.
    A3 Han
    A4 economist
    A5 Deal

    Not true about the tapes. Tapes went faster and smoother when rewinding. The tension arms were released as was a bit of the vacuum. Tapes going forward could be jerky depending upon what they were doing. Writing tape was slower than reading tape and the program may only write the tape after it had done certain actions.

  3. 1 Car Drivers
    2 Notorius B.I.G
    3 Han
    4 Ecologist
    5 New Order

  4. 1.pilots
    2, Notorious B.I.G.
    3. Han
    4. Economist
    5. New Deal

    Hi Paul. Thank you for the information. I appreciate your knowledge.

  5. We should definitely keep them to a minimum. :)

    1. car drivers
    2. the Notorious B.I.G.
    3. Han
    4. economist
    5. Deal


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