
Tuesday 13 April 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-4-2021: Samuel Beckett

13th April, 2021.

It’s got to be said: lockdown has eased … slightly … 

Or, at least, slightly enough for me to visit a barbers.

A new place in Brentwood High Street.

I’m not totally stunned with my trim: although, to be fair, it was comparatively cheap.

At least for around here!


Oh … I’ve got the new external drive set up: it’s being backed up to as we speak.

And yes: it’s going to take another five hours, as I’m using it to back up both my main drive: and my external storage drive.

It’s going to take that long, as it’s a few thousand gigabytes … 


Drat … !

I forgot something.

I’ve managed to pick up two copies — one for keeps, one to play — of Rhianna Pratchett’s Crystal of Storms: one in a series of the revived Fighting Fantasy gamebooks.

I played some of the originals, back in the day.   So, given one of the game industry’s finest has done one? Given whose daughter she is?

Spending a little cash seemed wise.

I just wish I’d bought a pencil … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Debbi‡ and Edith^ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, Debbi on four, and Edith and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        13th April saw the birth of playwright, Samuel Beckett.   In which year: 1905, 1906 or 1907?

Q2)        He was born in which Irish city: Cork, Dublin or Galway?

Q3)        He lived for much of his life in the capital of France.   What’s that capital called?

Q4)        For many years, he worked with Billie who: Bunter, Bailey or Whitelaw?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Vladimir and Estragon were characters in Beckett’s Waiting for whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        12th April, 1971, saw the birth of Shannen Doherty.   She played Prue Halliwell in which series: Little House on the Prairie, Beverly Hills 90210 or Charmed?
A1)        Charmed.

Q2)        Herbie Hancock was born on 12th April, 1940.   He plays what: trombone, keyboards or drums?
A2)        Keyboard. (Rocket is still one hell of a tune.)

Q3)        12th April is the feast day of Saint Zeno of Verona.   Verona is in which European country: Spain, Italy or France?
A3)        Italy.

Q4)        12th April is Cosmonautics Day, in Russia: celebrating the first human space flight.   Who made that flight: Yuri Gagarin, Alexei Leonov or Valentina Tereshkova?
A4)        Yuri Gagarin.   Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space, the only woman to do a solo mission and a member of Russia’s Parliament. Alexei Leonov made the first spacewalk.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Today is Halifax Day.   Where: North Carolina, South Carolina or Nova Scotia?
A5)        North Carolina.
Here’s a thought … 
“Don’t wait to be hunted to hide, that’s always been my motto.”
Molloy, (1951) by Samuel Beckett.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Thanks, Olga: I managed to find a barber that’d have me.   I’not stunned … but at least it was cheap.   Talking of the face masks, the place got a visit from a PPE inspector from the council, while I was there: I’m just glad I had my mask on!
And you’re right about flaws.   If I recall correctly, things like stamps and coins can be worth a mint.   And worth even more if they’re flawed.   You know, if the Queen’s head’s on backwards, or the perforations aren’t there, or the country’s name’s upside down.   It wouldn’t happen to a UK stamp.   Apparently, we’re the only county on the planet that doesn’t put its name on its stamps!   (You’re ok on the back up front, aren’t you, Olga?   Only I’ve a spare hard drive …)

†        Hello, Mum!   (Oh, the hoover’s due to turn up, today!)

‡        You know, I’ve never seen Bullitt, Debbi!   I’m going to have do something about that!   Once I’ve finished Strontium Dog: The Starlord Years.   And A Nomad of the Time Streamsª.   And For All Mankind, series two.
I finished The Lathe of Heaven, so you know: that’s quite a read … 

^        I’ll keep my fingers crossed for him, Edith: he does like some time off, occasionally.   Oh, you can find his Facebook account, here, so you know: and I’ve put in a friend request, as well!
From what I can remember, Herbie’s best known — over here — for Rockit: the video helped.   And I seem to recall that he was the first black American artist to be played on MTVº.

ª        I don’t know if you read any Moorcock, Debbi, but that a fair introduction to his work.   You might want to look up the individual volumes, though: I’ve got the omnibus, which is intimidating …

º        Pointless trivia for you, Edith.   The first video on MTV was Video Killed the Radio Star, by the Buggles.   The lead singer’s also called Trevor: and a well known producer.   And the woman in the tube is an actress called Virginia Hey: she plays Zhaan in Farscape.


  1. Q1) 1906

    Q2) Dublin

    Q3) Paris

    Q4) Whitelaw

    Q5) Godot
    I'm pleased you managed to get a haircut, at least. Unless you find somebody you like and manage to stick by them (not always easy, unless they own their own establishment), it's luck of the draw. And it doesn't always seem to related to the price either. I've had good cuts for not a lot of money and some that have cost me far more and didn't please me as much.
    I used to go to the house of a hairdresser who only worked from home, and that worked quite well, but now I keep swapping and changing (and my mother isn't too bad either)!
    Thanks for the offer. I am fine (although you're reminded me to keep backing up). I think there are issues now trying to mail things from the UK into other EU countries. I used to get paper copies of the books published by a British publisher, and they told me they'd had difficulties with customs, etc, so they wouldn't be able to send them any longer. It's a shame because they published many historical books and books heavily reliant on pictures and illustrations, and those work better on paper.

  2. 1.1907
    2. cork
    3. Paris
    5. Godot

    Paul, I have approved your friend request. Thank you for the link to Trevor's page. It is fun to see his page. I am glad you got your hair cut.

  3. 1 1906
    2 Dublin
    3 Paris
    4 Bailey
    5 Godot

  4. Would that be Michael Moorcock? I Duck-Duck-Goed him. :) Haven't read his work.

    1. 1906
    2. Dublin
    3. Paris
    4. Whitelaw
    5. Godot


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