
Friday 30 April 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th April, 2021.

30th April, 2021.

Right … 

First things first: I caught the news, last night.

It seems actor, director, producer and Dr Who star, Noel Clarke?

Has had his membership of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, BAFTA: and had an award he won, at the recent BAFTA awards.

The allegations?   Are listed in an article on the Guardian’s website: and have been made — anonymously — to the Academy, itself.

The Academy say’s emails have given no evidence.

If proven true?   It’s a terrible shame: as Noel is an authentic film talent.

We’ll have to see.


Did I mention I’m ripping a box set?   Of the twelfth series of classic Dr Who.

I’m ripping a bo … yeah, you can see where that sentence is heading!

It has to be said: the CGI replacement effects in Revenge of the Cybermen look good.

Here’s hoping the rest of the set look as good.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi, scoring five out of five, Mum on three and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        30th April is International Jazz Day.   Who’s supposed to have come up with the idea: Herbie Hancock, Jamie Cullum or Thelonious Monk?

Q2)        In a military operation?   30th April, 1943, saw the HMS Seraph send a dead body to the shores of Spain: in an attempt to plant false invasion plans for Nazi Germany.   In what was called Operation what: Mincemeat, Sausage or Burger?

Q3)        The first President to the USA took the oath of office: on 30th April, 1789.   Who was that first president?

Q4)        30th April, 1985, saw the birth of actress and model, Gal Gadot.   She plays Diana Prince in a well known series of films.   Diana Prince is better known how?

Q5)        Finally … ?   30th April, 2019, saw the death of seven foot, three, actor, Peter Mayhew. Who did he play in the Star Wars movies?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        29th April, 1958, saw the birth of which actress: Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman or Kate Mulgrew?
A1)        Michelle Pfeiffer.

Q2)        29th April, 1955, saw the birth of which actress: Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman or Kate Mulgrew?
A2)        Kate Mulgrew.

Q3)        29th April, 1970, saw the birth of which actress: Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman or Kate Mulgrew?
A3)        Uma Thurman.   I have a mental image of all three saying “It wasn’t me!” in various different character voices.

Q4)        29th April, 1986, saw which Duchess buried at Windsor?
A4)        The late Wallis Simpson, widow of Edward 8th, and also known as the Duchess of Windsor.   (Her late husband, the Duke of Windsor, was the former Edward 8th: he gave up his throne to marry her.   That’s a good thing: he was known to be sympathetic to Hitler’s Germany …)

Q5)        Finally … ?   29th April, 1863, saw the birth of William Randolph Hearst.   He published what: books, newspapers or poetry?
A5) Newspapers.   He’s said to have inspired Citizen Kane.
Here’s a quote …
“I taught gymnastics and calisthenics. The soldiers loved me because I made them fit.”
Gal Gadot, born 30th April, 1985.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Good luck with the jab, Trevorº: you will let us know if you suddenly grew an extra arm, yes … ?   (I hate that new look!)

†        Wish her luck, either way, Olga!   (Oh, do you remember an episode of El Ministerio del Tiempo called Tiempo de espías?   JUST as a thought … ?)

‡        Hello, Mumº!

^        You and me both, Debbiº!

ª        Oh, blimey!   We’ll possibly have to do some think gin, there, Edithº!   I’m going to have to watch Singing’ In The Rain, one day!   The title track’s a classic.   And, given the day of day, right now?   This tune’s handy!

º        Og, I’ve mentioned it to Olga, already: but there’s an episode of El Ministerio del Tiempo called Tiempo de espías, Time of Spies?   It’s a good episode.   And a big clue … 


  1. Q1)Herbie Hancock

    Q2) Mincemeat

    Q3) George Washington

    Q4) Wonder Woman

    Q5) Chewbacca
    I can't remember the details of the episode, although the story sounded familiar when I read the question, so probably it's filed somewhere in my brain. You must watch Singing in the Rain. It's fantastic. (I remember going to the gym one day close to Christmas, already in the Christmas holiday period, so there were no classes, and I happened to catch Singing on the Rain as I was on the walking/running machine, and believe me, it gave a spring to my step)!

  2. A1 Herbie Hancock
    A2 Mincemeat
    A3 George Washington
    A4 Wonder Woman (I preferred Lynda Carter in the TV series)
    A5 Chewbacca

    I know that I will feel a lot safer after this second jab. Only grew a second head last time. A new left leg would be handy this time.

  3. 1 Jamie Cullen
    2 Mincemeat
    3 George Washington
    4 ?
    5 Chewbacca

  4. 1. Thelonious Monk
    3. George Washington
    4. Wonder Woman.
    5. Chewbacca

    Singing in the rain is a fun movie.

  5. Wow! I just had a long discussion with a film producer who, as it turns out, is a big fan of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett! Imagine! :)

    1. Herbie Hancock
    2. Mincemeat
    3. George Washington
    4. Wonder Woman
    5. Chewbacca


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