
Tuesday 25 May 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th May, 2021

25th May, 2021.

Are you on Instagram?

I am.

It’s usually fun: you can show off your photography skills.

Or lack of photography skills, in my case!

The downside … ?   Is that the site seems to be infested with scammers: I had a spate of romance scammers when I first joined.

Yesterday … ?   And I wish I’d gotten a screen shot of both?   But, yesterday … ?

I had two beggars message me: after food.

Begging for food …. on Instagram.

Dear Gods … !
That’s the profile of the two: keep your eyes peeled … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Olga and Mum on four and Edith on two.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        25th May, 2020, saw who killed in Minneapolis, by police officer Derek Chauvin?

Q2)        In the US, it’s national what day: Tap Dancing Day, Cheese Day or Baton Twirling Day?

Q3)        25th May is Independence Day in Jordan.   What’s the capital of Jordan: Amman, Zarqa or Irbid?

Q4)        The Last Bell Ceremony takes place: on the 25th May of each year.   In Russian what: factories, bars or schools?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May features in which Terry Pratchett novel: The Last Hero, Night Watch or Monstrous Regiment?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Bob Dylan was born on 24th May.   Of which year of the 1940s?
A1)        1941.

Q2)        He was born in which US state: Minnesota, New York or Oregon?
A2)        Minnesota.

Q3)        His first album, Bob Dylan, was released in which year: 1961, 1962 or 1963?
A3)        1962.

Q4)        Dylan notoriously used what for the first time, in 1965: a harmonica, an electric guitar or a Swanee whistle?
A4)        An electric guitar.

Q5)        Finally … ?   All Along the Watchtower is a 1967 Dylan song.   The best known version was recorded by who: The Who, the Beatles or the Jimi Hendrix Experience?
A5)        The Jimi Hendrix Experience.
Here’s a thought … 
“They’ll let me play a gray-bearded wizard, but they still wouldn’t cast a young gay actor - who was out - in a straight romantic lead.”
Sir Ian Mckellen, born 25 May 1939.
And, as a nod to UK Subs frontman, Charlie Harper?

A song …

And, as it got mentioned in yesterday’s Teaser?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hmmm … that’s one I’ll have to book mark for later, Olga: once I’ve set up my kindle account.   And it looks like I could read it for free … once I’ve set up a subscription.   Looks like there’s a little bit of iffy advertising going on, there!
At any rate?   I think most of the losing entries have been fairly gracious: as has the UK entry.   Did you hear about the Italian entry?   They passed a voluntarily drug, after accusations of cocaine started flying about.   I’m cynical enough to. wonder if they’ve heard the phrase ‘flushing?’

†        You know, I really should try And find my Premium Bonds, Trevor: lord knows if I’ve won anything!
(I was talking about a pint of Lapsang Souchon … !)

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        You know, I’ve not seen The Equaliser for years, Debbi!   Oh, don’t forget to let me know about the packet!   Assuming it works, after a long trip, you should find them … handy … 
(That reminds me, I’ve not seen The Wicker Man for years …)

ª        Glad I could pass on something, Edith!   Enjoy today’s tunes!


  1. 1 George Floyd
    2 Baton Twirling Day
    3 Amman
    4 Schools
    5 The last Hero

  2. Q1) George Floyd

    Q2) Tap Dance Day (Missing Children’s Day as well)

    Q3) Amman

    Q4) Schools

    Q5) Night Watch
    Yes, I read about the controversy and also saw the video, and I must admit it looked pretty suspicious, especially because one of the members of the band elbowed him when he realised they were appearing on camera. Flushing comes to mind, and I'm always curious as to how rigorous they are with such tests and if they'd had somebody checking outside (or even inside), as getting somebody else's sample is quite easy as well and swapping them...) (I didn't work in substance misuse for long, but I did work with a consultant who looked after substance misuse as well, and yes, you see (and hear about) all kinds of things.

  3. A1 George Perry Floyd Jr.
    A2 National Tap Dancing Day
    A3 Amman
    A4 schools
    A5 Night watch

    Happy Towel Day. I have one one the table beside the laptop.

    In my Tea/Coffee cabinet on the wall in the Kitchen I do have some Twinings Lapsang Souchong tea bags.

    Payment of Prizes of Premium Bonds changed this year. They no long send out cheques. Most winning are now paid into the bank account that you have set up along side your online account.

  4. You know what movie I love with Edward Woodward? Breaker Morant. Great flick!

    I should review that one. And see it again!

    I'll let you know as soon as I receive anything. Thanks, Paul! :)

    1. George Floyd
    2. Tap Dancing Day (Really? Well, who knew?)
    3. Amman
    4. schools
    5. Night Watch

    I feel an overwhelming desire to pick up a new (for me) Pratchett title.

    I'm getting a bit snowed under with books to read. It's a nice kind of burden to bear. :)

  5. 1. George Floyd
    2. Baton Twirling Day
    3. Amman
    4. Schools
    5. Night Watch

    That is a very good song. The Hippy Chick one I mean I had forgotten it.


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