
Wednesday 26 May 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th May, 2021.

26th May, 2021.

It’s officially the case: I’ve been doing stuff: including tramping up and down the Liberty Two shopping centre, in the process.


I wanted to sell off my old one: and a box set, and an extra remote.

I got a reasonable price for them.

I’ve got a new, second generation, AppleTV 4k.

Which — it has to be said — connects to, and streams from, my local library a lot faster than the old model.

The downside?   It took a long time to set up my game controller.

And I’m not entirely convinced by the new Siri Remote.

The actually Siri Button — that lets you access Apple’s voice assistant  — is on the side of the remote.

Slightly fiddly, in other words: especially if you’re left handed … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga†, Trevor‡, Debbi^ and Edithª putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, Edith on four and Mum on three.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        26th May is National Paper Airplane Day. Where: the USA, China or the UK?

Q2)        Jazzman, Miles Davis, was born on 26th May, 1926.   What did he play: trombone, trumpet or saxophone?

Q3)        26th May, 1650, saw the birth of John Churchill, the first Duke of where: Marlborough, Benson or Hedges?

Q4)        Actress Pam Grier was born: on 26th May, 1949.   Who directed her in the 1997 film, Jackie Brown?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which European country’s Cabinet resigned: on 26th May, 1981?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        25th May, 2020, saw who killed in Minneapolis, by police officer Derek Chauvin?
A1)        George Floyd.   George’s Floyd’s killer has applied for a retrial: as he felt the original was unfair.     The stupid thing about George Floyd’s death?   Is the police were called because he passed a dodgy $20 bill.   A dodgy $20.   What the hell was that shop assistant doing?   (In Lord knows how many years of retail work?   I never phoned the police because of a dodgy note.   I was taught to very politely refuse the note, and ask if the customer had another way to pay.   Or — depending on the circumstances — point out where the nearest cash machine was.)

Q2)        In the US, it’s national what day: Tap Dance Day, Cheese Day or Baton Twirling Day?
A2)        National Tap Dance Day.

Q3)        25th May is Independence Day in Jordan.   What’s the capital of Jordan: Amman, Zarqa or Irbid?
A3)        Amman.

Q4)        The Last Bell Ceremony takes place: on the 25th May of each year.   In Russian what: factories, bars or schools?
A4)        Schools.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May features in which Terry Pratchett novel: The Last Hero, Night Watch or Monstrous Regiment?
A5)        Night Watch.
Here’s a thought … 
“My ego only needs a good rhythm section.”
Miles Davis, May 26, 1926 – September 28, 1991.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        Oh, they elbowed him, did they, Olga?   Yeah, that sounds very suspicious.   I can’t help but notice the voluntary test he took was two days after the event.   Plenty of time for him to start flushing.   Assuming he was using?   It sounds like he wasn’t worried about a test on the night.   I think Eurovision might want to think about that.   And yeah: I’ve heard stories, too.   It’s amazing what you hear, behind a bar.
Maybe someone should enter My Lovely Horse.   It’s possibly the safer option … 

‡        I forgot the lilac, Trevor!   There’s always something!   (And straight into the bank is possibly safer than sending a cheque in the post … )

^        Hmmm … that’s possibly another one for me to check out, Debbi.   Along side Callan, the TV series he was in.
As for Nightwatch … ?   It, Thud and Nation are possibly the finest things he wrote … 

ª        It is good, isn’t it, Edith?   They lifted the guitar riff from an old Smiths song, called How Soon is Now?   Johnny Marr’s guitar work is great on this tune.   It’s just a shame Morrissey’s gone a little too far right, recently …


  1. A1 USA
    A2 Trumpet
    A3 Marlborough
    A4 Quentin Jerome Tarantino
    A5 Italy

    Ah Lilac. My grandmother had a Lilac Tree in her small garden and we had a cutting of it which grew into a tree in our Front garden on Sandhouse Crescent Scunthorpe. Lilac is my second favourite flower after the English Bluebell.

    It does mean that to claim Premium Bond prizes you need online access to set up your account with NS&I dot com.

    Of course by now 100% of the UK has online access. Lol

  2. Q1) The USA

    Q2) Trumpet

    Q3) Marlborough

    Q4) Quentin Tarantino

    Q5) Italy
    I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but now that you mention Father Ted, I love Frank Kelly's version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. I'd definitely vote for it! (Although I guess it should be Ireland?)
    Mind you, he's no longer with us. I wonder if that would be a problem...

  3. 1 China
    2 Trumpet
    3 Marlborough
    4 Quentin Tarentino
    5 Italy

  4. And I just can't read them fast enough! :)

    1. the USA
    2. trumpet
    3. Marlborough (I keep thinking of the Marlboro Man--the ciggie advert guy!)
    4. Quentin Tarantino (His last name autofills on my iPad--price of fame, I guess :) )
    5. Italy

  5. 1.China
    2. Trumpet
    3. Benson
    4. Quentin Tarantino
    5. USSR

    I had not heard that Smiths song before. I see what you are saying.


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