
Friday 7 May 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-5-2021: Vladimir.

7th May, 2021.

Yes: it’s official: my nephew, Jude, was over.

Which was definitely an enjoyable afternoon.

Especially when we found this video: 


We’ll be able to catch up, next time.

It’s at a critical point in the match!


I take it you follow the news?

I do.

And, like many of us, are shocked when a school shooting occurs in the US.

And usually felt it couldn’t get much worse: until this morning.

When news came through that a schoolgirl, aged around 11 or 12 — not that much older than Jude — shot three people at her school in Idaho.

The USA is a civilised, technologically advanced, country: my two US regulars, Debbi and Edith, are testament to that.

But it’s constitutionally backed gun laws, gun laws that allow a twelve year old child to shoot people at her school?

Need changing.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Debbi‡ and Edith^ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        7th May saw Vladimir Putin named as President of Russia.   7th May of which year?

Q2)        His first presidential term ended in which year: 2003, 2004 or 2005?

Q3)        Between 2008 and 2012, Putin was Russian what: Prime Minister, President or Chancellor?

Q4)        Putin is a former officer of what: the CIA, MI5 or KGB?

Q5)        Finally … ?   As President, Vladimir lives in the Senate.   That Senate is in which Moscow ‘K’?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were convicted of three murders: on 6th May, 1966.   The murders were known as the what murders: Moors Murders, Plains Murders or Savannah Murders?
A1)        The Moors Murders.

Q2)        6th May, 1915, saw the birth of Orson Welles.   His first film was released in 1941.   What was it called: The Stranger, Journey into Fear or Citizen Kane?
A2)        Citizen Kane.

Q3)        6th May is the Feast of Saint John before the Latin Gate.   The gate in question was in which Italian city: Rome, Naples or Lazio?
A3)        Rome.

Q4)        6th May is Yuri’s Day in the Spring.   In other words, it’s an Eastern Orthodox version of which saint’s day: Saint George’s, Saint Andrew’s or Saint David’s?
A4)        Saint George’s. (It’s the Julian calendar’s) equivalent to 23rd April.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which airship exploded, on 6th May, 1937: the Hindenburg, the R101 or or the Loch Etive?
A5)        The Hindenburg.   (The R101 crashed in 1930.   The Loch Etive is a fictional airship in The Warlord of the Air: the Michael Moorcock novel I was reading at the time of writing.)
Here’s a thought … 
“We will not allow the past to drag us down and stop us from moving ahead. We understand where we should move.”
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
A Randy Newman tune …

And some tinkling … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ve got to admit, I ended up with another LibDem leaflet, Olga: I am not a happy bunny!   But the vote, itself, went well enough.   I managed to spoil my vote for the Police and Crime Commissioner: there was no-one worth voting for.   And Madrid’s having upheavals?   Why am I not surprised?
Ooh, and yes please!   Cosplayers are usually impressively turned out.   When they stand still!

†        Yep: that’s Facebook for you, Trevor.   You know, Twitter’s been pretty consistent for years … … 

‡        Absolutely, Debbi.   Patrick McGoohan wouldn’t look as good in the scarf … !   (Oh, I’m going through some of the paperwork for the season 14 box set.   Apparently, Masque of Mandragora was original called Catacombs of Death!   Do I call it ‘cheesy,’ or would you like to?)

^        My pleasure, Edith!   Apparently?   He trained in a Peking Opera school!


  1. Q1) 2000

    Q2) 2004

    Q3) Prime Minister (This brings to mind musical chairs)

    Q4) KGB

    Q5) The Kremlin
    I couldn't agree more with your comment about USA laws. I'm convinced the founding fathers would have been horrified if they had realised how their words would be taken out of context. What was imperative and made sense at the time, doesn't now.

  2. A1 2000
    A2 2004
    A3 Prime Minister
    A4 KGB
    A5 The Kremlin

    Good to see the home town of my Paternal great grand-parents switching from Red to Blue in the Parliamentary by-election. Just a slight win for the Tories 52% to 28%.I see that a pub opposite the counting centre now has a large Inflatable in the guise of Boris.

    Locally I see Harlow council has gone from Red to Blue.

  3. Doctor Who can do cheesy so well, though. :)

    1. 2012
    2. 2004
    3. Prime Minister
    4. KGB
    5. the Kremlin

    Thing is, the Second Amendment is misinterpreted plenty. I don't think the Founding Fathers imagined just anyone was fit to carry a gun. :) There's a whole lot they couldn't imagine. Witness ... yeah ... :)

  4. 1.1996
    2. 2004
    4 KGB
    5. Kremlin

    Paul, I learn such interesting things from you.

  5. Mum’s answers were … 

    1 1999

    2 2004
    3 Prime Minister
    4 KGB
    5 Kremlin

    She left them here


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