
Friday 18 June 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-6-2021: Waterloo

18th June, 2021.

Right … I had my surgery call, twice, yesterday.

The first time … ?   Was to let me know my thyroid medication would be increased: and to let me know that the pharmacist should be calling today, at the latest.

The second time … ?   Was to let me know the phone number for the people who carry out the diabetic eye check: I can chase that up, myself.

Except, of course … stuff … !

Given the cost of making calls on my landline?   I’d drag my ageing carcass up Warley Hill — with a discreet piece of paper and a pencil, tucked away — and phone them to make an appointment.

Which I’m happy to do.

Except, of course, it’s raining … heavily.

I’m going to have to find somewhere … dry … !


I’ve got to confess, I’ve been talking to reporter, Piers Meyler.

About various things.

About the phone coverage in the area.   And about access to the building I live in.

I don’t know when that article will be released: the last I knew, Piers was waiting for a couple of phone calls.

I’m assuming one will be from Clarion Housing: my landlords.

Whatever: I do know it’s something I and my neighbours are looking forward to.

One of my neighbours … ?

Has managed to mention this piece from ITV’s news site.

There’s a similar piece — from the end of May — on the BBC’s site.

Damon House is not the only place having issues … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Debbi‡ and Edith^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Debbi and Mum scoring five out of five, and Edith on three.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        A French army was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo: on 18th June of which year: 1814, 1815 or 1816?

Q2)        Who led the French army: Toussaint L’Overture, Napoléon Bonaparte or Jean Lafitte?

Q3)        Waterloo is in which country: Belgium, Estonia or Luxembourg?

Q4)        The French were defeated by the Seventh Coalition.   A coalition that included British and Prussian forces.   Who led the Prussians: Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Maximilien von Schnell or Ludwig van Klümpf?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Who led the British forces at the Battle of Waterloo?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        17th June is the feast day of Saint Botolph: also known as Botulph, Botulf or Botwulf. He’s the patron saint of what: farming, cheese making or boating?
A1)        Farming.

Q2)        17th June, 1898, saw the birth of M. C. Escher. Some of his art involves which ‘T’: tessellation, Tijuana or terraforming?
A2)        Tessellation.

Q3)        Director, Lee Tamahori, was born on 17th June, 1950. He directed which 2002, James Bond, film?
A3)        Die Another Day.

Q4)        17th June, 1982, saw the birth of actor, Arthur Darville: who played Rory, in Doctor Who.   He was born on the same day as an actress who appeared in Attack the Block.   Which actress … ?
A4)        Funnily enough? Jodie Whittaker, the 13th Doctor.   Both of them appeared in Broadchurch.

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th June, 1882, saw the birth of composer, Igor Stravinsky.   In which country: Russian, Finland or Sweden?
A5)        Russia.
Here’s a thought …
“The allied campaign against [the French leader] began in earnest in early June, but the armies that had assembled in [Europe] were of dubious quality.”
From the Britannica entry about the Battle.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*         It’s an incredible mess, Olga: and one made worse by the operators and the Council blaming each other!   I do know I’ve been in touch with the woman who’s been organising a petition about it: she’s going to be attending the next Council meeting about it.
yes: I knew about the thyroid medication’s effect.   I’ve bumped into a couple of people, recently, who I’ve not seen in a while: who’ve been asking if I’ve lost weight.   I’ve blamed the meds … and the knee exercises … !
Bless her, Edith managed to post the ideal song, yesterday: 

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        Actually, there’s a few video tours of Penny Lane on YouTube, Debbi.   Including one by a chap called Glenn Campbell.   With an old fashioned green bus.   I’ve not seen one of those for years!

^        Oh, crikey, Rhythm of The Rain!   Cheers, Edith!   I’ve not heard that in years.   It’s very appropriate, given the weather!   As is this!


  1. Your "Glen Campbell" does not check his facts. He said that Strawberry Fields was an imaginary place. Well it is real and you can visit it.

  2. Q1) 1815

    Q2) Napoléon Bonaparte

    Q3) Belgium

    Q4) Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher

    Q5) The Duke of Wellington
    Terrible, the news about Clarion. It seems they need to be taken to task. It might be "affordable" housing, but to call that "housing" is appalling. I hope everything goes well, and you manage to book the eyetest.

  3. 1 1815
    2 Napoleon Bonaparte
    3 Belgium, but it was part of the Netherlands then apparently
    4 Von Blucher

    5 Duke of Wellington

  4. What does Glen Campbell know, anyway? :)

    1. 1815
    2. Napoléon Bonaparte
    3. Belgium
    4. Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher (reminds me Chloris Leachman, in Young Frankenstein)
    5. Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington

  5. 1. 1815
    2. Napoleon Bonaparte
    3 Belgium
    4. Maximillian Von Schnell
    5. I don't know

    I hope your surgery goes well.

  6. Love the Penny Lane video.

    I'd love to travel the world and make videos like that.

    Now, we need to go there and have fish and chips on Penny Lane. And see the fire station, of course. :)

    I'm hungry for fish and chips now. :)


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