
Thursday 17 June 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17th June, 2021

17th June, 2021.

Yes: it’s officially.

The day I think going out to get a loaf — or possibly some milk — is a good idea?

It’s raining.

Well … 

At least … it’s rained over night: and threatening more.

All this when you’re expecting a phone call from your GP’s surgery?

Well … 


Oh … just as a quick thought … ?

Piers, bless him, has had another article published: about the issues we’re having with phone masts in the area.

You can find it, here.


His piece about the keys will also be published soon.


Oh, I’ve JUST had the duty doctor from my surgery, phone.   She’s going to get the in-house pharmacist to call me, to discuss my sugar levels.

She’s also upping my thyroid medication: to 150mg a day.

Hopefully, that will help with the weight loss!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga†, Edith‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on four and Edith on two.

The day also saw Trevorª leaving us a message.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        17th June is the feast day of Saint Botolph: also known as Botulph, Botulf or Botwulf.   He’s the patron saint of what: farming, cheese making or boating?

Q2)        17th June, 1898, saw the birth of M. C. Escher. Some of his art involves which ‘T’: tessellation, Tijuana or terraforming?

Q3)        Director, Lee Tamahori, was born on 17th June, 1950.   He directed which 2002, James Bond, film?

Q4)        17th June, 1982, saw the birth of actor, Arthur Darville: who played Rory, in Doctor Who.   He was born on the same day as an actress who appeared in Attack the Block.   Which actress … ?

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th June, 1882, saw the birth of composer, Igor Stravinsky.   In which country: Russian, Finland or Sweden?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        16th June is Sussex Day.   Sussex is in the southern part of which of the UK’s countries: Scotland, England, Northern Ireland or Wales?
A1)        England.

Q2)        Sussex Day is on the feast day of the county’s patron saint.   That saint is Saint Richard of where: Brighton, Chicester or Downton?
A2)        Chicester.

Q3)        Modern Sussex is divided into two counties.   Name one of them.
A3)        East Sussex or West Sussex.

Q4)        The flag of Sussex — as well as the two coats of arms — have birds on them.   What birds: martlets, sparrows or choughs?
A4)        Martlets.   You can find the flag, here. I don’t know where you’d find armigerous sparrows: but there’s choughs on my town’s coat of arms.   Occasionally, you’ll get a chough flapping around on my street: if you can imagine a bird that looks like an East End thug, it’s a chough.

Q5)        Finally?   Egremont Russet, Knobbed Russet and the Crawley Reinette are from Sussex.   They’re all what: apples, oranges or pears?
A5)        Apples.   (The knobby russet is very knobby!   It’s SO knobby, an especially knobby potato will … … yeah, you get the picture …)
Here’s a thought …
“One has a nose.   The nose scents and it chooses.   An artist is simply a kind of pig snouting truffles.”
Igor Stravinsky, 17 June, 1882 – 6 April 1971.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        Yes.   Alan’s something of a Windows fan, Olga.   You’d think a software engineer would want LESS headaches!   As for ghost stories?   They’re always popular.
At ANY rate … ?   How IS Jordi doing?

‡        That it is, Debbi: and somehow, it’s not surprising.   Don’t forget, Liverpool’s home to Paddy’s Wigwam.   It’s possibly one of England’s biggest Catholic cathedrals.   (I think you, me, and Edith, are all learning stuff!)

^        Well … Piers has got the second phone mast story up, Edith.   Hopefully, the key one will be published soon.   At any rate … ?   Did I mention one of my favourite songs … ?   I can still remember it being used in a film called Times Square.

ª        You know, I don’t know if lobscouse usually has celery, Trevor … but cheers for the recipe, I should be able to do something with that … 


  1. Q1) Farming

    Q2) Tessellation

    Q3) Die Another Day

    Q4) Jodie Whittaker

    Q5) Russia
    Jordi is fine, but not dedicating too much time to English, so it is going to be veeery slow, although he intends to carry on after the summer break, and hopefully, the refurbishing of his flat will have finished and the project he was working on as well, so... (I'm sure he'll find something else to do, so not sure that will make a big difference).
    Good article on the mast and you are quoted. It's a mess, for sure.
    And I hope the adjustment to the medication helps. An underactive thyroid slows the metabolism down, that's for sure.
    Here it's raining as well, so I hope it might bring the temperatures down a bit at least.

  2. 1 Farming
    2 Tessellation
    3 Die Another Day
    4 Jodie Whittacker
    5 Russia

  3. Maybe I can hit Liverpool someday. I'd love to see Penny Lane! :)

    1. farming
    2. tessellation
    3. Die Another Day
    4. Jodie Whittaker
    5. Russia

  4. 1. Boating
    2. Tesselation
    3. Golden Eye
    4. Jodie Whitaker
    5. Russia

    Paul, I hadn't heard that song in years. It is very good.

    Here is a song I like.


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