
Sunday 6 June 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th June, 2021

6th May, 2021.

Right … 

I’ve officially finished the most recent batch of Teaser videos.

Those will be going live as and when: I hope you enjoy them!

At any rate … ?

I’ve finished those: and have a little time for myself.

That means … ?

Well, I’ve time to job hunt, do a little more work for the blog, and a few other bits and bobs.

Once that’s done … ?

I really have to think about setting up the new laptop.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^ and Edithª, putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on three.

Let’s see how they, and you, does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        6th June saw much of Seattle destroyed in the Great Fire of Seattle.   In which year of the 1880s?

Q2)        The first drive in theatre opened on 6th June, 1933.   It was in which US state: New York, New Jersey or New Mexico?

Q3)        Actor Robert Englund was born on 6th June, 1947.   Who did he play in the Nightmare on Elm Street movies?

Q4)        The Chicago L began operations.   On 6th June of which year: 1892, 1893 or 1894?

Q5)        Finally … ?   6th June is UN Russian Language Day.   Russian is written with a version of which alphabet: Chinese, Latin or Cyrillic?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        5th June saw the UK hold a referendum: on membership of the EEC, the European Economic Community.   5th June of which years of the 1970s?
A1)        1975.

Q2)        5th June, 2017, saw Montenegro join what: NATO, the EU or the UN?
A2)        The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, or NATO.

Q3)        The city of Houston was incorporated: on 5th June, 1837.   It’s in which US state?
A3)        Texas.

Q4)        John Profumo resigned from his government position: on 5th June, 1963.   As Secretary of State for what: Industry, War or Health?
A4)        War.   He was having a relationship with escort, Christine Keeler. Who — as it turned out — was also dating a Russian spy.   (There’s a possibly apocryphal story: that says Harold Macmillan, Profumo’s boss, and then Prime Minister, said “It could’ve been worse: it could’ve been a boy!” when told of the affair.)

Q5)        Finally?   5th June saw the birth of Spanish writer, Federico García Lorca.   In which Spanish province: Cádiz, Málaga or Granada?
A5)        Granada.   Lorca was killed during the Spanish Civil War: his body has never been found.   (He also features in an episode of El Ministerio del Tiempo.)
Here’s a thought …
“Upon the brink of the wild stream 
He stood, and dreamt a mighty dream.”
From The Bronze Horseman, by Aleksandr Pushkin, 6 June, 1799 – 10 February, 1837.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s not a bad idea, Olga: but I don’t think I’d have the patience.   And I really wouldn’t know where to start!   I do know David — who occasionally comments, here — had one.   Whether he kept it up, I don’t know: he moved to Germany, after he started it, so I don’t think he’s maintained it!
Ohh … !   Artichokes … ?   I’ll have to see what i can do with one, if I see one in Sainsbury’s … !

†        I’m tactfully saying nothing, Trevor!   At any rate … ?   I’ve just had a sneaky look at Granada’s Wikipedia entry.   That is STILL an impressive amount of output: Jeremy Brett’s Holme, the definitive one, was one of theirs.

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        I’m keeping my fingers crossed, Debbi!   Assuming they work, you’ll definitely like the contents!

ª        That it was, Edith, that it was.   I always think Interview with the Vampire’s a good film: but I know horror’s not everyone’s thing.
Oooh, we had birdsong, this morning: but send quality on the video I recorded was hopeless!


  1. A1 1889
    A2 New Jersey
    A3 Freddy Krueger (not bad surname misspelt and year of birth wrong)
    A4 1892
    A5 Cyrillic

    Yes Jeremy Brett is the definitive Holmes for me.

    Another program that started in 1962 at Grenada and still going strong is University Challenge.

    Did you get that job as a Proof Reader?

  2. Q1) 1889

    Q2) New Jersey

    Q3) Freddy Krueger

    Q4) 1892

    Q5) Cyrillic
    Knowing somebody with an allotment would be handy, though. In my experience, they always have either terrible crops or far too much of one thing. (When we go to Galicia, to the place where my father was born, we end up inundated with vegetables and a bit of fruit, as everybody plants the same, and it all grows at the same time. Unfortunately, where the fruit is concerned, it is not a very sunny area, so most of the fruit that grows there is quite late, and unless you stay until well into September, you miss most of it. I don't know if we'll manage to get there this year. It is very far from here, my mother doesn't like to fly, and the train we used to take is no longer going. I don't have a car here, and it's very far to drive in any case (especially as I haven't got much of a chance to get used to driving here), and we're still uncertain about travel in any case. But the problem is that maintaining the few plots of land and the trailer/mobile home my parents installed there is impossible from here, and if something happened (a fire, that are very common in the summer there) we'd be liable. My mother wants to sell, but it is a very rural area and nobody is interested in buying, so I'm not sure we'll be lucky with that unless one of my relatives or somebody from the hamlet is interested. We shall see.

  3. 1 1889
    2 New Jersey
    3 Freddie Kruegar
    4 1893
    5 Cyrillic

  4. Thanks, Paul! :)

    1. 1889
    2. New Jersey
    3. Freddy Krueger
    4. 1892
    5. Cyrillic

  5. 1. 1886
    2. New Mexico
    3.Freddy Kruger
    4. 1893
    5. Cyrillic

    Did you know that Mr. Brett played Freddie in the movie version of My Fair Lady? His singing was dubbed.


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