
Thursday 1 July 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-7-2021: Canada Day

1st July, 2021.

Yes: I’m annoyed.

I was due to have a diabetic eye test, yesterday: at a local surgery in Warley, rather than my usual surgery.

I missed it.

And not through any fault of my own.

I got the the relevant bus stop, in time: but missed two direct bus.

So caught the 72, instead.

What I didn’t realise?   Was that the 72 goes up Avenue Road, then down Woodman Road, rather than straight up Warley Hill — the B186, so you know — to get there.

Which is where the problems started.

The bus got held up on Woodman Road: as it couldn’t get past a couple of badly parked cars.





I was fuming.

And, when the driver asked if I’d rather get off, to walk to my appointment?

I took the chance: not realising quite how long it could take.

By the time of the appointment?   I was further down Woodman Road, the bus had zoomed past me, after taking a diversion … and, three minutes after the thing was due to start?

The surgery had phoned me to tell me I was latte, and they would be sending me a letter to rebook things.

I spent most of yesterday?   Swearing on social media.

The only upside to the day?

I got the rat trap set up … and won three pounds* on the lottery.



Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, Olga‡, Debbi^ and Edithª, putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum and Edith on four.

The day also saw Trevorª leave us a message. Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        1st July is Canada Day.   It marks the Day Canada became one nation: in which year of the 1860s?

Q2)        The three colonies that formed Canada were Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.   They were colonies of which country: the UK, US or Spain?

Q3)        Canada is where: North America, South America or Eastern Europe?

Q4)        Name either one of Canada’s two official languages.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The head of Canada’s federal government is the Canadian Prime Minister.   Who’s the current Canadian Prime Minister?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 30th June, 1959, saw the birth of actor, Vincent D’Onofrio.   In which 2012 film does he play Bob?
A1) Chained.

Q2) The Canadian one dollar coin entered circulation: on 30th June, 1987.   It’s known as a what: Loonie, Splatter or Biscuit?
A2) Loonie: after the Common Loon shown on one side.

Q3) 30th June, 1917, saw the birth of singer, Lena Horne.   In 1933, she started her career in the chorus line of which club: Fat Sam’s, the Cotton Club or Minke’s New Age Whale … ?
A3) The Cotton Club.

Q4) 30th June is Independence Day in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   What’s the country’s official language: French, English or Arabic?
A4) French.

Q5) Finally … ?   30th June, 1908, saw an explosion occur: over the Podkamennaya Tunguska River.   The explosion is said to have been caused by a what: atomic bomb, meteoroid or plane?
Here’s a motto … 
“From Sea to Sea.”
Canada’s Motto.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s about €3.50,  $4.14 … or ฿132, 132 Thai Baht.   So you know.

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        Well … I think the eye exam’s going to be another week or two off, Olga: but you’ve seen the posts!   At any rate, the trap’s installed, the gloves are off … now all I have to do is install the high definition recorder … 

^        You like loonies, Debbi?   You’re possibly in the right place!   At ANY rate?   I’ve messaged you about the article, so you know.   It’s contentious.   And possibly more about the DUP, the Reverend Ian Paisley’s old partyº.   Did you know about the change in Northern Ireland’s abortion laws?   That got put through by Westminster: as Stormont¹ was closed down, after a scandal.   I didn’t like that.   Not because I’m pro-life: I’m not!   But because it should have been done by Stormont.   It’s messy.   I hope the T-shirt helps!

ª        Did I mention I was an usher in London’s Dominion Theatre, Edith?   Many years ago!   Quite a few of my co-workers were dance students: including one called Donna, who was a trainee ballerina.   She was very bright, and very small!   Shorter than me, which takes some doing!   (I get the impression most ballerinas are quite small: apart from soloists, like Darcey Bussell.   She’s 5’7”, according to IMDb.)

º        I’m told there’s several Republican senators in the US who are extremely right wing.   Extremely pro-life, racist, Protestant, young creationist, seriously right wing.   Some members of the DUP think these senators are soppy liberals.   I’ll leave that there.

¹        The Northern Irish government is a coalition of the extremely conservative/unionist Democratic Unionist Party, and the Nationalist Sinn Fein.   Both have historical links to various paramilitaries: the DUP to Ulster Resistance and Third Force, and Sinn Fein to the IRA.   Sorry, Debbi, you’ve opened a can of worms … 


  1. Funny how your reply to the last person you put a flag against often disappears.

    Today's questions open up a can of worms.

    Canada day is not celebrated by the indigenous people of the land. Especially this year when about 1000 unmarked graves have been found at 5 or 6 residential schools. These were places where the children of the First natives were taken to remove their native cultures and make them into Roman Catholic Christians. I think at least 5 Churches have been burnt down in the last month on Band land.

    In British Columbia they are more likely to celebrate the earlier Victoria bank holiday than the Canada day one.

    Penny and I were almost married on Victoria day in the early 1990's when we were over in Vancouver. We came back from a few days on Vancouver Island and Penny's mum Peggy and her rich friend also called Peggy ha set up for us to be married on the Rich Peggy's lake side lawn on Victoria day. Only problem was no one told the two of us. We got out of it by saying that I did not have the papers for my divorce with me.

  2. I do apologies, Trevor, but I was a little rushed! I had a Weigh Management phone meeting! And Debbi did ask about Northern Ireland … !

    Yes: I did see the news about the unmarked graves: its … well, I imagine the various First Nations aren’t happy about it!

    I know what I meant to ask, though: have you seen the new Turing £50 … ?

  3. Q1) 1867

    Q2) The UK

    Q3) North America

    Q4) French

    Q5) Justin Trudeau
    Fingers crossed the test doesn't take too long to schedule. Be wise when you spend your earnings. ;)

  4. 1 1867
    2 UK
    3 North America
    4 French
    5 Justin Trudeau

  5. 1. 1865
    2. the UK
    3. North America
    4. English
    5. Trudeau

    I Believe you did mention that. I didn't realize many of the other ushers were dance students. That is interesting. I bet you and the other ushers got to see some wonderful concerts.

  6. Wow. The last thing I want to do is open a can of worms. :)

    Great T-shirt! Loonies and toonies are cool.

    1. 1867
    2. the UK
    3. North America
    4. English and French
    5. Justin Trudeau


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