
Friday, 30 July 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-7-2021: Oh, Henry!

30th July, 2021.

You’ve possibly realised I’m a Dr Who fan: hadn’t you … ?

And have been, for many years.

So I follow the news about it.

Yesterday’s news: that Jodie Whittaker would be leaving, after her last episode in 2022?

Wasn’t exactly surprising: after all, there’d been gossip about it for some time.

It wasn’t surprising … it just confirmed the talk.

What is surprising — or, at least, what surprised me, and the gang at WhoCulture — was the fact show runner, Chris Chibnall, is also leaving.

Stating that: “Jodie and I made a ‘three series and out’ pact with each other at the start of this once-in-a-lifetime blast.   So now our shift is done, and we're handing back the Tardis keys.”

That’s unusual: as his predecessors, Russell T. Davies and Stephen Moffat, have both overseen two actors.

What, frankly, can I tell you?

Except that the Jodie Whittaker years has had its ups and downs.

That I wish them both well, whatever they do next.

And that I’m wondering who’s going to be doing those two jobs next.

Frankly?   I think T’nia Miller* could be good … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†, Mum‡, Debbi^, putting in their answers: with Trevor and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Carmaker, Henry Ford, was born: on 30th July.   Of which year of the 1860s?

Q2)        The first vehicle he made, was the Ford what: Quadricycle, Quadruped or Quadrangle?

Q3)        His first car making company was based where: Big Rapids, Cadillac or Detroit?

Q4)        His Ford Motor Company made the Model T: which debuted in 1908.   According to a famous quote of Ford’s, it was “… painted any colour that [the customer] wants so long as it is … ” what: blue, pink or black?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Ford is generally agreed to be the man who popularised what: light bulbs, assembly lines or forklift trucks?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        29th July, 1953, saw the birth of director, Ken Burns.   He directed a 1981 film about which New York landmark: the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge or Central Park?
A1)        Brooklyn Bridge.   (His documentary about the Statue of Liberty
was released in 1985.   There’s a kind of zoom effect named after him: an effect that has it’s own built-in button, in iMovie.)

Q2)        Dancer, Paul Taylor, was born: on 29th July, 1930.   He’s best remembered for what type of dance: modern, jazz or tap?
A2)        Modern.

Q3)        Actor, David Warner, was born on 29th July, 1941.   In which TV series did he play Abraham van Helsing?
A3)        Penny Dreadful.

Q4)        The discovery of Eris was announced: on 29th July, 2005.   It’s the second largest what in the solar system: moon, dwarf planet or asteroid?
A4)        Dwarf planet.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The BBC’s Light Programme was launched: on 29th July, 1945. Name either one — either one — of the two stations that replaced it, in 1967.
A5)        BBC Radio 1 or Radio 2.
Here’s a thought … 

“As long as we look to legislation to cure poverty or to abolish special privilege we are going to see poverty spread and special privilege grow.”
Henry Ford.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Feel free to share today’s video Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        However good I think she could be … ?   I note T’Nia Miller’s Wikipedia entry tells us she’s been filming a series called La Fortuna for much of 2021.   She, therefore, may not be available.

        I did notice that Seekers tune float past, Trevor.   I don’t know about anyone else, but it got me thinking of this old tune … 

        Hello, Mum!

^        I think I’ve seen that myself, Debbi: although it’s been a while!   The earliest thing I remember seeing him in was The Omen: him, Leo McKern and Patrick Troughton… !


  1. JUST so every knows?

    PaddyPower are offering 200-1 on Katie Price being named as the 14th Doctor.

    Oh, and 66-1 on Adrian Lester.

    I’m not wasting my money … 

  2. The secondary Headline in this morning's Daily Telegraph over a picture of Jodie in a winter coat was :-

    'Woke' Doctor Whittaker quits the Tardis.

    Under the picture it says turn to page 7. Page 7 contains 2 articles The first under the headline in bold type says :-

    Time for Whittaker to quit Doctor Who after 'Woke' plotlines.

    It is about Jodie and the episode which annoyed the Telegraph Television critics.

    The second has a head line of :-

    Woman's touch will regenerate this ailing show.

    It tears into Chibnall for bringing down the audience of Doctor Who. It mentions a number of women who had successful shows like I hate Suzie, Fleabag, I may destroy you and Killing Eve.

    It has a number of candidates for the doctor and my favourite is Richard Ayoade. I enjoyed him in the IT crowd and the travel shows he did.

  3. A1 1863
    A2 Quadricycle
    A3 Detroit
    A4 Black
    A5 assembly lines

    You may have heard of one or two of the acts that I put up after yesterday’s teaser. They were songs by Elvis and by The Beatles.

    I sent an email to Penny last night about the Doctor Who news. True to form as we have totally opposite political views here is part of her answer.

    “I disagree profoundly with the critics of the politically correct episodes  I think it was brilliant to tackle such topics and reactionaries should just wither away and die!!! “.

  4. 1 1863
    2 Quadricyle

    3 Detroit
    4 Black
    5 Assembly lines

  5. As far as the new Doctor goes, I'm taking a wait and see approach. :)

    1. 1863
    2. Quadricycle
    3. Detroit
    4. black
    5. assembly lines

    My grandfather used to joke, "In my day, there were two kinds of cars. A Ford and a Cantaford." :)

  6. 1. 1865
    2. Quadracycle
    3. Detroit
    4. Pink
    5. Assembly lines

    Hi Paul. My birthday is tomorrow. My brother's gift already came. It is a TARDIS throw. But the most important gift is to have people who care about the real me. And I have that. Thanks in part to you and the groups you so nicely include me in.

  7. Oh, wow! I've never seen this.

    So ... Atticus Finch meet the second Doctor, Rumpole of the Bailey, and Jack the Ripper! :)


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