
Friday 12 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-11-2021: World Pneumonia Day

12th November, 2021.

Right, I know, I know … 

Me singing at you in today’s introduction video is not necessarily pleasant.

But I’ll be frank.

I’ve had Huey Smith’s Rockin’ Pneumonia banging around my since I got up … !


Oh, on the medical assessment front … ?

I managed to get in touch with the relevant people, yesterday.

They’ve assured me that the problematic face to face meeting has been cancelled, that I’m eligible for a phone meeting and that I’m in the waiting list for one.

The young man I spoke to gave me his name: and his staff ID number, as well: so I could pass those on to the Job Centre, in case of any (sanctionable) issues.

So that’s that sorted!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Edith‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Edith and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        12th November is World Pneumonia Day.   Pneumonia is a disease of the what: lungs, brain or stomach?

Q2)        Pneumonia is caused by what: viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites … or all four?

Q3)        Pneumonia is which ‘I’: inflammatory, in situ or in vitro?

Q4)        The condition can be diagnosed — in part — by x-raying what: the chest, the head or the feet?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pneumococcal pneumonia is one type of pneumonia.   What activity puts a patient at more risk of catching Pneumococcal pneumonia: smoking, swimming or dancing?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        11th November is Armistice Day: marking the Armistice at the end of World War One. The Armistice was in which year: 1916, 1917 or 1918?
A1)        1918.

Q2)        The War officially ended in 1919. With the signing of the Treaty of where: Versailles, Verdun or Vienna?
A2)        The Treaty of Versailles.

Q3)        The UK marks the second Sunday of November as what Sunday: Remembrance Sunday, Reminder Sunday or Remaining Sunday?
A3)        Remembrance Sunday. (This year, the date is the 14th November.)

Q4)        In the USA, 11th November is what Day: Veterans Day, Labour Day or President’s Day?
A4)        Veteran’s Day. (The US Department of Veterans Affairs tells us there’s no apostrophe in Veterans Day: as it’s a day for honouring Veterans, rather than a day that belongs to Veterans.)

Q5)        Finally … ? The First Armistice commemoration was held in 1919. Where: the House of Commons, Buckingham Palace or Westminster Abbey?
A5)        Buckingham Palace.
Here’s a quote … 
“Symptoms typically include some combination of productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing. The severity of the condition is variable.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Pneumonia.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yep: I’ve got that lot sorted, Olga.   NOW all I need to do is sort out this scheme the Job Centre wants me to do.   (It’s a re-vamped version of the mandatory Work Programme I was on, a few years ago.   It’s possibly going to be just as useless.   But only goes on for a years, so that’s an upside.)
        Rats, mice … and monarchy … there’s possibly something common to all three, but at least Princess Anne — in her younger days — was better looking than a rat!   Either way?   I’m glad they changed the family name: it’s less of a mouth than Saxe-Coburg-Gotha!

        Hello, Mum.

        It’s best to keep a distance if you can, Edith.   The European ones can be very territorial: and very aggressive when they’re annoyed.   The American ones are worse, I’m told.

European badger.

American badger.

^        Good luck with those meetings, Debbi!   I’ve got Zoom, myself: but only ever used it twice!   More times than MS Teams, frankly!   Hopefully this scheme the Job Centre wants me to do will see me using them!


  1. Q1) Lungs
    Q2) All four
    Q3) in situ
    Q4) the chest
    Q5) smoking
    Oh, thankfully it is now working. I've been trying to access it, but it kept freezing. I won't write long just in case it goes wrong again.
    Good luck with the whole process and take care.

  2. 1 Lungs
    2 Bacteria
    3 Inflamtory
    4 Chest
    5 Smoking

  3. 1. Lungs
    2. All Four
    3. inflammatory
    4. Chest
    5. Smoking

    Badgers sound as if they are to be avoided

  4. Good luck with all that, Paul!

    I just got through another author in the UK who has his own publishing company. I'm telling we're out there doing it! :)

    1. lungs
    2. all four
    3. inflammatory
    4. the chest
    5. smoking

    We got to talking about Doctor Who and, of course, I had to mention that I happen to know this quizmaster! Well, ex-quizmaster? :) Anyhow, turns out there's a Doctor Who museum in Northumberland. Way up north. It features a Dalek out front!

    Time for another trip? :)

    I wish ... :-D


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