
Thursday 11 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-11-2021: The Armistice

11th November, 2021.

Yep: I’m officially tired again.

But, again, for pretty the same reasons I was tired, last Thursday.

Yes: I’ve caught the last episode of Lovecraft Country.

I have to admit two things.
  • It’s fantastic.
  • HBO are disgusting.
HBO cancelled Lovecraft Country.

That’s a disgusting thing to do: the series has some great writing, a very good cast, and a fantastic story, and HBO have chosen to cancel it.

It’s their loss.


I mentioned — a while back — how I’d been put forward for a medical assessment, so I can claim any extra help available.

I filled in the relevant form … and waited.

The assessor finally got in touch with me, yesterday.

Or, at least, sent me a letter with an assessment date.

It’s in Chelmsford, the day before payday!

I’ver phoned them to re-arrange things, as I won’t have the ticket money!

Their representative, a woman called Andrea, told me she’s emailed the relevant people, to try and arrange for a phone interview.

I get the impression I’ll have to phone, again: JUST to make sure that message has gone through,


Just as a final thought?

No Time To Die has hit streaming services in the US.

Just the US.

I can understand the production companies want it to make as much money as possible at the cinema, but doing a simultaneous release in just the US … ?

Seems both unfair … and an invitation to piracy.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Edith‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on three and Edith on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        11th November is Armistice Day: marking the Armistice at the end of World War One.   The Armistice was in which year: 1916, 1917 or 1918?

Q2)        The War officially ended in 1919.   With the signing of the Treaty of where: Versailles, Verdun or Vienna?

Q3)        The UK marks the second Sunday of November as what Sunday: Remembrance Sunday, Reminder Sunday or Remaining Sunday?

Q4)        In the USA, 11th November is what Day: Veterans Day, Labour Day or President’s Day?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The First Armistice commemoration was held in 1919.   Where: the House of Commons, Buckingham Palace or Westminster Abbey?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        George Jennings was born on 10th November, 1810.   He’s generally credited with inventing what: the flush toilet, the reciprocating valve or the elbow pipe … ?
A1)        The flush toilet.

Q2)        Composer Ennio Morricone was born: on 10th November, 1928.   He composed music for A Fist Full of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad and The Ugly.   Who directed whose three films?.
A2)        Sergio Leone.

Q3)        Actor, Richard Burton, was born on 10th November, 1925.   Which Jeff Wayne album did he narrate?
A3)        War of The Worlds: or Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds, if you want it in full.

Q4)        THE US Marine Corp was founded on 10th November, 1775.   They’re headquartered, where: the Pentagon, Guantanamo Bay or Marine Corps Base Quantico?
A4)        The Pentagon.   (Quantico is a US Marines base: but it’s a training base, not the HQ.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   10 November is the feast day of Saint Andrew Avellino.   He’s a patron saint of where: Sicily, Corsica or Lesbos?
A5)        Sicily.
Here’s a thought … 
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        He got here at 10:30, Olga: and is going to be back in a few weeks time.   Apparently, I’ve had rats, and mice: and he thinks they’re getting through the building’s draining pipes.   Which makes sense, they’re getting in to people’s kitchens.
        Yeah, I had worked out you’re touch left wing, Olga: that’s cool with me.   😀   I think the two crowns are symbolic of something: quite what, I don’t know.   It’s possibly to remind the wearer that monarchy’s a heavy burden … or something.

        Hello, Mum!

        Ooh, squirrels!   I’ve not seen squirrels for a while, now, Edith.   I used to live near what’s called Shenfield Common: it’s a patch of wild lands in the centre of town.   I’d see squirrels, there.   Grey ones: rather than the UK’s native — and very rare — red squirrels.
        We’d get badgers, there, as well!   I’ve been arms length from badgers a couple of times.

^        Well … I went for the Pentagon, Debbi: it’s better known internationally.   Mind you, so’s Quantico.   But that’s probably because the Marines rent bits of it out to the FBI: which is how I know it.   There’s all those scenes in Silence of the Lambs.   (You know Jonathan Demme directed Silence of the Lambs, AND Stop Making Sense?   I always think Scott Glenn looked like David Byrne …)


  1. Q1) 1918

    Q2) Versailles

    Q3) Remembrance Sunday

    Q4) All Veterans Day

    Q5) Buckingham Palace
    I hope things get sorted for the meeting. At least, things seem to be moving, but you're right about phoning them beforehand to confirm unless you hear something before that.
    Mice and rats... They have a way of getting into places. I am sure insects and rats will remain long after all human beings are gone. Survivors, they are.
    They've been showing documentaries about the House of Windsor here (no idea why, perhaps trying to emphasise that no royals are perfect, although they are British documentaries and they come out of it much better than the Spanish Royal family, who of course, are French, although the British are German... Well, you know what I mean...). Of course, they changed the name to distance themselves from Germany... But, funnily enough, they were showing the coronation yesterday as well, not in full (thankfully!), but I wasn't any the wiser as to the crowns. She was wearing a tiara or something similar, I think when she went in, and yes, they put a crown on her head at some point, but which one, and if it was the one she was wearing when she went out, I am not sure. They didn't show it close enough to know.

  2. 1 1918
    2 Treaty of Versailes
    3 Rememberance Sunday
    4 Veterans Day
    5 Westminster Abbey

  3. 1. 1918
    2. Versailles
    3. Remembrance Sunday
    4. Veterans Day
    5. Buckingham Palace

    I've never been near a badger.

  4. Okay then. Yeah, just happened to notice all that. :)

    1. 1918
    2. Versailles
    3. Remembrance Sunday
    4. Veterans Day
    5. Buckingham Palace

    I'm going to be on a Zoom call today and tomorrow with different people who both have UK ties. Should be interesting! :)


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