
Friday 26 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th November, 2021.

26th November, 2021.


Right … 

Let’s start with the weather: It’s officially looking chilly out.

There’s enough of a chill in the air to make heading for my weight loss class — at the bottom end of London Road — a daunting prospect.

The venue’s at the bottom end of London Road: which is quite a walk.

On the upside?

I’ve had a call from my Restart case worker.

She’s managed to find me a place with at the Chelmsford office.

It’s not that much closer, or cheaper.

But the trips shorter.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Edith†, Mum‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Mum and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Edith on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The National Hockey League was founded: on 26th November, 1917.   What sort of Hockey do terms in the League play: Ice Hockey or Field Hockey?

Q2)        Casablanca premiered on 26th November, 1942.   It’s set in which North African country: Libya, Morocco or Algeria?

Q3)        Captain James Cook became the first European to sight Maui: on 26th November, 1778.   Maui is now part of which US State: Hawaii, California or New York??

Q4)        Singer, Anna Mae Bullock, was born on 26th November, 1939.   She’s better known how?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The House of Lords voted to allow what, on 26th November, 1953: private hospitals, commercial radio or commercial TV?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        25th November is the Feast day of Saint Elizabeth of Reute.   She’s considered the patron saint of Swabia. Swabia is now part of where: Belgium, Estonia or Germany?
A1)        Germany.

Q2)        Fidel Castro died on 25th November, 2016.   He’d been the leader of which island nation … ?
A2)        Cuba.

Q3)        Which charity single was recorded on 25th November, 1984?

Q4)        Lope de Vega was born: on 25th November, 1562.   In what’s now, where: Portugal, Spain or Italy
A4)        Spain.

Q5)        Finally … ?   25th November, 1920, saw the birth of actor, Ricardo Montalbán.   He played Khan in which Star Trek film?
A5)        Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan.   (Wrath of Khan is — quite simply — the best Star Trek film ever made.   Granted: First Contact is a very close second.   But it’s a close second, in part, because it doesn’t have Montalbán playing the most sympathetic villain of the lot.)
Here’s a thought … 
“A cartoonist is someone who has to draw the same thing day after day without repeating himself.”
Charles M. Schulz, November 26, 1922 – February 12, 2000.
And, as it’s co-written by bassist, John McVie?

A song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’ll have to look out for some, Olga: I don’t know there’s THAT many translations: although there’s a few on Amazon … I might have to see if I get some book tokens for Xmas!   At ANY rate … ?   I saw Lope’s name got past, and HAD to use a quote: the Ministry does leave a mark, doesn’t it … ?
        Yes: technology’s a pain in the fundament, isn’t it?   Especially if you get the wrong button!
        Oh, going totally off the subject?   Carl Hester’s on Desert Island Disc, right now.   He picked this tune: Freddie had to work to keep up with Ms Caballé!   (The sad part … ?   Is they’re both gone, now … )

†        Yep: that makes sense, Edith.   I think there’s a few things like that.   One’s sold here, but not in the States.   Or it’s sold there, but not here.   From what I know, that’s partly due to additives: there’s a few used in the US that can’t be legally used here in the UK.

‡        Hello, Mum!

^        I can imagine, Debbi!   Oh, did you see this piece?   That Tory MP could get himself in trouble! #DoctorWho … !   Oh, and the video I’ve run past Edith, today … ?   I think Amanda Rae’s going to add to the debate about Marmite!
        Talking of which, do you need any empty Marmite tubs?   I’ve got some spare!   They’d be handy for storing teeth … 
        Ummm … 


  1. Q1) Ice hockey

    Q2) Morocco

    Q3) Hawaii

    Q4) Tina Turner

    Q5) Commercial TV
    Yes, the Ministry has left its trace.
    It's sad about both, Freddy Mercury and Montserrat Caballer. Such great voices (each in their own style, of course), and it goes to show people don't need to be the same to get on. I must admit to getting goosebumps every time I listen to the song (and when I heard while I was living abroad, it really got me).
    I've read an article saying that Barcelona has been voted the third most beautiful city in the world (it seems it has to do with buildings, architecture...). Venice and Rome are first and second. I'd happily take third in such a company.
    Wrap up warm. Here it is quite chilly as well, but it's sunny.

  2. Oh, that’s a thought for Edith and Debbi.

    Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez was the the COP 26 conference, a couple of weeks ago: and was rather impressed with Irn Blu, when she was here.

    Here’s the link …

  3. 1. Field Hockey
    2. Algeria
    3. Hawaii
    4. Tina Turner
    5. Private hospitals

    The videos about blood and beverages were very interesting. I learned some things.

  4. 1 Field Hockey
    2 Morroco
    3 Hawaii
    4 Tina Turner
    5 Private Hospital

  5. Perhaps I could start an American version of the Love Party! :)

    1. Ice Hockey
    2. Morocco
    3. Hawaii
    4. Tina Turner
    5. commercial TV


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