
Saturday 6 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th November, 2021.

6th November, 2021.

Hmmmm … 

On Monday … ?   I had an interview: for a local job.

And was told that — if I’d got the job … ? — I’d be told, by email, yesterday.

I didn’t hear.

I’m therefore assuming the worst: that I haven’t got the job.

I’m … 

I’ll be honest, yes, I’m hurt: it was a very local job.

But life, and jobhunting, does one.

Upwards and onwards, and all that.


You possibly aware the the COP 26 climate conference is happening right now.

It’s … well, it’s possibly something we can all agree to be cynical on.

Especially when you consider forty countries have pledged to stop using coal.

Just not the biggest consumers!

In the middle of all this … ?

Is Greta Thunberg: doing her thing.

I have to give her credit for persistence.

But I’m wondering.

Yes: she’s raising the issue.

But, given I’ve heard of Hitler, Stalin, Cults of PersonalityMuad’Dib, and rockstar politicians?

I’m wondering if we’re seeing a Messiah in the making?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Edith†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, Mum on three, and Edith on one.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        6th November is Gustavus Adolphus Day.   Where: Sweden, Germany or France?

Q2)        6th November is the Feast Day of Saint Demetrian.   He’s a patron saint of who: sailors, tailors or prisoners?

Q3)        The 16th President of the United States was elected to office: on 6th November, 1860.   Who was that President: Abraham Lincoln, John C. Breckinridge, John Bell or A. Douglas

Q4)        An Anglo-French force took control of where, on 6th November, 1956: the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal or the Grand Union Canal?

Q5)        Finally … ?   6th November, 1814, saw the birth of Adolph Sax.   He’s know for inventing what: trumpets, harmonicas or saxophones?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        5th November is Fireworks Night in the UK.   Marking the night Guy Fawkes failed to blow up where: the House of Lord, the House of Commons or Buckingham Palace?
A1)        The House of Lords.

Q2)        5th November, 1960, saw the birth of actress, Tilda Swinton.   In which 1992 film, did she play Orlando?
A2)        Orlando.

Q3)        Sidney Reilly was executed on 5th November, 1925: by the Russian secret police.   Reilly was known as the Ace of what?
A3)        Spies.

Q4)        5th November, 2020, saw the sad death of actor, Geoffrey Palmer.   He played Ben Parkinson in which series: Dr Who, Butterflies or The Strange World of Gurney Slade?
A4)        Butterflies.   (He plays three different roles in Dr Who, over the years.   He’s the floor manager in episode one of The Strange World of Gurney Slade)

Q5)        Finally … ?   5th November, 1913, saw the birth of actress, Vivien Leigh.   She played Blanche DuBois in the 1949 stage version of A Streetcar Named Desire.   Who played Blanche in the 1951 film version of A Streetcar Named Desire?
A5)        None other than Vivien Leigh, herself.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’m just a singer in a fabulous dress, with great hair and a beard.”
Conchita Wurst, born 6 November 1988.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        About the one thing I’ll Give the Britannica, Olga, is they’re usually good on birthdays.   They mix births and deaths up — unlike Wikipedia — but they can be helpful on that front!
        You know … I was HALF convinced Olivia DeHavilland was involved in inventing some sort of signalling thing.   But a quick Googling say no.   I’m pretty sure a Hollywood actress was involved: or named on the patent!
        No, wait!   I’ve got it: it was Hedy Lamarr!
        JUST as a final thought … ?   The Wikipedia entry on the Gunpowder Plot mentions the House of Lords in the opening part.   Apparently?   The plotters bought a house next to the House of Lords, And dug their way into the cellar.

        It’s from the original The Jungle Book, Edith.   The 2016 version of King Louis is a bit scarier.

        Hello, Mum!

^        I know what you mean, Debbi!   (Deep Six is still in my To Be Read pile: it’s hanging on like grim death, and currently trying to beat Iain M. Banks’ Inversions into submission!   I’m currently on Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan and Other Horror Stories: after it sneaked up on Clive Barker’s Books of Blood 4 to 6.)


  1. The Pest controller STILL didn’t turn up, Olga: I’ve spontaneously contacted my landlord … 

  2. Q1) Sweden

    Q2) Prisoners

    Q3) Abraham Lincoln

    Q4) The Suez Canal

    Q5) Saxophones (Perhaps an ancestor of Trump invented the trumpet. Considering how much noise he makes, it wouldn’t be surprising!)
    I’m sorry about the job. It’s always possible that there might have been a delay, but in my experience, they tend to make sure they reach the person by whatever means if they are very keen. Unfortunately, with the current situation, they tend to be pretty cavalier, as they know they can have their pick. I don’t need to tell you it is their loss, but it is also a pain, especially when it sounds as if the job would have been ideal. (My experience tends to be that the less interested I am in a job, the most likely I am to get it, although I have very little recent experience).

    And the pest control guy hasn't turned up yet? Grrrr!
    Oh, about your comment in reference to Greta Thunberg... You made me think of a play by Martin McDonagh called The Pillowman. I watched it quite a few years back, and it is fantastic. It is made up of short sketches, stories, and there is one that has always stuck in my mind, about a girl that kept dressing like Jesus Christ, with a crown of thorns and the whole lot, and saying she was Jesus... And you can probably beat me to the punchline... Yes, she is crucified. (He has such a dark sense of humour, this playwright/film writer and director... I love In Bruges.

  3. 1. Germany
    2. Tailors
    3. Abraham Lincon
    4. Panama Canal
    5. Saxophone

    Yikes. Louie Prima's version was more kid-friendly

  4. Good luck, Paul! Hang in there.

    Yeah, you gotta watch out for those messiahs. :)

    1. Sweden
    2. prisoners
    3. Abraham Lincoln
    4. the Suez Canal
    5. saxophones

  5. 1 Sweden
    2 Tailors
    3 Abraham Lincoln
    4 Suez Canal
    5 Saxophone


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