
Friday 5 November 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th November, 2021

5th November, 2021.

Right … I’m officially expecting a visitor, today: at 10:00.
The pest officer: on a follow-up visit after making an initial one, a couple of weeks ago.

It’s due, today?   Because that’s when I booked it.

Why he turned up yesterday, when I was getting ready to go for my hospital appointment?

I don’t know.

But I was not a happy bunny … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Edith‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, Olga on four, Edith on three, and Mum on two.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        5th November is Fireworks Night in the UK.   Marking the night Guy Fawkes failed to blow up where: the House of Lord, the House of Commons or Buckingham Palace?

Q2)        5th November, 1960, saw the birth of actress, Tilda Swinton.   In which 1992 film, did she play Orlando?

Q3)        Sidney Reilly was executed on 5th November, 1925: by the Russian secret police.   Reilly was known as the Ace of what?

Q4)        5th November, 2020, saw the sad death of actor, Geoffrey Palmer.   He played Ben Parkinson in which series: Dr Who, Butterflies or The Strange World of Gurney Slade?

Q5)        Finally … ?   5th November, 1913, saw the birth of actress, Vivien Leigh.   She played Blanche DuBois in the 1949 stage version of A Streetcar Named Desire.   Who played Blanche in the 1951 film version of A Streetcar Named Desire?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        4th November, 1952, saw the US establish the National Security Agency.   It’s based in Fort Meade: in which US state?
A1)        Maryland.

Q2)        By which US President … ?
A2)        Harry S. Truman.

Q3)        The Agency was revealed to the public in which year of the 1970s?
A3)        1975. (It was discussed in the aftermath of the Watergate Scandal.)

Q4)        The Agency collects signals intelligence.   Which British agency collects signals intelligence: MI5, MI6 or GCHQ?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Agency is part of which US Government Department: the Department of Agriculture, Commerce or Defense?
A5)        The Department of Defense.
Here’s a thought … 
“This is what happens: People quote back at you things that you said a very long time ago in some joking conversation with somebody, and they wrote it down and somebody else reads it back to you 10 years later.”
Tilda Swinton, born 5 November 1960.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Ahhh … !   Cheers, Olga, I’ve seen where I went wrong, there: I put Succession, instead of Supremacy!   You’ve got my apologies, there!   Basically, the first act named Henry as Head of the Church of England: the second named Elizabeth.   Please feel free to give me a meaningful look!
        Oh, Signals Intelligence, SIGINT, is handled by GCHQ.
        Hello, Mum!

        You’re right, Edith, it does.   Oh, I’ve got the radio on: and someone’s mentioned trumpets: that always makes me think of this tune … !

^        I might just have to check some more of his work out, Debbi!   (To be honest?   The whole series is amazing!)


  1. Q1) The House of Lords (that wasn’t listed either on the Wikipedia page I’ve accessed. I wonder ...)

    Q2) Orlando (I’ve only read a couple of Virginia Woolf’s novels, and this is one of them. Well-worth reading and not as experimental as some of her other ones). It’s a bit odd that Tilda Swinton isn’t listed on births for the date.

    Q3) Spies

    Q4) Butterflies

    Q5) Vivien Leigh as well (they showed a documentary about her life on Tuesday here, and then one about Olivia de Havilland. Very different lives they had).
    I couldn't find the specific information about signals intelligence, for some reason. Oh, well.
    It is amazing how now when everybody seems to follow such a regimented schedule, some people still manage to create chaos by going their own way (although sometimes one misses being spontaneous).
    About the Succession... Yes, I wondered as I saw the other Act listed, but when I searched and found the Succession one in the same year, I thought the question must have been about that... It all makes sense now. (I know sometimes old laws can seem bizarre now, but that was a bit weird).

  2. 1. The house of Commons
    2. Titanic
    3. Germany
    4. Butterflies
    5. Talula Bankhead

    what a fun Disney song that is.

  3. 1 House of Commons
    2 Orlando
    3 Spades
    4 Butterflies
    5 Vivien Leigh

  4. Hmm ... interesting. I have so many books to read, it's a bit ridiculous. :)

    1. the House of Lords
    2. Orlando
    3. Spies
    4. Butterflies
    5. Vivien Leigh


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