
Friday 24 December 2021

Doctor Who — The Evil of the Daleks: Episode 3 — A Review

24th December, 2021.

Right … 

I’ve got a plateful of fish and chips to eat, tonight.


Once I’m done with them, I’m going to be watching another episode of The Evil of The Daleks!

I have to confess: I like doing binge watching, the old fashioned way: one epidote at a time!

I’ll be right back!


I think we can safely say I’m back!

As I had the money, this month?   Dinner was take-away fish and chips.

Why we traditionally have fish on a Friday — Christmas Eve or otherwise? — I honestly couldn’t tell you.

My dinner is possibly beside the point, here.

It’s Friday.

Which — by now — you’ll’ve realised means one thing.

Another episode of … The Evil of the Daleks … !


Episode 3 picks up from Episode 2, and shows us that Jamie has been kidnapped by Toby (Windsor Davies), and brought before Toby’s employer: the mysterious Arthur Terrall (Gary Watson.)


Is genuinely in two minds: at one moment demanding to know if Jamie knows where Victoria Waterfield is: then claiming she was in Paris.

Back at Maxtible Mansion … ?   The Daleks have told the Doctor exactly want they want of him.

Or, rather, Jamie.

The Daleks want to isolate what they call the Human Factor: the emotions and reactions that makes humans, human.

They want to add this to three inactive Daleks: and turn them into super Daleks.

All they need, to do that?

Is for the Doctor to record Jamie’s emotional state: whilst he battles bats, hidden doors … and a formidable guard called Kemal.


Now … three episodes in, and have I got any issues?

There’s one minor one: Mr Perry isn’t in this episode, so we don’t get to see his incredible travelling buttonhole.

Which is minor: it gave me a lot of amusement, when I noticed it in episode one, but it’s minor!

Moving on?

Have I done the episode down: in giving it such a short description?



I’ve come away from another episode learning what the Daleks are trying to do, and being introduced to the mysterious Mr Terrall … and seeing Jamie being menaced at the close of another, great episode.


I’m going to be seeing in the New Year — next Friday, in other words — with episode four.

I hope you care to join me.
Episode 3

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