
Monday 20 December 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th December, 2021.

20th December, 2021.

Did you notice it’s Monday … ?

You possibly had.

I definitely had!

It’s a Monday: in the week leading up to Christmas Day.

I’ve wrapped most of my presents: bar one.

And, frankly, that’s going to get done, today: along side a few videos.

I’ve ALSO got to admit: I get paid on Thursday.

I’ve got to go to Chelmsford, that day: so I’ve been frantically checking that the places I need to visit on Christmas Eve, will be.

I don’t know about you, but I still need to shop!

Christmas, hey?


Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s been caught — metaphorically — with his pants down.

He and a group of friends were snapped — last May, in the height of Lockdown — having a drinks do in the back garden of №10.

That’s Boris, bottom right.

№10 says it’s a work meeting.

It’s not like any I’ve been to!

In the interests of balance?

I have to mention Piers Corbyn: brother of former Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

He’s been arrested: for what he calls ‘direct action’ … but what the BBC calls Arson.

Against MPs: or their offices, at least.

Can I make a suggestion to Mr Corbyn?   It’s something Mr Johnson may wish to pay attention to.

If you don’t want to be arrested for this sort of thing, don’t do it on camera.

Or, to quote an old saying?

If you don’t want the time, don’t do the crime.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        In the run-up to the US Civil War … ?   20th December, 1860, saw which state secede from the USA: South Carolina, North Carolina or West Virginia?

Q2)        What city was named as capital of Wales, on 20th December, 1955: Swansea, Cardiff or Merthyr Tydfil?

Q3)        20th December is the feast day of Saint Dominick of Silos.   Silos is where: Spain, France or Portugal?

Q4)        20th December, 1192, saw Richard 1st of England captured by Leopold 5th of Austria.   As Richard was on his way home from where: the Third Crusade, the Battle of the Bulge or the Hundred Years War?

Q5)        Finally … ?   20th December, 1968, saw the deaths David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen.   The pair were the first known victims of which killer: the Son of Sam, the Zodiac Killer or Jack the Ripper … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Novelist and playwright, Jean Genet, was born on 19th December, 1910.   Which David Bowie song is named for Genet: Lets Dance, Space Oddity or The Jean Genie?
A1)        The Jean Genie.   (Dire Straits’ Les Boys mentions Genet, as well.)

Q2)        John Amery was executed on 19th December, 1945: eight months after the end of World War 2. On charges of what: murder, genocide or treason?
A2)        Treason.   He’d organised the UK Wafen SS brigade, and arranged propaganda broadcasts for Nazi Germany.

Q3)        Lee Myung-bak was born on 19th December, 1941.   He was the tenth president of where: Vietnam, South Korea or Thailand?
A3)        South Korea.

Q4)        Notorious serial killer, Fritz Haarman, was sentenced to death: on 19th December, 1924.   He was known as what: the Butcher of Hanover, the Vampire of Dusseldorf or the Rostov Ripper?
A4)        The Butcher of Hanover.   The Vampire of Dusseldorf was Peter Kürten: the Rostov Ripper was Andrei Chikatilo

Q5)        Finally … ?   19th December, 2015, saw the death of Jimmy Hill.   He was a sports commentator for the BBC.   A commentator on which sport: Football, Cricket or Rugby Union?
A5)        Football.
Here’s a thought … 
“I don’t think it’s an incredibly radical premise to try and have sympathy for someone who has made a mistake.”
Joe Cornish, born 20 December 1968.
And, as a nod to lead singer, Suzuka Nakamoto, a song …

Why a statue of Jesus is at the back of the stage, I don’t know. It’s a song about chocolate, after all. Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I’m told cocaine’s a reasonable painkiller, as well, Olga.   Although, when I got told that, the person doing the mentioning didn’t want it for that.   (They got a lecture from me: I don’t use the stuff, so being ask if I knew where to buy some, was offensive.)
        And you’re right, of course.   I get the impression the same’s true of a lot of drugs: as I recall, aspirin’s made from willow bark, isn’t it?   Or, at least, the active ingredient is.   I imagine someone noticed Grandma making willow bark tea for someone’s headache, and wondering about it.   Lord knows what happened with heroin!   But, if the old story’s true, when it was first sold legally, the company market it as ‘completely non-addictive.’   And as cough mixture.   You couldn’t make it up!
        And, yes: of course I’ll keep you posted.   I hope the editing goes well!   Wish your pups well for me!

        That’s sort of why I mentioned them, Debbi!   Oh, some of these might be useful, too, although I only recognise a few of the terms.   I recognised ‘burn,’ as slang for tobacco.  It doesn’t mention ‘roasting’: the withdrawal symptoms you get, when you’ve run out of tobacco.   I’ve been there: and glad I gave up.
        There’s a version of Christmas Rapping by a band called the Peaches, as well.   Although it’s not quite a spike as the original.   Oh … and quite what you’ll make of today’s song, I don’t know.


  1. Q1) South Carolina (I’ve just read quite a good book set in South Carolina, Charleston specifically, around the Civil War. I post the review on my blog tomorrow. I’ll share the link with you, in case you’re interested).

    Q2) Cardiff

    Q3) Spain

    Q4) The Third Crusade

    Q5) The Zodiac Killer
    The evening session went well, although I think people were quite exhausted by then. I must check how much money they managed to get, although the definite numbers won't come until April next year, because people can keep donating by internet and at the bank, and they will have to confirm all donations. It was quite entertaining to be there towards the end, as they brought a lot of young people who were helping tidy up and put all the chairs, tables and telephones away. They were hard workers, for sure. Very professional, as were the people who were removing all the cables.

  2. 1 South Carolina
    2 Cardiff
    3 Portugal
    4 Third Crusade
    5 Zodiac Killer

  3. Happy Christmas to all your quizers Paul,
    I hope they all have a great
    Christmas and a Happy New Year
    From Paul's family

  4. Thanks, Paul! As always, you're a font of knowledge! :)

    1. South Carolina
    2. Cardiff
    3. Spain
    4. the Third Crusade
    5. the Zodiac Killer


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