
Sunday 19 December 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19th December, 2021.

19th December, 2021.

Right … 

Presents have been officially wrapped.

Which is possibly a cue for a song.

Possibly, I should add!

Bar wrapping someone’s birthday present?

It’s a chore done for another year.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Novelist and playwright, Jean Genet, was born on 19th December, 1910.   Which David Bowie song is named for Genet: Lets Dance, Space Oddity or The Jean Genie?

Q2)        John Amery was executed on 19th December, 1945: eight months after the end of World War 2.   On charges of what: murder, genocide or treason?

Q3)        Lee Myung-bak was born on 19th December, 1941.   He was the tenth president of where: Vietnam, South Korea or Thailand?

Q4)        Notorious serial killer, Fritz Haarman, was sentenced to death: on 19th December, 1924.   He was known as what: the Butcher of Hanover, the Vampire of Dusseldorf or the Rostov Ripper?

Q5)        Finally … ?   19th December, 2015, saw the death of Jimmy Hill.   He was a sports commentator for the BBC.   A commentator on which sport: Football, Cricket or Rugby Union?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        New Jersey ratified the Constitution: on 18th December of which year of the 1780s?
A1)        1787.

Q2)        Was it the third, fourth or fifth state to do so?
A2)        The third.

Q3)        New Jersey is on which coast of the USA: the eastern, western or southern?
A3)        The eastern coast.

Q4)        Is New Jersey part of New England?
A4)        No.   (The Wikipedia entry lists Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.   Discovery New England doesn’t include Vermont.)

Q5)        What’s New Jersey’s capital: Trenton, Newark or Jersey City?
A5)        Trenton.

Q6)        The New Jersey Devils, and the Metropolitan Riveters, both play what: American Football, Ice Hockey or baseball?
A6)        Ice hockey.

Q7)        The Jersey Devil is said to haunt southern New Jersey.   It’s said to have been spotted many times, in one year.   Which year: 1908, 1909 or 1910?
A7)        1909.

Q8)        Atlantic City is in New Jersey.   It inspired the US version of which game: Mousetrap, Chess or Monopoly?
A8)        Monopoly.

Q9)        Charles Addams was from New Jersey.   He created which cartoon family?
A9)        The Addams Family.   (Da Da Da Dum … )

Q10)        Finally … the Boss is from New Jersey.   The Boss is better known as which singer songwriter?
A10)        Bruce Springsteen.   (I didn’t realise quite how topical this question would prove to be, when I wrote it.)
Here’s a thought … 
“We had posters of Tom (Tom Baker) and Louise (Louise Jameson) on our bedroom walls. Because we were in love with Leela. Even if we were gay.”
Matthew Waterhouse, born 19 December 1961.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        JESUSINJECTING cocaine, Olga?   Bloody hell, that woman must have been a HEAVY user!   From the little I’ve understood, the — HA! — traditional way of taking cocaine is seen as safer, for a reason.   And I say that, knowing the stuff’s capable of doing circulatory damage, and knackering a person’s noseª.   I can only hope her kid managed to avoid being a wreck, but not hopeful!
        Oh, I’m intent on staying safe.   They HAVE brought my next foot exam forward, though.   Hopefully, that’ll spot anything.   But I had realised the irony: taking a medication that makes you thirsty,  and wee a lot … to treat a condition that makes you thirsty and wee a lot.   OK, I grant it’s lowered my blood sugar levels, but even so!
        At ANY rate … ?   You got the Ridley Scott tweet, didn’t you?   All I can say, is;
Good luck with the gig: break a leg!

        Hello, Mum!

        Ah HA!   I’ll keep my eyes peeled, then, Debbi.   Mine went out last week!   Oh, Olga mentioning that cocaine user she met, got me thinking of terms I heard heroin users use.   Melting it on tinfoil and inhaling the fumes was chasing the dragon, or having a Jimmy.   Injecting the stuff was having a bootful.   Clucking meant you were having withdrawal symptoms.   I’ve never used, myself: but it’s amazing who you meet.   (Don’t know if those are use to you …)

ª        I’m a fan of Status Quo, Olga: their lead singer, Francis Rossi, claims to have spent several million on the stuff, before he gave up.   And — before he had reconstructive surgery on his nasal septum — used to push cotton buds through what was left of his nostrils, to give people a warning.


  1. 1 Jean Jeanie
    2 Treason
    3 Thailand
    4 Bitcher of Hanover
    5 Football

  2. Q1) The Jean Genie

    Q2) Treason

    Q3) South Korea

    Q4) The Butcher of Hanover

    Q5) Football
    Yes, cocaine does a good job on the nose as well, indeed. It had been used in surgery, because it reduced bleeding, evidently, but yes, talk about a risk/benefit equation...
    Of course, many things were used without quite knowing what they might do long-term, and then many of them have been refined and purified (the opposite is also true) and are no longer the same substances they were before, but much stronger in many cases (and dangerous). I'm sure chewing a coca leaf (not that it is good, mind you) is not the same as sniffing the purified stuff.
    I've survived the morning, although spending it all outside and talking and interviewing all the time means my voice is a bit creaky. Let's hope it holds for tonight's gig. Then I have to edit the piece on Tuesday, but if I have no voice left, I'll have to ask the editor to do it for me. (She has gone to Sevilla for the weekend, so I'm sure she'll be suitably rested). And I had the last class before the holiday with Anna on Wednesday, so I hope I'll have some time to recover... Until the next radio gig!
    Keep me posted on everything.

  3. I'll have to keep those expressions in mind, if I ever set a crime story in England. :)

    Good song from The Waitresses, BTW.

    1. The Jean Genie
    2. treason
    3. South Korea
    4. the Butcher of Hanover
    5. Football


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