
Wednesday 22 December 2021

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd December, 2021

22nd December, 2021.

You know … I was planning on watching a movie, last night.

But never actually got around to it.

I’ll possibly try and catch one, tonight: after all, I’ve been watching to watch No Time To Die for some time.

At ANY rate … ?

I got distracted.

Bless ’em, my Mum and my sister, Ruth — thanking you both, by the way — put a few quid in my bank account.

Which unfortunately got caught up in my bank’s transfer issues: for some reason, money going into and out of Nationwide accounts was delayed.

Why they were delayed, I don’t know: I’ve heard talk the company had shifted their cloud storage from one provider to another.

But it did put an emotional crimp in things.


At any rate?   Now the system seems to be working, again … ?

I can do a little shopping.

Once I’ve done my exercises … and had another visit from my landlord’s pest controller.

I hope he get’s here good and early, I’d like to get that shopping done.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Mum leaving everyone a Xmas message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The Lincoln Tunnel opened to traffic: on 22nd December, 1937.   It goes from New Jersey, to which city: New York, Los Angeles or Washington?

Q2)        22nd December, 1942, saw Adolf Hitler order mass production of what: Zyklon B gas, the Volkswagen or the V2 rocket?

Q3)        22nd December is the feast day of Saint Hunger: bishop of Utrecht from 854AD to 866AD.   The modern Archdiocese of Utrecht is in which European country: Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg?

Q4)        Actor, Ralph Fiennes, was born on 22nd December, 1962.   In which 1993 film does he play Amon Göth?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Brandenburg Gate re-opened: on 22nd December, 1989.   The Gate’s in which German city: Berlin, Hamburg or Frankfort?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st December, 2021, is this year’s Solstice.   The Solstices occur when Earth’s poles are tilted towards, or away, from what: the Sun, the Moon or Mars?
A1)        The Sun.

Q2)        It’s the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.   Which Solstice is it in the Southern Hemisphere?
A2)        The Summer solstice.

Q3)        What’s longer, during a Winter Solstice: day, or night?
A3)        Night.

Q4)        Some of the stones at Stonehenge are aligned to the Winter Solstice’s what: sunrise or sunset?
A4)        The sunset.

Q5)        Finally … ?   If you’re marking Yaldā Night on the Winter Solstice, you’re marking it, where: Iran, Iraq or India?
A5)        Iran.
Here’s a thought … 
“Our law shall fix a measure and a limit to this greed.”
Diocletian, 22 December c. 244 – 3 December 311.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        So that’s, what, about £7, 500, 000, is that right, Olga?   That’s not bad going: especially for a regional station, and especially over the opening weekend.
        I’ve got I, Jonathon bookmarked, thanking you!
        As for the film … ?   Ha!   As you’ve possibly worked out, the bank situation threw a spanner in the works.   I’ve still got tonight, though.
        And frankly?   I’m just glad our family’s fairly small: organising a big do’s sounding complicated … !

        Hello, Mum!

        My pleasure, Debbi!   I hope today’s go down as well!   Oh, did I mention the 31st?   It’s the usual twelve question review of the year set.   They get suspiciously easy to write.


  1. Q1) New York

    Q2) the V2 rocket

    Q3) The Netherlands

    Q4) Schindler’s List

    Q5) Berlin
    Oh, banks... Here it is becoming very difficult to try to sort anything out unless you bank online, and people like my mother, who has never become conversant with internet, have a hard time of it. Mind you, navigating health appointments is also quite complicated again.
    I have managed to book my third vaccine now, for the 31st (at least it will be this year, only just). They had said it would be opening to my age range mid-week, and I was chatting to the people at the radio yesterday, and in the evening I got an SMS message telling me I could book. At first, it seemed there was a spot for today, but when I tried to book it I couldn't (I guess somebody was faster), and the earliest option was on the 31st. Well, something different to do on New Year's Eve. (I had the two previous ones with Pfizer, but this one, if the system is right, will be Moderna. In theory, combining the two works well, but I have no idea if the side-effects will be any different).
    I hope you get to watch the movie today, and the pest control guy doesn't keep you waiting too long. Going shopping is getting trickier, although I've never seen the degree of madness I've experienced in the UK, here. (People shop for food a lot, but there isn't such a tradition of gifts and presents for everybody, mostly for kids, and traditionally it was on the 6th January, although now many split the gifts between Christmas and Epiphany.
    Stay safe, and take care.

  2. 1 Washington
    2 V2 Rocket
    3 Belgium
    4 ?
    5 Berlin

  3. I would like to wish you and allof your Quiz regulars a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Also could you let Debbie know that hers and ricks card arrived safely on Monday.

    ho ho ho ho


  4. Thanks, Paul! Got your card, Trevor. Thank you, both! :)

    1. New York
    2. the Volkswagen
    3. the Netherlands
    4. Schindler's List
    5. Berlin


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