
Sunday 2 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd January, 2021.

2nd January, 2022.

It’s official: I’ve managed to stay up late, for two nights in a row.

With possibly good reason.

Writing reviews of at two Doctor Who episode: episode 4 of Evil of The Daleks, and last night New Year’s day episode, Eve of the Daleks.

Heading back to bed, after that little lot … ?

Is possibly going to be an idea!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        2nd January, 1969, saw the birth of equestrian, William Fox-Pitt.   He’s won Olympic silver in which sport: horse racing, eventing or fox-hunting?

Q2)        2nd January is the feast day of Saint Basil of Caesarea.   Caesarea is what was in Cappadocia.   In other words, what’s now where: Greece, Turkey or Azerbaijan??

Q3)        Who was sworn in as Governor of California on 2nd January, 1967: Clint Eastwood, Ronald Reagan or Charlton Heston?

Q4)        Major-General James Wolfe was born on 2nd January, 1727.   He led which home nation’s army: England’s, Scotland’s, Wales’ or Irelands?

Q5)        2nd January, 1960, saw the birth of Paula Hamilton.   She found fame as a what: singer, dancer, actress or model?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        It’s January: the month named after the Roman god, Janus.   How many faces did Janus have: two, three or four?
A1)        Two.

Q2)        In January, many will be marking Veganuary.n.   In other words, eating what sort of diet: vegan, vegetarian or fruitarian?
A2)        Vegan.   (Rather than Vegan, Vegan or Vegan)

Q3)        January is the first month of the year.   What’s the last month?
A3)        December.   (It was only Friday …)

Q4)        January River is a river, a state, and a city: in which Portuguese speaking, South American country?
A4)        Brazil: it’s the various bits of the state call Rio de Janeiro … (Cue the music)

Q5)        Finally … ?   How many days are there, in January: 28, 30 or 31?
A5)        Thirty-one.   (31.)
Here’s a thought …
“Gentlemen, I would rather have written those lines than take Quebec tomorrow.”
James Wolfe, 2 January 1727 – 13 September 1759.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The same fare, Olga?   That sounds handy, that really does.  The one TfL bus we get in Brentwood does something similar: short hops are £1.50: although it only accepts Oyster/Wireless payments.
        Good luck with the new pupil.   I think, though, she’s going to do well: she’s getting a good teacher, I think!

        Hello, Mum!

        Both hands, Debbi?   Something’s obviously working well!   And cheers for the comment on Eve of the Daleks review!


  1. Q1) Horse racing

    Q2) Turkey

    Q3) Ronald Reagan

    Q4) England

    Q5) Model
    Thanks, Paul. I'll keep you posted. I'm waiting to hear exactly what I'm supposed to be doing for the radio coming up to Epiphany. There are various things organised for the 4th, but I don't know if they'll need me or what part I'll have to play (I was a coal miner last time...)
    Keep up the good work, but make sure you get a rest as well.

  2. 1 Eventing
    2 Turkey
    3 Ronald Reagan
    4 England
    5 Model

  3. My pleasure, Paul! :)

    1. eventing (I had no idea there was such a sport!)
    2. Turkey
    3. Ronald Reagan
    4. England's
    5. model


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