
Monday 3 January 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd January, 2022.

3rd January, 2022.

Yep: it’s Monday.

Which means … ?   I’ve got what — for me — is a busy week.

One that starts with the by now ritualistic from an Office of National Statistics COVID tester.

At 9:30.

So long as the £25 voucher turns up in time, I’m not worried: I’m trying to save up for some serious software!


How do you feel about banning a politician from Twitter?

It seems Twitter has banned the personal account of Republican Congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene: for repeated violations of the platform’s COVID misinformation rules.


Anything that slows that down, is a good move, I think.

What gets me … ?   Are some of her comments, in the aftermath of getting deplatformed.


Twitter is “an enemy to America,” and aiding unidentified enemies in “a communist revolution.”

When China’s chasing the Dollar as much as any other county — Communist or otherwise — I honestly think a revolution the last thing to be worrying about … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Mum and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Olga on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        3rd January, 1962, saw Pope John 23rd excommunicate Fidel Castro.   In other words, John 23rd did what: kicked Castro out of the Church, baptised Castro or made Castro a saint?

Q2)        While we’re on the subject?   Which religious figure was excommunicated on 3rd January, 1521: Martin Luther, Martin Luther King or Saint Augustine?

Q3)        The Chang’e 4 probe landed on the far side of the Moon: on 3rd January, 2019.   Which country launched the probe: China, India, Japan, the USA or Russia?

Q4)        Sergio Leone was born on 3rd January, 1929.   He’s credited with inventing the Spaghetti Western. Many of these westerns were filmed where: where, Portugal, Spain or Ireland?

Q5)        Finally … ?   3rd January, 1956, saw the birth of actor/director, Mel Gibson.   He won a Best Director Oscar for which 1995 film?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        2nd January, 1969, saw the birth of equestrian, William Fox-Pitt.   He’s won Olympic silver in which sport: horse racing, eventing or fox-hunting?
A1)        Eventing.

Q2)        2nd January is the feast day of Saint Basil of Caesarea.   Caesarea is what was in Cappadocia. In other words, what’s now where: Greece, Turkey or Azerbaijan??
A2)        Turkey.

Q3)        Who was sworn in as Governor of California on 2nd January, 1967: Clint Eastwood, Ronald Reagan or Charlton Heston?
A3)        Ronald Reagan.

Q4)        Major-General James Wolfe was born on 2nd January, 1727.   He led which home nation’s army: England’s, Scotland’s, Wales’ or Irelands?
A4)        England’s.

Q5)        2nd January, 1960, saw the birth of Paula Hamilton.   She found fame as a what: singer, dancer, actress or model?
A5)        Model.   She did the Changes VW Golf ad, from a few years ago.
Here’s a thought … 
“I am showing the Old West as it really was.”
Sergio Leone, 3 January 1929 – 30 April 1989.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, I intend to get rest, Olga: I even managed to have a good read, as well.   It’s another book about left-handedness, and a fascinating read.   It’s the first time in a while I’ve seen some of the handedness inventories.
        A coal miner?   :D   Cue the music!

        Hello, Mum … !

        It’s been around for years, Debbi.   If I’ve understood it correctly, a lot of early Olympians were former military officers: including ex-cavalry officers.   Eventing gave them a chance to show off their skills, and their horses, without having to shoot someone.   The dressage is fascinating to watch!


  1. Q1) Kicked Castro out of the Church

    Q2) Martin Luther

    Q3) China

    Q4) Spain

    Q5) Braveheart
    It sounds fascinating. Good luck with the test! And yes, I'm going to be a coal miner again, unless anything else comes up. (I think I told you that if kids are bad here, traditionally they were supposed to get coal, although it was the sugary version. So yes, playing baddy again). We're still waiting to hear if we can throw candy at the kids during the parade or not, on Wednesday.
    I'll have to leave the house early tomorrow and I'll spend all day at the kids' event, so although I'll try to make it to the teaser, don't worry if I don't manage.

  2. 1 kicked out of church
    2 Martin Luther
    3 India
    4 Spain
    5 Brave Heart

  3. Ah! I've heard of dressage. I know an author who's been billed as "America's Dick Francis". And she knows horse racing! :)

    1. kicked Castro out of the Church
    2. Martin Luther
    3. China
    4. Spain (we watched one of them while in Italy--without the English dubbed in--a very different experience!)
    5. Braveheart


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