
Saturday 26 February 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26-2-2022: 2000AD

26th February, 2022.

Argh … says the blogger!

I made a mistake!   With my medications!

I managed to pick up two boxes of Levothyroxine: fifty milligram boxes.

When I should have asked for one hundred milligram boxes.

I’ll have to go back to the chemist, today.

In the immortal words of Hector the Hound?

I’m a great big, silly old Hector … !


One thing I’ve noticed about the situation in Ukraine?

Is that Russian troops have taken the Chernobyl power plant.

Apparently?   There’s been a radiation spike: one that experts say isn’t dangerous … but none-the-less, been observed.

I’m going to assume nothing will happen as a result of the Russian presence.

But that certainly adds a new terror to events.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        The first issue of 2000AD was published: with a cover date of 26th February.   26th February of which year of the 1970s?

Q2)        The comic’s (fictional) alien editor is the Mighty whom: Tharg, Thrud or Zardoz?

Q3)        That alien editor was from a planet orbiting which star: Betelgeuse, Antares or Alpha Centauri?

Q4)        John Wagner — one of the comic’s co-founders — created Judge Dredd: 2000AD’s best known strip.   Dredd lives and works where: the Sprawl, Mega City One or Mos Eisley?

Q5)        Name either one of the two actors who’ve played Dredd, on film.

Q6)        Dredd wasn’t in the first issue of 2000AD.   But Dan Dare, was.   Dan originally appeared in which British comic: The Beano, The Eagle or The Hotspur?

Q7)        2000AD inherited Strontium Dog from a comic called Starlord.   Its main character, Johnny Alpha, was a what: policeman, security guard or bounty hunter?

Q8)        On the other hand?   Character, Sam Slade was a private detective. That hunted what: aliens, robots or mutants?

Q9)        Writer, Alan Moore, worked on 2000AD for many years.   He was the writer who killed Robin in which Batman story: Batman: Year One, Gotham By Gaslight or Batman: The Killing Joke?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The Nemesis the Warlock strip started with a story called Terror Tube.   The story was inspired by a song by which band: the Sex Pistols, the Jam or Spandau Ballet?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        25th February is the feast day of Æthelberht of where: Kent, Essex or Surrey?
A1)        Kent.

Q2)        25th February, 1986, saw Corazon Aquino sworn in as President.   Of where: the USA, the Philippines or the Ukraine?
A2)        The Philippines.

Q3)        25th February, 1841, saw the birth of Pierre-August Renoir.   What was he: a sculptor, painter or musician?
A3)        Painter.

Q4)        25th February, 1918, saw German forces occupy Tallinn.   Tallinn is the capital city of which Baltic state: Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia?
A4)        Estonia.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, gave a speech: on 25th February, 1956.     Denouncing who: Stalin, Lenin or the KGB?
A5)        Stalin.
Here’s a thought … 
“I AM the law.”
Judge Dredd’s best known phrase.
A word from the editor …
“Splundig vur Thrigg.”
‘Goodbye,’ in the editor’s native language.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, BOY, but ‘gritted teeth,’ is a good phrase to use at this point, Olga^!   And, yes: this will make various people very happy, economically!   Saudi Arabia is possibly the least of it.
        As for long term planning … ?   Did you ever hear of an operating system called ReactOS?   It’s supposed to an open source re-working of Windows, and not made by Microsoft: and so good at replacing Windows, specifically, that you can use Windows apps with it.   Literally, download the Windows version of an app from its site, install it in ReactOS, and start using it.   It’s the whole idea of the thing, if I’ve understood it correctly.   The first I heard of React … was when the BBC started telling us the Russians were interested in it.   Today … ?   BA’s Windows based systems at Heathrow are acting up.   Oh, and obviously, the Ukrainian ’Net’s having issues.   BA says their issues are nothing to do with the conflict … but … … … … 
        Year, Bin Laden sound’s like a good thing to mention.   Boots on the ground is usually a better way to do it …
        The 1984 comparison’s DO seem apt, don’t they?   But with the reports of street fighting … ?   I’ve been staring at my copy of Homage to Catalonia.
        At ANY rate?   Enjoy the day!

        Hello, Mum^ … !

‡        Yeah … 1984, and Homage to Catalonia, seem to be the ones to mention, Debbi^.   Saying that … ?   I’ve managed to pick up The Road to Wigan Pier, recently.   It was that, or Lord Foul’s Bane: which I’m umming and ahhing about.
        Oh, I mentioned Sam Slade in today’s questions: the original artist modelled him, vaguely, on Humphrey Bogart.

^        In case you’re all interested in the wallpaper in the Background of today’s video?   I can remember some, but not all, of the characters.

JUST visible in the top right hand corner?   Is Deadlock.

A few places down from him, holding the axe, is Slaine.

Just above him is Devlin Waugh: he and Durham Red are menacing Sam Slade.

The cyborg with the dial in his head is Mean Machine Angel.

Just below him?   Is Kano, from Bad Company: with the monocle and flat head.

To Kano’s lower left is Judge Death.

Next to Death is a chap in a domino mask: he’s Zenith.   Just above Zenith is Skizz.   Above Skizz, the black furry creature with rabbit ears and long snout is Tweak: he’s from the Cursed Earth Dredd story.

Six figures to the right of Mean is Johnny Alpha.

Going straight down from Slaine?

Is John ‘Giant’ Clay of the Harlem Heroes: below him and the editor, is Nemesis the Warlock.

In the bottom left corner is Middenface McNulty.

To the right of Middenface is Halo Jones, Venus Bluegenes, Chopper and Judge Fire: Mortice and Fear are also in the picture..

I don’t know the chap with the nose.

But the guy next to him is Bill Savage of Invasion.

Two figures down and to the left of Johnny Alpha … ?

Is Hammerstein: he, Ro-Jaws (with the TAX disc) and Mongrel — the red robot above Alpha — are in Ro-busters.

The blue guy standing beneath Death?

Next to him? Judge Anderson of Psi Division.

Over on the right, never taking his helmet off, disapproving of everybody and looking like he wants to sentence someone?

Dredd … 


  1. Sorry it’s a ten question one, folks … but this one I couldn’t resist … 

  2. Q1) 1977

    Q2) Tharg

    Q3) Betelgeuse

    Q4) Mega City One

    Q5) Sylvester Stallone

    Q6) The Eagle

    Q7) A bounty hunter

    Q8) Robots

    Q9) The Killing Joke

    Q10) The Jam
    The carnival has been good, although it was raining first thing this morning. But it didn't rain on the kids' parade in the end. It was chilly though.
    Gosh, one wonders where things are going. A lot of people are talking against the war, but as you say, they do have quite a handle on social media...
    Stay well and I hope you can get the right dose of the medication without any problems.

  3. Speaking of Dan Dare I have a set of 13 out of 12 books of facsimilies of the front and back covers of the original comic. The reason I have 13 out of 12 is because I have book 1 in both Hard back and soft back. All the rest of the books are hard back.Dan dare was a very well drawn comic strip. Some great spaceships drawn in the 1950's.

  4. 1 1977
    2 Tharg
    3 Anteres
    4 Mega City one
    5 Slyvester Stallone
    6 The Eagle
    7 Bounty Hunter
    8 Aliens
    9 Batman, The Killing Joke
    10 Sex Pistols

  5. Well, that was a workout! :)

    1. 1977
    2. Tharg
    3. Betelgeuse
    4. Mega City One
    5. Sylvester Stallone
    6. The Eagle
    7. bounty hunter
    8. robots
    9. Batman: The Killing Joke
    10. the Jam

    Done and dusted! :)

  6. Yesterday saw Greebo messaging me his answers: as Google seemed to eat his answers.

    1 1977
    2 Tharg
    3 Betelgeuse
    4 Mega City One
    5 Karl Urban/Sylvester Stallone
    6 Eagle
    7 Bounty hunter
    8 Robots
    9 Killing Joke
    10 The Jam


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