
Friday 25 February 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th February, 2022.

25th February, 2022.

Right … I’ve officially got to visit the dentist’s, today.

Or, to be accurate, the hygienists.

I had to re-arrange it: as, when I last went … ?

The dentists had to cancel: because of a power cut.

But had just enough electricity to rebook the appointment.

Heigh ho!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        25th February is the feast day of Æthelberht of where: Kent, Essex or Surrey?

Q2)        25th February, 1986, saw Corazon Aquino sworn in as President.   Of where: the USA, the Philippines or the Ukraine?

Q3)        25th February, 1841, saw the birth of Pierre-August Renoir.   What was he: a sculptor, painter or musician?

Q4)        25th February, 1918, saw German forces occupy Tallinn.   Tallinn is the capital city of which Baltic state: Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, gave a speech: on 25th February, 1956.   Denouncing who: Stalin, Lenin or the KGB?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th February saw Estonia declare itself independent.   In which year: 1918, 1919 or 1920?
A1)        1918.

Q2)        Estonia is one of three Baltic nations.   Name one of the other two.
A2)        Lithuania or Latvia.

Q3)        What’s Estonia’s capital city: Tallinn, Tartu or Narva?
A3)        Tallinn.

Q4)        The Hirondo rustica is Estonia’s national bird.   It’s also known as the what swallow: barn swallow, shed swallow or stable swallow?
A4)        The Barn swallow.   It’s also the national bird of Austria.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Estonia is a what: theocracy, republic or monarchy?
A5)        A republic.
Here’s a thought … 
“Nature abhors a vacuum, say the physicists. They could complete their axiom by adding that it has no less a horror of regularity.”
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 25 February 1841 – 3 December 1919.
And a song … from the immortal Gert Fröbe …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, Olgaª: I know how hard NHS staff work.   My sister, Anna, Jude’s aunty, has just started her new job: at my GP’s.   She’s officially not allowed to access relatives medical records.
        So, hang on, Hannibal got re-written?   Somehow I’m not surprised.   Did you ever hear of a Star Trek episode called City on the Edge of Forever?   The one with Joan Collins?   The original script was written by Harlan Ellison … then heavily re-written by Roddenbury, Fontana, et al, as the producers felt it got the regular characters wrong: and badly misunderstood the background.   Ellison ended up getting an award for his original script: but fans still name the episode as filmed, as the best Star Trek episode ever made.
        If I’ve understood things correctly, Olga?   Russia’s always like the idea of being surrounded by … um … friendly neighbours.   Especially after World War Two, when Nazi Germany tried invading.   During the Soviet era?   It had the Warsaw Pact nations as a nice buffer zone.   More recently?   Many of its European nations have joined NATO: bar Belarus and Ukraine.   If I recall correctly?   A lot of the recent trouble started when the current pro-West Ukrainian president replaced his pro-Russian predecessor.   And Trump’s cheering Putin on … ?   I’m not surprised.
        Do you get the impression it’s going to get messy, Olga … ?

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Glad I’ve introduced it too you, Debbi!   There’s plenty more Quora posts to use it on, too!   (I still say some of the questions I’ve seen are bloody odd … or bloody silly!   But some of the answers are superb!   Check this one out!).  Oh, and check out the extra footnoteª I’ve done for Olga and Trevor.   Your thoughts would be appreciated.

^        The trouble, there, Trevorª?   Is that a lot of other European countries on Russia’s borders — bar Belarus, Ukraine and Finland — are NATO members.   If I’ve understood how it’s supposed to work, you invade one NATO member, the others are obliged to help.
        And I’m not sure that Putin’s mad: he’s always struck me as fairly rational.   I don’t think he’ll go further than Ukraine, because of that.
        (Actually, Trevor, do you remember, Nina?   Who’s occasionally commented here?   She’s Finnish.   I don’t think she’s anything to be worried about … but I can’t blame her for being concerned …)

ª        To be frank?   I’m vaguely thinking of Orwell’s 1984.   Where the various superstates would be constantly changing alliances … but only small bits of territory would actually see warfare.   Oceania (the West) is having a Cold War with Eurasia (Russia) … but only the Ukraine is seeing combat.   Meanwhile … ?   Eastasia (China) seems very quiet …


  1. Q1) Kent

    Q2) The Philippines

    Q3) A painter (a big favourite of mine, although perhaps more when I was younger).

    Q4) Estonia (Are you checking if we remember the set about Estonia from a few days ago?)

    Q5) Stalin
    Yes, I see what you mean. And yes, we all prefer to have friendly neighbours around (although looking at history, that is not very often the case. Let's say that most countries eventually settle into gritted teeth grinning rather than smiling relationship with their neighbours. (It makes me think of Fawlty Towers and Basil trying not to talk about the war to the Germans...). I was thinking yesterday, and then I read an article today, where it said that Putin had probably been planning this for a very long time, but the COVID situation and the fact that all the Western countries' economies have suffered and are not recovered, and also many of the European nations (or most of them) depend on their supply of gas, etc. (and I think the Russians are in pretty good relationships with some of the Arab countries, that will be laughing all the way to the bank) puts them in a weak position. One wonders what their relationship with Cuba is like at the moment...
    I think your comparison to 1984 is quite apt, and Putin definitely doesn't like the Ukrainian president. Other than the Russian people taking matters into their own hands (or the military and the police deciding to go against Putin, that considering where he comes from doesn't sound very likely), this is going to get messy indeed. (I can't help but remember when the Americans were after Bin Laden and they insisted that they had drones or could mount an operation and target a single person...)
    In any case, tomorrow I'm covering the celebrations of the children's carnival (well, one of them) for the radio, with a fancy dress contest, a circus, dancing and a variety of entertainments. It will go on most of the morning, but I should be able to check in later and complete the teaser, but just in case, I thought I'd let you know. If you don't see me, I've probably decided to dress up and join in the party.
    Oh, good luck with the appointment today. I hope there are no hitchs.

  2. 1 Kent
    2 Phillipines
    3 Painter
    4 Estonia
    5 Lenin

  3. Yeah, Orwell must be having a chuckle or a fit right now. Assuming one pays attention in the afterlife. Assuming there is one. :)

    Okay, then!

    1. Kent
    2. the Philippines
    3. painter
    4. Estonia
    5. Stalin


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