
Thursday, 24 February 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-2-2022: Estonia

24th February, 2022.

Hmmm … 

I’ve got to admit: I’m taken mildly by surprise.

Russia’s invaded the Donbas region of the Ukraine.

Which took me by surprise.

I couldn’t see Vladimir Putin ordering something so … extreme.

Apparently?   Whilst Mr Putin’s said it’s a ‘special military action,’ in the area, explosions have been heard in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.

Indeed, BBC reporter, Nick Robinson, is in Kyiv: and heard jets go over.

I note the British government has ordered sanctions: ones criticised by the official Opposite as being too little to late.

I’m wondering if the Government — in line with others — will authorise military action.

I hope not … 

It could — given Mr Putin’s warned the West that that would not be a good idea — would not be … sensible.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        24th February saw Estonia declare itself Independent.   In which year: 1918, 1919 or 1920?

Q2)        Estonia is one of three Baltic nations.   Name one of the other two.

Q3)        What’s Estonia’s capital city: Tallinn, Tartu or Narva?

Q4)        The Hirondo rustica is Estonia’s national bird.   It’s also known as the what swallow: barn swallow, shed swallow or stable swallow?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Estonia is a what: theocracy, republic or monarchy?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        23rd February is marked as the Emperor’s Birthday, in one East Asian Country: marking the birth of Emperor Naruhito.   Emperor Naruhito of where: China, Japan or Thailand?
A1)        Japan.

Q2)        23rd February, 1836, saw the start of the Siege of the Alamo: at the start of what became the Battle of the Alamo.   The Siege, the battle and the Alamo, were in which US state: New Mexico, Texas or Louisiana?
A2)        Texas.

Q3)        Which US state was re-admitted to the Union on 23rd February, 1870: Mississippi, South Carolina or Florida?
A3)        Mississippi.

Q4)        23rd February, 1886, saw Charles Martin Hall produce the first examples of what: aluminium, oxygen or iron?
A4)        Aluminium.   It’s also called Aluminum in American and Canadian English.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sixty-two people died in four simultaneous prison riots. On 23rd February, 2021. In which South American country: Brazil, Argentina or Ecuador?
A5)        Ecuador.   (The total was later increased: to seventy-nine.)
Here’s a thought … 
“Estonians don't do ‘in a cold panic’.   Phlegmatic, slow, non-reactive, yes. Panic, no.”
Toomas Hendrik Ilves.
And a national anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Delightful it was, Olga.   Saying that … ?   Having several trillion in the bank could cause problems.   The bank’s going to complain about the interest payments!   Anna’s cancelled, again … ?   Surprise, Surprise!
I’m going to have to sit down with some Mamet.   Saying that … ?   I have seen The Untouchables, and Hannibal.   One thing that struck me with Hannibal, is the scene in the funfair.   Ridley Scott seems to like having white horses in his films, occasionally: there’s some on the roundabout, some in Gladiator, and at least one white unicorn in both Bladerunner and Legend.

        Hello, Mum!

        ‘Oh, dear,’ is putting it mildly, Debbi!   Oh, did I show you this, Debbi?   I don’t know if my answer will appeal, though!


  1. Q1) 1918

    Q2) Latvia

    Q3) Tallinn

    Q4) Barn swallow

    Q5) A republic
    Yes, I am sure they had to pay it all back, but it must have been nice... I don't think I told you that they made a mistake at the trust where I was working and they paid me an extra month after I had left the job. Surprisingly enough, I had to give it back, although, to tell you the truth, considering the number of unpaid hours I had worked, I probably deserved much more than that, but...
    I would recommend you check some of the Mamet films he directed and wrote (well, also his version of the Winslow boy, although it is based on a Rattigan's play). The story of Hannibal is a bit weird. It seems he wrote a version of the script, but they used, mostly, a different one, but Mamet being Mamet they still gave him the credit. (It doesn't seem that there is much, if anything, of his writing). He is not very heavy on directions and instructions. I remember interviewers asking him about the kitchen sex scene in The Postman Always Rings Twice (the Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange version), and he explained that he had only written "They kiss" and the rest had nothing to do with him. That was his first script for hire.
    Lord knows what's going on in Ukraine. I guess these two regions were already claiming to be separate... It's a mess. And it seems that Trump is cheering Putin on (no surprises there) and saying the USA should do the same with Mexico. Perhaps they should send Trump to talk to Putin. At least they'd keep each other entertained for a while... (either that or we would have a full-blown war).
    I can't see an easy way out of this. I keep wondering what would happen if they stopped behaving as if we were on two separate sides (if there is a war there will be no winners) and they tried something utterly different. Not sure what. (Dismantle NATO? Invite Russia in?...)

  2. 1 1918
    2 Latvia
    3 Tallinn
    4 Barn swallow
    5 Republic

  3. Well Putin has done a FULL invasion of the Ukraine This is no weapons of mass destruction that could not be found. This is a mad man with his fingure on the nuclear button. We will soon be back to the 1950's get under the school desk when the sirens wail giving us our 4 minute warning.

    I cannot see him stopping with the Ukraine. I can see him trying to reabsorb many eastern european countries back into "Greater Russia".

  4. The trouble, there, Trevor?

    Is that a lot of other European countries on Russia’s border are NATO members.

    If I’ve understood how it’s supposed to work, you invade one NATO member, the others are obliged to help.

  5. I have to say, I'm with you 100% on all the banging on about SEO and so on when it comes to blogging. There is no right way to do it.

    Yes, indeed. Bloody get on with it, folks! :) LOL!

    Bloody good word that. Bloody! :)

    1. 1918
    2. Latvia
    3. Tallinn
    4. barn swallow
    5. republic

    On the good news front, I'm reading a great book about the creation of Doctor Who. Fantastic stuff!

    Got it from the library. Isn't that awesome?

  6. Hey, in case my answers didn't go through, here they are again.

    1. 1918
    2. Latvia
    3. Tellinn
    4. barn swallow
    5. republic


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