
Wednesday 23 February 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd February, 2022.

23rd February, 2022.

Right … I think I can say I trued watching a movie last night.

The Jessica Hausner directed Little Joe.

The colour palette’s lovely, I should stress.

The basic idea — Frankenstein’s Monster is a genetically modified plant — is good.

But it really didn’t keep my attention.

The acting was good: but possibly a little too restrained.

The pacing … ?

Just a little too slow.

Granted, what I saw of it had at least one jump-scare … 

But … ?

Little Joe only kept my attention for about fifty minutes … I turned off halfway through.

For all Little Joe is well made and (possibly) acted?

It’s not stunning.


Oh … I mentioned — at some point last week — I was expecting a new neighbour to move into the flat, next door.

The lights being left on was something of a clue.

Well … I’ve met them: and helped them find their electricity and gas meters.

Hopefully, they’ll do well: they seem nice.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        23rd February is marked as the Emperor’s Birthday, in one East Asian Country: marking the birth of Emperor Naruhito.   Emperor Naruhito of where: China, Japan or Thailand?

Q2)        23rd February, 1836, saw the start of the Siege of the Alamo: at the start of what became the Battle of the Alamo.   The Siege, the battle and the Alamo, were in which US state: New Mexico, Texas or Louisiana?

Q3)        Which US state was re-admitted to the Union on 23rd February, 1870: Mississippi, South Carolina or Florida?

Q4)        23rd February, 1886, saw Charles Martin Hall produce the first examples of what: aluminium, oxygen or iron?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sixty-two people died in four simultaneous prison riots.   In which South American country: Brazil, Argentina or Ecuador?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        22nd February saw the birth of George Washington.   22nd February of which year: 1730, 1732 or 1734?
A1)        1732.
Q2)        George was the first modern president of the USA.   In which year of the 1780s was he elected president?
A2)        1789.
Q3)        Who was Washington’s immediate successor as President: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson or James Madison?
A3)        John Adams.
Q4)        He’s known as the what of the nation: Father, Mother or son?
A4)        Father.
Q5)        Finally … ?   Washington was head of the Continental what, during the American Revolution: the Continental Army, Navy or Airforce?
A5)        Continental Army.   (I caught AutoCorrect in time: I almost said he was head of the Congenital Army …)
Here’s a thought … 
“Personally, I don’t want to retire.   I feel like I’m about 8 years old on most days.”
Peter Fonda, February 23, 1940 – August 16, 2019.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Good for them, Olga.   Hopefully, any compensation will be useful.   Rather than too big!   Did you hear about this little mess … ?   Northern Power put the wrong numbers in the ‘Amount Payable’ box.
        And, yep: you’re right about the soap!

        Hello, Mum!

        People seem to argue about the strangest things, offline, Debbi: they just have a bigger audience, online.   Oh, talking of which?   Trump’s bigly new social media platform’s opened up.   I’m going nowhere NEAR the thing!
        Auditioning for EastEnders, are we?   Actually … there’s a (now retired) character called Dot Branning.   June Brown, the actress who played her, crops up in The Time Warrior, as Lady Elenor.


  1. Oh, before I forget … ?

    4th March is another ten question set.

    About Vermont … 

  2. Q1) Japan

    Q2) Texas

    Q3) Mississippi

    Q4) Aluminium

    Q5) Ecuador (in 2021)
    The Northern Power mess sounds delightful! They should be allowed to keep the money. After all, it wasn’t their mistake! Anna has cancelled her lesson for today (no surprises there)!
    Oh, I don't mind Vermont. David Mamet (the author I wrote my PhD on) lived there for a while and used to write about it. Not that I have learned much, though...

  3. 1 Japan
    2 Texas
    3 Georgia
    4 Aluminium
    5 Argentina

  4. Oh, dear ... :) Ohh-kay. :)

    1. Japan
    2. Texas
    3. Mississippi
    4. aluminium
    5. Ecuador


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