
Monday 28 February 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th February, 2022.

28th February, 2022.

You’re following the news, aren’t you … ?

You’ll know about the situation in the Ukraine: the country’s been invaded by Russia.

I’ve got the Today programme on in the background: and, as you possibly could guess?

It’s non-stop Ukraine coverage.

They’ve even had a former Duma member called Sergei Markov: whose been asked directly about Mr Putin’s claims he’s invading to get rid of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, and reminded President Zelenskyy’s Jewish.

According to Dr Markov?   Zelenskyy’s a Neo Nazi Puppet.

To paraphrase Mandy Rice-Davies?   He would say that …

At any rate?

A couple of pieces of news caught my attention, yesterday.


Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, has said she would support British nationals volunteering to fight in Ukraine.   Apparently, Ukraine’s setting up an International Legion if foreign volunteers wish to join.

Personally?   I hope that, if people from the UK do so?   I hope that no-one from the British Armed forces does.

My very limited understanding of these things tells me that could cause problems.

Regular, official, British Army troops in the Ukraine?   However unofficially?

Well … 

That could give Russia’s leadership an excuse for all sorts of things.


Which brings me to the next bit of news I noticed.

The worrying bit.

Yesterday saw Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, put their nuclear deterrence forces on alert.

Because of aggressive statements from the West.

Nuclear weapons.

I think we can start to worry … if Mr Putin’s happy to drop nuclear weapons into the conversation.

Let’s hope he doesn’t drop nuclear weapons onto a city …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        28th February, 1957, saw the birth of Cindy Wilson.   Cindy was a founder member of which US band: REM, the B-52s or Wilson Phillips?

Q2)        Gangster, Bugsy Siegel, was born on 28th February, 1906.   Was he a member of the Mafia: yes or no?

Q3)        Singer, Syreeta Wright, was born on 28th February, 1946.   Her biggest UK hit, With You, I’m Born Again, was a duet with whom: Billy Preston, Steve Wonder or Ray Charles?

Q4)        Goodbye, Farewell and Amen aired on 28th February, 1983.   It was the last episode of which series: All in the Family, Seinfeld or M*A*S*H?

Q5)        Paul Krugman was born on 28th February, 1953.   2008 saw him winning a Nobel Prize for what: Physics, Biochemistry or Economics?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        FC Bayern München was founded: on 27th February, 1900.   The team plays what: football, softball or rounders?
A1)        Football.

Q2)        27th February, 1801, saw what handed to the US Congress: Washington DC, the Constitution or the Crown Jewels?
A2)        Washington DC..

Q3)        Parliament allowed a bill in the House of Commons to get a second reading: on 27th February, 1953.   A bill that would do what: lower the voting age, simplify spelling or forbid 16 year olds joining the army?
A3)        Simplify spelling.   The second reading is second stage of turning a bill into law: and, if I’ve understood things correctly, the main debating stage in Parliament.

Q4)        27th February, 1963, saw Antoine Argoud charged with attempting to assassinate Charles DeGaulle.   Argoud and his group were opposed to whose independence from France: Algeria’s, Morocco’s or Tunisia’s?
A4)        Algeria.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Author, John Steinbeck, was born on 27th February.   27th February of which year: 1902, 1904 or 1906?
A5)        1902.
Here’s a thought … 
“Las Vegas turns women into men and men into idiots.”
Bugsy Siegel, February 28, 1906 – June 20, 1947.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yes: I’ve managed to revise that question, Olga!   Wouldn’t you know it, though?   Wikipedia’s taken its reference down!   As for different spellings?   I don’t think English has as many issues as Japanese: they have got two different syllabaries, logograms … and the occasional bit of Latin script they’ve nicked from American English!
        Oh … well … at least he’s got somewhere sunny to go to!   Abramovich is trying to hand Chelsea over to a charitable trust.   So he can at least look like he’s keeping a polite distance, and presumably keep his losses to a minimum.   The Trustees are having none of it, by the sounds of things.
        Wow!   That hotel looks impressive!   I’d hate to be on the balcony, though: I get nervous at heights!

        Hello, Mum!

        He’s got a bad habit of turning up, Debbi!


  1. Q1) The B-52s

    Q2) Well... He was Jewish and he had links to the mafia and worked for them at times. I’m not sure that makes him a member of the mafia as he wasn’t Italian, though. (I am not 100% sure would be my answer. I am not sure there is a membership as such... Well, whatever)

    Q3) Billy Preston

    Q4) M*A*S*H

    Q5) Economics
    Things are quite complicated, for sure. Jordi, my student, had booked to go to Saint Petersburg in April... Well, he will probably end up going to London in the end. We ended up chatting about that more than the class, but I guess that is part and parcel of it as well.
    I didn't expect to see any particular wonders in my lifetime, but the end of the world wasn't part of my wish least either. Let's hope somehow common sense prevails, but it is in such short supply!

  2. 1 B52's
    2 Yes
    3 Billy Preston
    4 M A S H
    5 Economics Sciences

  3. He does, doesn't he? :)

    1. the B-52s
    2. no, but he influenced them
    3. Billy Preston
    4. M*A*S*H
    5. Economics


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