
Tuesday 1 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st March, 2022.

1st March, 2022.

Right … I’m on a weight loss programme or two.

And … ?   I’m having mixed results: my weight’s slowing going down, seemingly … but my weight does seem to be yo-yoing.

So … ?   I’ve booked an appointment with my GP: to discuss weight loss injections that have been recently approved.

We’ll have to see what happens.


I’m job-hunting: but you knew that.

I’m job-hunting: ands on a Job Centre mandated course — called Restart — that’s supposed to help me find work.

At my last face to face meeting?   My case worker put me up for a position with Direct Line.

I had to fill the online form in, at their office.

Direct Line emailed me: to ask me to complete an assessment.

On their website.

When I clicked the link, this happened;

I got a message that my default browser, Safari, was unsupported.

And I got a list of recommended browsers: Firefox, Edge, Google Chrome … and Safari.

I got told things.

Mostly that I should install and use Chrome: as it had a video player.   Safari’s supported most video formats since its introduction in 2003.

I point blank refused to: and said that to both Direct Line and my case worker.

It’s something of a point of principle for me.

If you’re not going to make your website work in my default browser, I’m not going to use your website.   I don’t see why I should have to waste time and hard drive space, installing more software than I usually need*.

Especially if it’s just one site causing problems.

I eventually used Firefox: which I’ve had for a while, and use for several things I know Safari can’t do.   Its got uses, beyond accessing sites I can’t open in Safari.

Despite being told to use Chrome because it had a video player†?

The actual assessment was a text based one that used radio buttons to pick options.

Something that Safari handles well enough.

I failed the assessment.   I’m grateful I did so.   And will only re-take it, if Direct Line updates their site.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga‡, Mum^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, Olga on four and a half and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        1st March, 2022, is Shrove Tuesday.   It’s the day before Ash Wednesday, and the day before the start of what: Christmas, Lent or Easter?

Q2)        1st March is the Feast of Saint David: the patron Saint of Wales.   Name either one of Wales’ two official languages.

Q3)        1st March is Beer Day.   Where: Greenland, Iceland or Nova Scotia?

Q4)        Actress, Lupita Nyong’o, was born on 1st March, 1983.   Who does she play in the Star Wars franchise: Maz Kanata, Raksha or Chewbacca?

Q5)        Finally … ?   1st March, 1692, saw Sarah Good, Sarah Osbourne and Tituba put on trial foe witchcraft.   In a Massachusetts village called what: Salem, Salome or Salami?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th February, 1957, saw the birth of Cindy Wilson.   Cindy was a founder member of which US band: REM, the B-52s or Wilson Phillips?
A1)        The B-52s.

Q2)        Gangster, Bugsy Siegel, was born on 28th February, 1906.   Was he a member of the Mafia: yes or no?
A2)        No.   He was friendly with many members of the National Crime Syndicate, the syndicate run by the Mafia, and the Jewish Mob.   He, himself, was in the Jewish Mob.   (The Mafia, much like the WI and the Freemasons, are very picky about who joins: they’ll only take Italians or people of Italian descent.)

Q3)        Singer, Syreeta Wright, was born on 28th February, 1946.   Her biggest UK hit, With You, I’m Born Again, was a duet with whom: Billy Preston, Steve Wonder or Ray Charles?
A3)        Billy Preston.

Q4)        Goodbye, Farewell and Amen aired on 28th February, 1983.   It was the last episode of which series: All in the Family, Seinfeld or M*A*S*H?
A4)        M*A*S*H.

Q5)        Paul Krugman was born on 28th February, 1953.   2008 saw him winning a Nobel Prize for what: Physics, Biochemistry or Economics?
A5)        Economics.
Here’s a thought … 
“All of the good movies are based on how that story was told.”
Javier Bardem, born 1 March 1969.
(He’s perfect as Stilgar, in Dune.)

Here a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        This sort of thing was a more frequent occurrence, six or seven years ago: the last time I was on a work programme.   I installed Chrome back then: because the problem was more frequent, and because I had comparatively more drive space for it.    This time around?   I have less space, higher expectations …  and Direct Line’s site was the first I haven’t been able to got to with Safari, in years.

        The last email I got from Direct Line’s Technical Support people?  Told me the site wouldn’t open in Safari, because Apple removed Flash support from it.   Apple did that two years ago.   Microsoft removed Flash player, and Flash, from Windows, last year.   Adobe, the company that made Flash?   Stopped making or supporting Flash in 2020: after telling the entire industry they would do so, in 2017.   Direct Line had five years to update their systems.

        Strictly, the answer was ‘No,’ Olgaº: but I gave you half a point: is that OK?   The Mafia’s very strict about who joins.
        You’re right: I don’t think anyone’s expecting to see the end of the world.   There’s supposed to be talks going on: but knowing what Northern Ireland was like …
        Wish Jordi luck if he heads for London!   Bits of it can be pricey … but Ronnie Scott’s is still going, if he’s feeling jazzy!

^        Hello, Mumº!

ª        Oh, that he does, Debbiº!

º        Would anyone like to subscribe to my nephew’s YouTube channel?   He’s trying to race his mate, Archie, to one hundred subscribers!


  1. Q1) Lent

    Q2) Welsh

    Q3) Iceland

    Q4) Maz Kanata

    Q5) Salem
    Yes, "no" was my first thought, but I couldn't find any article talking about it and saying anything definite one way or another.
    I did get an e-mail from the same people who make the software I use instead of Word for a browser called Vivaldi. I kept meaning to ask you what you thought or if you'd heard anything about it. It doesn't sound too bad, but haven't tried it yet.

  2. 1 Lent
    2 English
    3 Iceland
    4 Maz Kanata
    5 Salem

  3. Tell Jude to follow his uncle's example. Just keep at it. He'll get to 100 eventually. :)

    1. Lent
    2. Welsh
    3. Iceland
    4. Maz Kanata
    5. Salem


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