
Thursday 10 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th March, 2022

10th March, 2022.

Yes: it’s Thursday, again.

Which means, of course, I’m at my Thursday weight loss Zoom meeting.

I think it — and the Friday one, which is due to restart, tomorrow — are possibly helping: I’m down a few ounces.

Saying that … ?   I’ve re-booked an appointment with my GP: for towards the End of the month.

To talk over a potential referral to use various weight loss injections.

We’ll have to see what happens.


The Ukraine* is … concerning … isn’t it … ?

There’s talk, today, that Russia may be ablaut to use chemical or biological weapons in the conflict.

There’s talk — from Poland — of donating jets to Ukraine: via US military bases in Germany.

There’s concerns about Russian forces occupying nuclear power stations in the Ukraine.

There’s discussion of what happen, were NATO forces attacked by Russia.

There’s worrying news that some soldiers from the UK army have got Absent Without Leave: presumably, to join the Ukrainian International Legion.

That could be bad.

British troop on the ground, however voluntarily, however unofficially?

Could risk Russia declaring war on NATO.

I’d rather they didn’t.   Things are bad enough, as it is.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1)        An exploratory force left Santo Domingo: on 10th March, 1496.   A force led by whom: Amerigo Vespucci, Christopher Columbus or Sir Francis Drake?

Q2)        10th March, 1876, saw Alexander Graham Bell successfully test his first what: telephone, television or teleportation device?

Q3)        The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was ratified by the US Senate: on 10th March, 1848.   It ended a US war with which country: Mexico, Canada or Russia?

Q4)        10th March, 1977, saw the discovery of rings around which planet: Neptune, Mars or Uranus?

Q5)        Finally … ?   10th March, 1990, saw Prosper Avril deposed: as President of where … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        9th March is the feast day of Saint Frances of Rome.   She’s the patron saint of whom: car drivers, cheesemakers or salt grinders?
A1)        Car drivers.

Q2)        Alexandra Bastedo was born on 9th March, 1946.   She played Sharron MacCready in which show: The Prisoner, The Champions or The New Avengers?
A2)        The Champions.

Q3)        The Space Shuttle Discovery made its final landing: on 9th March, 2011.   It had made how many flights: thirty-nine, forty or forty-one?
A3)        Thirty-nine.

Q4)        The Burden Park Disaster took place, on 9th March, 1946: in the home ground of Bolton Wanderers.   Who were they playing: Stoke City, West Ham or Accrington Stanley?
A4)        Stoke City.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Verdi’s Nabucco debuted on 9th March, 1842. In which Italian city: Rome, Milan or Naples?
A5)        Milan.
Here’s a thought …
“My plays are fairly dense, language-wise, so the question is how do you negotiate and parcel out the dialogue?”
David Rabe, born March 10, 1940.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’ve got to confess, I grew up called the country, ‘the Ukraine.’   These days, the term is frowned upon.   Some habits, unfortunately, are hard to break.

        That left back looks very familiar, Olga!   And one of these day’s, I’ll learn how to say that in Catalan!   🤣   At any rate, Playmobil are keeping up to date, aren’t they?
        ‘A loss,’ is putting it mildly: he’s written something special, there, I think.   (It seems he died of Colorectal cancer.   I’m just grateful I had the polyps removed: that should keep me safe from it.)

        Hello, Mum!

^        Craig Charles (Dave Lister), Debbi, or Danny Jules Holland (Cat)?   As I recall, Holland trained up as a dancer: which would’ve come in handy for the role.
        Oh, that’s a thought, Debbi: Olga tweeted a shot of her team, before the big game, a few days ago.   Is it me, or does the left back look familiar … ?


  1. Q1) Christopher Columbus

    Q2) Telephone

    Q3) Mexico

    Q4) Uranus

    Q5) Haiti
    Yes, you're right. She looks familiar to me too! (The front right girl is the editor of the news programme, Carla). As you can see, I'm "the most experienced" of the lot, although, unfortunately, not at playing football!
    You're right about Ukraine. It's a mess. What I read is that there are biological (weapons or not, unclear) labs in Ukraine, and they were worried the Russians would find them and take them over (and somehow the USA was involved in that). Although I also read that they had destroyed the information. It is all quite confusing, and to looking good in general.
    Good luck with today's meeting.

  2. 1 Columbus
    2 Telephone
    3 Mexico
    4 Uranus
    5 Haiti

  3. I'm actually a huge fan or all the players on that show. But Cat (Danny) was so cool. And he could surely dance! But you've made me appreciate Craig Charles all the more! :)

    1. Christopher Columbus
    2. telephone
    3. Mexico
    4. Uranus
    5. Haiti


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