
Friday 25 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-3-2022: Patrick Troughton

25th March, 2022.

Right … 

Restart it is, then … 

I’m unemployed, so you know: and claiming various benefits.

And trying to claim others.

I’m also on what’s called the Restart Program: a Job Centre mandated programme designed to help me find work.

My next meeting, by phone … ?

Is at 9:45 GMT: today.

Heigh ho: let’s go.

To quote the Ramones.


At any rate … ?

I had Jude over, last night.

Yep: there’s MORE videos.   Try finding Among Us memes when a fussy eleven year old asks you to!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* Olga† and Debbi‡ and putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving a message. 
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        Actor, Patrick Troughton, was born: on 25th March, 1920.   Which incarnation of the Doctor did he play, in Dr Who: the second, third or fourth?

Q2)        Which Doctor recommended him for the role: the first, second or third

Q3)        He played a scheming priest in a 1970s ITV series called The Feathered Serpent.   The series was about whom: the Aztecs, Toltecs or Mayans?

Q4)        Troughton played Father Brennan in which film: Snuff, King Kong or The Omen?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Troughton played Cole Hawlings in what was then the most expensive children’s series ever made.   That series was The Box of what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th March, 1993, saw the discovery of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9.   It crashed into which planet in 1994: Mars, Jupiter or Saturn?
A1)        Jupiter.

Q2)        24th March, 1720, saw Frederick of Hesse-Kassel named as King of where: Sweden, Norway or Finland?
A2)        Sweden.

Q3)        Punch closed down on 24th March, 1992.   What WAS Punch: a TV news show, a satirical magazine or a boxing website?
A3)        A satirical magazine.

Q4)        24th March, 1930, saw the birth of actor, Steve McQueen.   He used an alias — Harvey Mushman — when doing what: motorcycle racing, cheese making or BMX?
A4)        Off road motorcycle racing.

Q5)        Finally … ?   24th March, 1947, saw the birth of Alan Sugar.   He’s the main host of which British TV show?
A5)        The Apprentice.
Here’s a thought … 
“I have been asked what impact the part of the Doctor had on my career and I can honestly say none.   For luckily I got out in time before I was too typecast.”
Patrick Troughton, 25 March 1920 – 28 March 1987.
And his last interview: done the day before his death …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I think I can appreciate that, Olga: money’s tight.   And it sounds like Jordi and his family have a lot on their plate.   But renting a car sounds like a sensible idea.   The UK’s easier to drive around than the USª.
        I got everything done … but I forgot toilet rolls and tin foil when I went shopping.   Isn’t it always the way?
        It’s funny you should mention pétanque, Olga!   There’s a pétanque club in Brentwood.   As far as I know, it used to meet in a local pub called the Tower Arms: hence the club’s name.   The club’s still going: but the pub stopped trading, many years ago.   It’s been closed for re-development.   I’m not surprised about that: its location — out in the sticks — didn’t help.
        You’re right, Debbi: some stars do it to themselves, don’t they?   (Did I mention I was at a convention, not long after Troughton died?   About a week or so after Sylvester McCoy debuted as the Seventh Doctor.   The atmosphere was mournful, let’s put it that way.   And the memorabilia stands had run out of anything with Patrick Troughton on them.)

^        I’ve tried darts, myself, Trevor.   I’m hopeless: it’s not exactly easy finding a left hander to show you how to throw a dart.   (Austria’s supposed to be a wonderful place to visit!   But I couldn’t go anywhere near a sacher torte!)

ª        There’s an old joke I heard many years ago.   A Texan rancher’s in Scotland, delivering a lecture: and boasted, at dinner, “It takes me three days to drive my car across my land!”   The Scottish farmer sitting next to him says, “My car’s even worse!”


  1. Q1) The second (My Dad was born on the 25th of March also)

    Q2) The first

    Q3) The Aztecs

    Q4) The Omen (that is a memorable movie and a memorable score).

    Q5) Delights
    Good luck with everything today! I'll keep you posted after my pétanque visit tomorrow. It's a female tournament and it seems that the club are trying to get a female team going (they have three male teams and have won quite a few competitions. Why the teams cannot be mixed is something I have to ask, because it doesn't seem evident to me. Perhaps men can throw a bit further away, but it is not about distance but about accuracy, so...)

  2. I can just imagine. Wow!

    1. second
    2. the first
    3. the Aztecs
    4. The Omen
    5. Delights

  3. 1 2nd
    2 1st
    3 Mayans
    4 Snuff
    5 Tricks


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