
Tuesday 29 March 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th March, 2022.

29th March, 2022.

Right … it’s Tuesday … and the day after my most recent blood tests.

I should get the results, and information about a possible change in medication, next week.

Hopefully, things won’t need drastic changes!


I had an old friend get in touch with me, last night.

It was quite good hearing from her.

The shocking bit of the conversation, for me?

Was finding out her ex — who I’d known — had been arrested on some serious charges.

Very serious charges.

I was shocked: but not necessarily surprised.

While I got on with the man — he was pleasant enough to me, when we worked at KFC —, early on, there were warning signs: a borderline iffy age gap, some bad tempered moments.

So finding out what happened?   Like I say, I was shocked, but not surprised.

And, by the sounds of what I’ve been told … ?

His arrest has come at a good time.

Before the pairs daughter was harmed … 

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1)        29th March is Boganda Day.   Where: Cameroon, Chad or the Central African Republic?

Q2)        Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia joined NATO on 29th March.   Of which year: 2002, 2004 or 2006?

Q3)        Eric Idle was born on 29th March, 1943.   His Galaxy Song features in which Monty Python film?

Q4)        Vangelis was born on 29th March, 1943.   The film composer was a member of Greek band, Aphrodite’s Child.  Along side which singer: Raffaella Carrà, Patrick Hernandez or Demis Roussos?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sepoy Mangal Pandey started what’s now called the Sepoy Mutiny on 29th March, 1857.   Against the rule of India by whom: the British Raj, the British East India Company or Queen Victoria?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th March, 1960, saw the birth of actor and voice-over artist, Chris Barrie.   He provided voices for which satirical, British show?
A1)        Spitting Image.

Q2)        A coolant leak took place on 28th March, 1979: in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.   At a nuclear reactor, where: Nine Mile Lake, Six Mile Street or Three Mile Island?
A2)        Three Mile Island.

Q3)        Prime Minister James Callaghan lost a Vote of No Confidence in the House of Commons: on 28th March, 1979.   He lost by how many votes: one, two or three?
A3)        One.

Q4)        The City Of Liverpool crashed in Belgium, on 28th March, 1933.   It’s an early suspected case of mid-air what: sabotage, hijacking or bird strikes?
A4)        Sabotage.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Ian MacGregor was named as the Chairman of the National Coal Board: on 28th March of which year of the 1980s?
A5)        1983.   (If memory serves? His heavy-handed style was something the National Union of Mineworkers found provocative.)
Here’s a thought … 
“Typical Hollywood crowd - all the kids are on drugs, and all the adults are on roller skates.”
Eric Idle, born 29th March, 1943.
And a song …

Although I prefer …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I have to admit, Olga: I caught Campion’s Top of The Lake — the first series — many years ago: and was quite impressed.   I think Gwendoline Christie’s in the second series: the woman was seriously underused in the Star Wars films she was in!
        I might just have to check out Meet the Ricardos, as well.   I don’t know how Bardem does in the film, but he was spot on in Dune!   Oh, did you know Desilu, Arnas and Ball’s production company, were the original producers of Star Trek?   (I would LOVE to watch more films … but … … )

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Cheers, Debbi: I’ll keep my eyes peeled!   (I should have my next Star Trek Discovery post up by Saturday.   Oh, and Legend of the Sea Devils airs on 17th April … !)


  1. Q1) The Central African Republic

    Q2) 2004

    Q3) The Meaning of Life

    Q4) Demis Roussos (I had to check, because this suddenly brought memories of watching him performing on the telly when I was young. Not surprised he died a few years back, although I don’t remember having heard about it).

    Q5) The British East India Company
    I have the DVD of The Piano (a totally incredible movie), although I haven't watched the series you mention. There are people who always seem to make interesting stuff, even when it might not be in the genre you enjoy or it might not be totally successful. But, sometimes their failures are more interesting than others' successes.
    I love Chariots of Fire (the movie and the music. I watched it at Penistone's cinema when they showed it for the 2012 Olympics, and it was better than I remembered it), but I agree on Blade Runner's score. It adds even more atmosphere to the movie (and it has plenty).
    The news about the guy you worked with... Well, it sounds bad, but it seems they dodged a bullet there, thankfully. You might have some misgivings about somebody, but it's true that we very rarely know who anybody is.

  2. 1 Central African Republic
    2 2004
    3 The Meaning of Life
    4 Demis Roussos
    5 British East India Comp.

  3. Something to look forward to.

    1. the Central African Republic
    2. 2004
    3. Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
    4. Demis Roussos
    5. the British East India Company


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